Source code for probnum.problems.zoo.quad._emukit_problems

"""Toy integrands from Emukit."""

# The integrands are re-implementations from scratch based on the Emukit docs.
# There is no guarantee that they are identical to the Emukit implementations.

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from probnum.problems import QuadratureProblem
from probnum.quad.integration_measures import LebesgueMeasure
from probnum.typing import FloatLike

[docs]def hennig1d() -> QuadratureProblem: r"""The univariate hennig function integrated wrt the Lebesgue measure. [1]_ The integrand is .. math:: f(x) = e^{-x^2 -\sin^2(3x)} on the domain :math:`\Omega=[-3, 3]`. Returns ------- quad_problem: The quadrature problem. References ---------- .. [1] Emukit docs on `hennig1d <>`__. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long def fun(x): return np.exp(-x[:, 0] ** 2 - np.sin(3.0 * x[:, 0]) ** 2) measure = LebesgueMeasure(input_dim=1, domain=(-3, 3)) return QuadratureProblem(fun=fun, measure=measure, solution=1.1433287777179366)
[docs]def hennig2d(c: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> QuadratureProblem: r"""The two-dimensional hennig function integrated wrt the Lebesgue measure. [1]_ The integrand is .. math:: f(x) = e^{-x^{\intercal}c x -\sin(3\|x\|^2)} on the domain :math:`\Omega=[-3, 3]^2`. Above, :math:`c` is the ``c`` parameter. Parameters ---------- c A positive definite matrix of shape (2, 2). Defaults to [[1, .5], [.5, 1]]. Returns ------- quad_problem: The quadrature problem. References ---------- .. [1] Emukit docs on `hennig2d <>`__ . """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long solution = None if c is None: c = np.array([[1, 0.5], [0.5, 1]]) solution = 3.525721820076955 if c.shape != (2, 2): raise ValueError(f"'c' must be a (2, 2) array. Found shape is {c.shape}.") eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(c) if np.any(eigvals <= 0): raise ValueError("'c' must be positive definite.") def fun(x): return np.exp(-np.sum((x @ c) * x, axis=1) - np.sin(3 * np.sum(x**2, axis=1))) measure = LebesgueMeasure(input_dim=2, domain=(-3, 3)) return QuadratureProblem(fun=fun, measure=measure, solution=solution)
[docs]def sombrero2d(w: Optional[FloatLike] = None) -> QuadratureProblem: r"""The two-dimensional sombrero function integrated wrt the Lebesgue measure. [1]_ The integrand is .. math:: f(x) = \frac{\operatorname{sin}(\pi r w)}{\pi r w} on the domain :math:`\Omega=[-3, 3]^2`. Above, :math:`w` is the ``w`` parameter and :math:`r=\|x\|` is the norm of the input vector :math:`x`. Parameters ---------- w The positive frequency parameter. Defaults to 1.0. Returns ------- quad_problem: The quadrature problem. References ---------- .. [1] Emukit docs on `sombrero2d <>`__ . """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long solution = None if w is None: w = 1.0 solution = 0.85225026427372 if w <= 0: raise ValueError(f"The 'w' parameter must be positive ({w}).") w = float(w) def fun(x): r_scaled = (np.pi * w) * np.sqrt((x * x).sum(axis=1)) f = np.sin(r_scaled) / r_scaled f[np.isnan(f)] = 1.0 return f measure = LebesgueMeasure(input_dim=2, domain=(-3, 3)) return QuadratureProblem(fun=fun, measure=measure, solution=solution)
[docs]def circulargaussian2d( m: Optional[FloatLike] = None, v: Optional[FloatLike] = None ) -> QuadratureProblem: r"""The two-dimensional circular Gaussian integrated wrt the Lebesgue measure. [1]_ The integrand is .. math:: f(x) = (2\pi v)^{-\frac{1}{2}} r^2 e^{-\frac{(r - m)^2}{2 v}} on the domain :math:`\Omega=[-3, 3]^2`. Above, :math:`v` is the ``v`` parameter, :math:`m` is the ``m`` parameter and :math:`r = \|x\|` is the norm of the input vector :math:`x`. Parameters ---------- m The non-negative mean of the circular Gaussian in units of radius. Defaults to 0.0. v The positive variance of the circular Gaussian. Defaults to 1.0. Returns ------- quad_problem: The quadrature problem. References ---------- .. [1] Emukit docs on `circulargaussian2d <>`__ . """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long _v = 1.0 _m = 0.0 solution = None if m is None and v is None: v, m = _v, _m solution = 4.853275495632483 if m is None: m = _m if v is None: v = _v if m < 0: raise ValueError(f"'m' ({m}) must be non-negative.") if v <= 0: raise ValueError(f"'v' ({v}) must be positive.") m, v = float(m), float(v) def fun(x): r = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1) rel_square_diff = (r - m) ** 2 / (2.0 * v) return r**2 * np.exp(-rel_square_diff) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * v) measure = LebesgueMeasure(input_dim=2, domain=(-3, 3)) return QuadratureProblem(fun=fun, measure=measure, solution=solution)