Source code for probnum.functions._algebra_fallbacks

r"""Fallback implementation for algebraic operations on :class:`Function`\ s."""

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import operator

import numpy as np

from probnum import utils
from probnum.typing import ScalarLike, ScalarType

from ._function import Function

[docs]class SumFunction(Function): r"""Pointwise sum of :class:`Function`\ s. Given functions :math:`f_1, \dotsc, f_n \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m`, this defines a new function .. math:: \sum_{i = 1}^n f_i \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m, x \mapsto \sum_{i = 1}^n f_i(x). Parameters ---------- *summands The functions :math:`f_1, \dotsc, f_n`. """ def __init__(self, *summands: Function) -> None: if not all(isinstance(summand, Function) for summand in summands): raise TypeError( "The functions to be added must be objects of type `Function`." ) if not all( summand.input_shape == summands[0].input_shape for summand in summands ): raise ValueError( "The functions to be added must all have the same input shape." ) if not all( summand.output_shape == summands[0].output_shape for summand in summands ): raise ValueError( "The functions to be added must all have the same output shape." ) self._summands = summands super().__init__( input_shape=summands[0].input_shape, output_shape=summands[0].output_shape, ) @property def summands(self) -> tuple[SumFunction, ...]: r"""The functions :math:`f_1, \dotsc, f_n` to be added.""" return self._summands def _evaluate(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return functools.reduce( operator.add, (summand(x) for summand in self._summands) ) @functools.singledispatchmethod def __add__(self, other): return super().__add__(other) @functools.singledispatchmethod def __sub__(self, other): return super().__sub__(other)
[docs]class ScaledFunction(Function): r"""Function multiplied pointwise with a scalar. Given a function :math:`f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m` and a scalar :math:`\alpha \in \mathbb{R}`, this defines a new function .. math:: \alpha f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m, x \mapsto (\alpha f)(x) = \alpha f(x). Parameters ---------- function The function :math:`f`. scalar The scalar :math:`\alpha`. """ def __init__(self, function: Function, scalar: ScalarLike): if not isinstance(function, Function): raise TypeError( "The function to be scaled must be an object of type `Function`." ) self._function = function self._scalar = utils.as_numpy_scalar(scalar) super().__init__( input_shape=self._function.input_shape, output_shape=self._function.output_shape, ) @property def function(self) -> Function: r"""The function :math:`f`.""" return self._function @property def scalar(self) -> ScalarType: r"""The scalar :math:`\alpha`.""" return self._scalar def _evaluate(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return self._scalar * self._function(x) @functools.singledispatchmethod def __mul__(self, other): if np.ndim(other) == 0: return ScaledFunction( function=self._function, scalar=self._scalar * np.asarray(other), ) return super().__mul__(other) @functools.singledispatchmethod def __rmul__(self, other): if np.ndim(other) == 0: return ScaledFunction( function=self._function, scalar=np.asarray(other) * self._scalar, ) return super().__rmul__(other)