Source code for probnum.filtsmooth.gaussian._kalmanposterior

"""Posterior over states after applying (Extended/Unscented) Kalman filtering/smoothing.

Contains the discrete time and function outputs. Provides dense output by being
callable. Can function values can also be accessed by indexing.

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from probnum import randprocs, randvars, utils
from probnum.filtsmooth import _timeseriesposterior
from probnum.filtsmooth.gaussian import approx
from probnum.typing import ArrayLike, FloatLike, IntLike, ShapeLike

GaussMarkovPriorTransitionArgType = Union[
"""Any linear(ized) transition can define an (approximate) Gauss-Markov prior."""

class KalmanPosterior(_timeseriesposterior.TimeSeriesPosterior, abc.ABC):
    """Posterior distribution after approximate Gaussian filtering and smoothing.

    locations :
        Locations / Times of the discrete-time estimates.
    states :
        Estimated states (in the state-space model view) of the discrete-time estimates.
    transition :
        Dynamics model used as a prior for the filter.

    def __init__(
        transition: GaussMarkovPriorTransitionArgType,
        locations: Optional[Iterable[FloatLike]] = None,
        states: Optional[Iterable[randvars.RandomVariable]] = None,
    ) -> None:

        super().__init__(locations=locations, states=states)
        self.transition = transition

        self.diffusion_model = diffusion_model
        self.diffusion_model_has_been_provided = diffusion_model is not None

[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def interpolate( self, t: FloatLike, previous_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, next_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, ) -> randvars.RandomVariable: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample( self, rng: np.random.Generator, t: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, size: Optional[ShapeLike] = (), ) -> np.ndarray: size = utils.as_shape(size) single_rv_shape = self.states[0].shape single_rv_ndim = self.states[0].ndim # Early exit if no dense output is required if t is None: base_measure_realizations = stats.norm.rvs( size=(size + self.locations.shape + single_rv_shape), random_state=rng, ) return self.transform_base_measure_realizations( base_measure_realizations=base_measure_realizations, t=self.locations ) # Compute the union (as sets) of t and self.locations # This allows that samples "always pass" the grid points. all_locations = np.union1d(t, self.locations) slice_these_out = np.where(np.isin(all_locations, t))[0] base_measure_realizations = stats.norm.rvs( size=(size + all_locations.shape + single_rv_shape), random_state=rng, ) samples = self.transform_base_measure_realizations( base_measure_realizations=base_measure_realizations, t=all_locations ) new_samples = np.take( samples, indices=slice_these_out, axis=-(single_rv_ndim + 1) ) return new_samples
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def transform_base_measure_realizations( self, base_measure_realizations: np.ndarray, t: ArrayLike, ) -> np.ndarray: """Transform samples from a base measure to samples from the KalmanPosterior. Here, the base measure is a multivariate standard Normal distribution. Parameters ---------- base_measure_realizations : **Shape (*size, N, d).** Samples from a multivariate standard Normal distribution. `N` is either the `len(self.locations)` (if `t == None`), or `len(t) + 1` (if `t != None`). The reason for the `+1` in the latter is that samples at arbitrary locations need to be conditioned on a sample at the final time point. t : **Shape (N,).** Time points. Must include `self.locations`.Shape Returns ------- np.ndarray **Shape (*size, N, d)** Transformed base measure realizations. If the inputs are samples from a multivariate standard Normal distribution, the results are `size` samples from the Kalman posterior at prescribed locations. """ raise NotImplementedError
class SmoothingPosterior(KalmanPosterior): """Smoothing posterior. Parameters ---------- locations : `array_like` Locations / Times of the discrete-time estimates. states : :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable` Estimated states (in the state-space model view) of the discrete-time estimates. transition : :obj:`Transition` Dynamics model used as a prior for the filter. filtering_posterior : Filtering posterior. """ def __init__( self, filtering_posterior: _timeseriesposterior.TimeSeriesPosterior, transition: GaussMarkovPriorTransitionArgType, locations: Iterable[FloatLike], states: Iterable[randvars.RandomVariable], diffusion_model=None, ): self.filtering_posterior = filtering_posterior super().__init__( transition=transition, locations=locations, states=states, diffusion_model=diffusion_model, )
[docs] def interpolate( self, t: FloatLike, previous_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, next_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, ) -> randvars.RandomVariable: # Assert either previous_location or next_location is not None # Otherwise, there is no reference point that can be used for interpolation. if previous_index is None and next_index is None: raise ValueError previous_location = ( self.locations[previous_index] if previous_index is not None else None ) next_location = self.locations[next_index] if next_index is not None else None previous_state = ( self.states[previous_index] if previous_index is not None else None ) next_state = self.states[next_index] if next_index is not None else None # Corner case 1: point is on grid. In this case, don't compute anything. if t == previous_location: return previous_state if t == next_location: return next_state # This block avoids calling self.diffusion_model, because we do not want # to search the full index set -- we already know the index! # This is the reason that `Diffusion` objects implement a __getitem__. # The usual diffusion-index is the next index # ('Diffusion's include the right-hand side gridpoint!), # but if we are right of the domain, the previous_index matters. diffusion_index = next_index if next_index is not None else previous_index if diffusion_index >= len(self.locations) - 1: diffusion_index = -1 if self.diffusion_model_has_been_provided: squared_diffusion = self.diffusion_model[diffusion_index] else: squared_diffusion = 1.0 # Corner case 2: are extrapolating to the left if previous_location is None: raise NotImplementedError("Extrapolation to the left is not implemented.") # The code below would more or less work, # but since forward and backward transitions # cannot handle negative time increments reliably, # we do not support it. # ############################################################ # # dt = t - next_location # assert dt < 0.0 # extrapolated_rv_left, _ = self.transition.forward_rv( # next_state, t=next_location, dt=dt, _diffusion=squared_diffusion # ) # return extrapolated_rv_left # ############################################################ # Corner case 3: we are extrapolating to the right if next_location is None: dt = t - previous_location assert dt > 0.0 extrapolated_rv_right, _ = self.transition.forward_rv( previous_state, t=previous_location, dt=dt, _diffusion=squared_diffusion ) return extrapolated_rv_right # Final case: we are interpolating. Both locations are not None. # In this case, filter from the the left to the middle point; # And compute a smoothing update from the middle to the RHS point. if np.abs(previous_index - next_index) > 1.1: raise ValueError dt_left = t - previous_location dt_right = next_location - t assert dt_left > 0.0 assert dt_right > 0.0 filtered_rv, _ = self.transition.forward_rv( rv=previous_state, t=previous_location, dt=dt_left, _diffusion=squared_diffusion, ) smoothed_rv, _ = self.transition.backward_rv( rv_obtained=next_state, rv=filtered_rv, t=t, dt=dt_right, _diffusion=squared_diffusion, ) return smoothed_rv
[docs] def transform_base_measure_realizations( self, base_measure_realizations: np.ndarray, t, ) -> np.ndarray: # Early exit: recursively compute multiple samples # if the desired sample size is not equal to '()', which is the case if # the shape of base_measure_realization is not (len(locations), shape(RV)) # t_shape = self.locations.shape if t is None else (len(t) + 1,) size_zero_shape = () + t.shape + self.states[0].shape if base_measure_realizations.shape != size_zero_shape: return np.array( [ self.transform_base_measure_realizations( base_measure_realizations=base_real, t=t, ) for base_real in base_measure_realizations ] ) # Now we are in the setting of jointly sampling # a single realization from the posterior. # On time points inside the domain, # this is essentially a sequence of smoothing steps. t = np.asarray(t) if t is not None else None if not np.all(np.isin(self.locations, t)): raise ValueError( "Base measure realizations cannot be transformed " "if the locations don't include self.locations." ) if not np.all(np.diff(t) >= 0.0): raise ValueError("Time-points have to be sorted.") # Find locations of the diffusions, which amounts to finding the locations # of the grid points in t (think: `all_locations`), # which is done via np.searchsorted: diffusion_indices = np.searchsorted(self.locations[:-2], t[1:]) if self.diffusion_model_has_been_provided: squared_diffusion_list = self.diffusion_model[diffusion_indices] else: squared_diffusion_list = np.ones_like(t) # Split into interpolation and extrapolation samples. # For extrapolation, samples are propagated forwards. # Due to this distinction, we need to treat both cases differently. # Note: t=tmax is in two arrays! # This is on purpose, because sample realisations need to be # "communicated" between interpolation and extrapolation. t0, tmax = np.amin(self.locations), np.amax(self.locations) t_extra_left = t[t < t0] t_extra_right = t[tmax <= t] t_inter = t[(t0 <= t) & (t <= tmax)] if len(t_extra_left) > 0: raise NotImplementedError( "Sampling on the left of the time-domain is not implemented." ) # Split base measure realisations (which have, say, length N + M - 1): # the first N realizations belong to the interpolation samples, # and the final M realizations belong to the extrapolation samples. # Note again: the sample corresponding to tmax belongs to both groups. base_measure_reals_inter = base_measure_realizations[: len(t_inter)] base_measure_reals_extra_right = base_measure_realizations[ -len(t_extra_right) : ] squared_diffusion_list_inter = squared_diffusion_list[: len(t_inter)] squared_diffusion_list_extra_right = squared_diffusion_list[ -len(t_extra_right) : ] states = self.filtering_posterior(t) states_inter = states[: len(t_inter)] states_extra_right = states[-len(t_extra_right) :] samples_inter = np.array( self.transition.jointly_transform_base_measure_realization_list_backward( base_measure_realizations=base_measure_reals_inter, t=t_inter, rv_list=states_inter, _diffusion_list=squared_diffusion_list_inter, ) ) samples_extra = np.array( self.transition.jointly_transform_base_measure_realization_list_forward( base_measure_realizations=base_measure_reals_extra_right, t=t_extra_right, initrv=states_extra_right[0], _diffusion_list=squared_diffusion_list_extra_right, ) ) samples = np.concatenate((samples_inter[:-1], samples_extra), axis=0) return samples
@property def _states_left_of_location(self): return self.filtering_posterior._states_left_of_location class FilteringPosterior(KalmanPosterior): """Filtering posterior."""
[docs] def interpolate( self, t: FloatLike, previous_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, next_index: Optional[IntLike] = None, ) -> randvars.RandomVariable: # Assert either previous_location or next_location is not None # Otherwise, there is no reference point that can be used for interpolation. if previous_index is None and next_index is None: raise ValueError previous_location = ( self.locations[previous_index] if previous_index is not None else None ) next_location = self.locations[next_index] if next_index is not None else None previous_state = ( self.states[previous_index] if previous_index is not None else None ) next_state = self.states[next_index] if next_index is not None else None # Corner case 1: point is on grid if t == previous_location: return previous_state if t == next_location: return next_state # Corner case 2: are extrapolating to the left if previous_location is None: raise NotImplementedError("Extrapolation to the left is not implemented.") # The code below would work, but since forward and backward transitions # cannot handle negative time increments reliably, we do not support it. # ############################################################ # # dt = t - next_location # assert dt < 0.0 # extrapolated_rv_left, _ = self.transition.forward_rv( # next_state, t=next_location, dt=dt # ) # return extrapolated_rv_left # ############################################################ # Final case: we are extrapolating to the right. # This is also how the filter-posterior interpolates # (by extrapolating from the leftmost point) # previous_index is not None if self.diffusion_model_has_been_provided: diffusion_index = previous_index if diffusion_index >= len(self.locations) - 1: diffusion_index = -1 diffusion = self.diffusion_model[diffusion_index] else: diffusion = 1.0 dt_left = t - previous_location assert dt_left > 0.0 filtered_rv, _ = self.transition.forward_rv( rv=previous_state, t=previous_location, dt=dt_left, _diffusion=diffusion ) return filtered_rv
[docs] def sample( self, rng: np.random.Generator, t: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, size: Optional[ShapeLike] = (), ) -> np.ndarray: # If this error would not be thrown here, # trying to sample from a FilteringPosterior # would call FilteringPosterior.transform_base_measure_realizations # which is not implemented. # Since an error thrown by that function instead of one thrown # by FilteringPosterior.sample # would likely by hard to parse by a user, we explicitly raise a # NotImplementedError here. raise NotImplementedError( "Sampling from the FilteringPosterior is not implemented." )
[docs] def transform_base_measure_realizations( self, base_measure_realizations: np.ndarray, t: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError( "Transforming base measure realizations is not implemented." )