Source code for probnum.quad.solvers._bq_state

"""State of a Bayesian quadrature method."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from probnum.quad.integration_measures import IntegrationMeasure
from probnum.quad.kernel_embeddings import KernelEmbedding
from probnum.randprocs.kernels import Kernel
from probnum.randvars import Normal
from probnum.typing import FloatLike

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes

class BQState:
    """Container for the quantities defining the BQ problem and the BQ belief.

        The integration measure.
        The kernel used for BQ.
        Square of the kernel scaling parameter.
        Normal distribution over the value of the integral.
        Integral beliefs on computed on previous iterations.
        All locations at which function evaluations are available.
        Function evaluations at nodes.
        The kernel Gram matrix.
        The output of BQBeliefUpdate.compute_gram_cho_factor.
        All kernel mean evaluations at ``nodes``.

    See Also
    BQIterInfo : Container for quantities concerning the BQ loop iteration.

    def __init__(
        measure: IntegrationMeasure,
        kernel: Kernel,
        scale_sq: FloatLike = 1.0,
        integral_belief: Optional[Normal] = None,
        previous_integral_beliefs: Tuple[Normal] = (),
        nodes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        fun_evals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        gram: np.ndarray = np.array([[]]),
        gram_cho_factor: Tuple[np.ndarray, bool] = (np.array([[]]), False),
        kernel_means: np.ndarray = np.array([]),
        self.measure = measure
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.kernel_embedding = KernelEmbedding(kernel, measure)
        self.scale_sq = scale_sq
        self.integral_belief = integral_belief
        self.previous_integral_beliefs = previous_integral_beliefs
        self.input_dim = measure.input_dim

        if nodes is None:
            self.nodes = np.empty((0, self.input_dim))
            self.fun_evals = np.array([])
            self.nodes = nodes
            self.fun_evals = fun_evals

        self.gram = gram
        self.gram_cho_factor = gram_cho_factor
        self.kernel_means = kernel_means

[docs] @classmethod def from_new_data( cls, kernel: Kernel, scale_sq: FloatLike, nodes: np.ndarray, fun_evals: np.ndarray, integral_belief: Normal, prev_state: "BQState", gram: np.ndarray, gram_cho_factor: Tuple[np.ndarray, bool], kernel_means: np.ndarray, ) -> "BQState": r"""Initialize state from updated data. Parameters ---------- kernel The kernel used for BQ. scale_sq Square of the kernel scaling parameter. nodes All locations at which function evaluations are available. fun_evals Function evaluations at nodes. integral_belief Normal distribution over the value of the integral. prev_state Previous state of the BQ loop. gram The Gram matrix of the given nodes. gram_cho_factor The output of BQBeliefUpdate.compute_gram_cho_factor for ``gram``. kernel_means The kernel means at the given nodes. Returns ------- bq_state : An instance of this class. """ return cls( measure=prev_state.measure, kernel=kernel, scale_sq=scale_sq, integral_belief=integral_belief, previous_integral_beliefs=prev_state.previous_integral_beliefs + (prev_state.integral_belief,), nodes=nodes, fun_evals=fun_evals, gram=gram, gram_cho_factor=gram_cho_factor, kernel_means=kernel_means, )
@dataclass class BQIterInfo: """Container for quantities concerning the BQ loop iteration. Parameters ---------- iteration Iteration of the loop. nevals Number of evaluations collected. has_converged True if the BQ loop fulfils a stopping criterion, otherwise False. See Also -------- BQState : Container for the quantities defining the BQ problem and the BQ belief. """ iteration: int = 0 nevals: int = 0 has_converged: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def from_bq_state(cls, bq_state: BQState) -> "BQIterInfo": """Create BQIterInfo container from BQState object. Parameters ---------- bq_state The initial BQ state. Returns ------- BQIterInfo An instance of this class. """ return cls(iteration=0, nevals=bq_state.fun_evals.size, has_converged=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_iteration(cls, info: "BQIterInfo", dnevals: int) -> "BQIterInfo": """Create BQIterInfo container with updated quantities from iteration. Parameters ---------- info BQIterInfo from previous iteration. dnevals Number of points added. Returns ------- BQIterInfo An instance of this class. """ return cls( iteration=info.iteration + 1, nevals=info.nevals + dnevals, has_converged=info.has_converged, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_stopping_decision( cls, info: "BQIterInfo", has_converged: bool ) -> "BQIterInfo": """Create BQIterInfo container with updated quantities from stopping decision. Parameters ---------- info BQIterInfo from previous iteration. has_converged Whether the BQ method has converged Returns ------- BQIterInfo An instance of this class. """ return cls( iteration=info.iteration, nevals=info.nevals, has_converged=has_converged )