Source code for probnum.quad.integration_measures._integration_measure

"""Base class of an integration measure for Bayesian quadrature."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from probnum.quad._utils import as_domain
from probnum.quad.typing import DomainLike
from probnum.typing import FloatLike, IntLike

class IntegrationMeasure(abc.ABC):
    """An abstract class for a measure against which a target function is integrated.

    Child classes implement specific integration measures and, if available, make use
    of random variables for sampling and evaluation of the density function.

        Domain of integration. Contains lower and upper bound as a scalar or
        Dimension of the integration domain.

    def __init__(
        domain: DomainLike,
        input_dim: Optional[IntLike],
    ) -> None:

        self.domain, self.input_dim = as_domain(domain, input_dim)

[docs] def __call__(self, points: Union[FloatLike, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the density function of the integration measure. Parameters ---------- points *shape=(n_points, input_dim)* -- Input locations. Returns ------- density_evals : *shape=(n_points,)* -- Density evaluated at given locations. """ # pylint: disable=no-member return self.random_variable.pdf(points).reshape(-1)
[docs] def sample( self, n_sample: IntLike, rng: np.random.Generator, ) -> np.ndarray: """Sample ``n_sample`` points from the integration measure. Parameters ---------- n_sample Number of points to be sampled rng A Random number generator. Returns ------- points : *shape=(n_sample,input_dim)* -- Sampled points """ # pylint: disable=no-member return np.reshape( self.random_variable.sample(size=n_sample, rng=rng), newshape=(n_sample, self.input_dim), )