Source code for probnum.diffeq.perturbed.step._perturbation_functions

"""Perturbation functions to perturb the stepsize."""
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy

from probnum.typing import FloatLike, IntLike, ShapeLike

[docs]def perturb_uniform( rng: np.random.Generator, step: FloatLike, solver_order: IntLike, noise_scale: FloatLike, size: Optional[ShapeLike] = (), ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Perturb the step with uniformly distributed noise. Proposed by Abdulle and Garegnani (2020) [1]_. Parameters ---------- rng Random number generator step Unperturbed step propesed by the steprule solver_order Order of the solver noise_scale Scales the perturbation size Number of perturbation samples to be drawn. Optional. Default is ``size=()``. References ---------- .. [1] Abdulle, A. and Garegnani, G. Random time step probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification in chaotic and geometric numerical integration. Statistics and Computing. 2020. """ if step >= 1.0: raise ValueError("Stepsize too large (>= 1)") uniform_rv_samples = scipy.stats.uniform.rvs(random_state=rng, size=size) shift = noise_scale * step ** (solver_order + 0.5) left_boundary = step - shift right_boundary = step + shift samples = left_boundary + (right_boundary - left_boundary) * uniform_rv_samples return samples
[docs]def perturb_lognormal( rng: np.random.Generator, step: FloatLike, solver_order: IntLike, noise_scale: FloatLike, size: Optional[ShapeLike] = (), ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Perturb the step with log-normally distributed noise. Proposed by Abdulle and Garegnani (2020) [1]_. Parameters ---------- rng Random number generator step Unperturbed step propesed by the steprule solver_order Order of the solver noise_scale Scales the perturbation size Number of perturbation samples to be drawn. Optional. Default is ``size=()``. References ---------- .. [1] Abdulle, A. and Garegnani, G. Random time step probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification in chaotic and geometric numerical integration. Statistics and Computing. 2020. """ shift = 0.5 * np.log(1 + noise_scale * (step ** (2 * solver_order))) mean = np.log(step) - shift cov = 2 * shift samples = np.exp( scipy.stats.multivariate_normal.rvs( mean=mean, cov=cov, size=size, random_state=rng ) ) return samples