Source code for probnum.diffeq.ode.ivp

The folder is called "ode" but this
module is "ivp" because in the future,
there might be more ode-based problems,
such as bvp.
# pylint: disable=unused-variable

import numpy as np

from probnum.diffeq.ode.ode import ODE

__all__ = ["logistic", "fitzhughnagumo", "lotkavolterra", "IVP"]

[docs]def logistic(timespan, initrv, params=(3.0, 1.0)): """ Initial value problem (IVP) based on the logistic ODE. The logistic ODE is defined through .. math:: f(t, y) = a y \\left(1 - \\frac{y}{b}\\right) for some parameters :math:`(a, b)`. Default is :math:`(a, b)=(3.0, 1.0)`. This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f` as well as a closed form solution given by .. math:: f(t) = \\frac{b y_0 \\exp(a t)}{b + y_0 [\\exp(at) - 1]} where :math:`y_0= y(t_0)` is the initial value. Parameters ---------- timespan : (float, float) Time span of IVP. initrv : RandomVariable, RandomVariable that describes the belief over the initial value. Usually its distribution is Dirac (noise-free) or Normal (noisy). To replicate "classical" initial values use the Dirac distribution. params : (float, float), optional Parameters :math:`(a, b)` for the logistic IVP. Default is :math:`(a, b) = (3.0, 1.0)`. Returns ------- IVP IVP object describing the logistic IVP with the prescribed configuration. """ def rhs(t, y): return log_rhs(t, y, params) def jac(t, y): return log_jac(t, y, params) def hess(t, y): return log_hess(t, y, params) def sol(t): return log_sol(t, params, initrv.mean) return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac, hess, sol)
def log_rhs(t, y, params): """RHS for logistic model.""" l0, l1 = params return l0 * y * (1.0 - y / l1) def log_jac(t, y, params): """Jacobian for logistic model.""" l0, l1 = params return np.array([l0 - l0 / l1 * 2 * y]) def log_hess(t, y, params): """Hessian for logistic model.""" l0, l1 = params return np.array([[-2 * l0 / l1]]) def log_sol(t, params, y0): """Solution for logistic model.""" l0, l1 = params nomin = l1 * y0 * np.exp(l0 * t) denom = l1 + y0 * (np.exp(l0 * t) - 1) return nomin / denom
[docs]def fitzhughnagumo(timespan, initrv, params=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)): """ Initial value problem (IVP) based on the FitzHugh-Nagumo model. The FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model is defined through .. math:: f(t, y) = \\begin{pmatrix} y_1 - \\frac{1}{3}y_1^3 - y_2 + a \\\\ \\frac{1}{d} (y_1 + b - c y_2) \\end{pmatrix} for some parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)`. Default is :math:`(a, b)=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)`. This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`. Parameters ---------- timespan : (float, float) Time span of IVP. initrv : RandomVariable, RandomVariable that describes the belief over the initial value. Usually its distribution is Dirac (noise-free) or Normal (noisy). To replicate "classical" initial values use the Dirac distribution. params : (float, float, float, float), optional Parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)` for the logistic IVP. Default is :math:`(a, b, c, d)=(0.0, 0.08, 0.07, 1.25)`. Returns ------- IVP IVP object describing the logistic IVP with the prescribed configuration. """ def rhs(t, y): return fhn_rhs(t, y, params) def jac(t, y): return fhn_jac(t, y, params) return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac)
def fhn_rhs(t, y, params): """RHS for FitzHugh-Nagumo model.""" y1, y2 = y a, b, c, d = params return np.array([y1 - y1 ** 3 / 3 - y2 + a, (y1 + b - c * y2) / d]) def fhn_jac(t, y, params): """Jacobian for FitzHugh-Nagumo model.""" y1, y2 = y a, b, c, d = params return np.array([[1 - y1 ** 2, -1], [1.0 / d, -c / d]])
[docs]def lotkavolterra(timespan, initrv, params=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)): """ Initial value problem (IVP) based on the Lotka-Volterra model. The Lotka-Volterra (LV) model is defined through .. math:: f(t, y) = \\begin{pmatrix} a y_1 - by_1y_2 \\\\ -c y_2 + d y_1 y_2 \\end{pmatrix} for some parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)`. Default is :math:`(a, b)=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)`. This implementation includes the Jacobian :math:`J_f` of :math:`f`. Parameters ---------- timespan : (float, float) Time span of IVP. initrv : RandomVariable, RandomVariable that describes the belief over the initial value. Usually its distribution is Dirac (noise-free) or Normal (noisy). To replicate "classical" initial values use the Dirac distribution. params : (float, float, float, float), optional Parameters :math:`(a, b, c, d)` for the logistic IVP. Default is :math:`(a, b, c, d)=(0.5, 0.05, 0.5, 0.05)`. Returns ------- IVP IVP object describing the logistic IVP with the prescribed configuration. """ def rhs(t, y): return lv_rhs(t, y, params) def jac(t, y): return lv_jac(t, y, params) return IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs, jac)
def lv_rhs(t, y, params): """RHS for Lotka-Volterra""" a, b, c, d = params y1, y2 = y return np.array([a * y1 - b * y1 * y2, -c * y2 + d * y1 * y2]) def lv_jac(t, y, params): """Jacobian for Lotka-Volterra""" a, b, c, d = params y1, y2 = y return np.array([[a - b * y2, -b * y1], [d * y2, -c + d * y1]])
[docs]class IVP(ODE): """ Initial value problems (IVP). This class descibes initial value problems based on systems of first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs), .. math:: \\dot y(t) = f(t, y(t)), \\quad y(t_0) = y_0, \\quad t \\in [t_0, T] It provides options for defining custom right-hand side (RHS) functions, their Jacobians and closed form solutions. Since we use them for probabilistic ODE solvers these functions fit into the probabilistic framework as well. That is, the initial value is a RandomVariable object with some distribution that reflects the prior belief over the initial value. To recover "classical" initial values one can use the Dirac distribution. Parameters ---------- timespan : (float, float) Time span of IVP. initrv : RandomVariable, RandomVariable that describes the belief over the initial value. Usually its distribution is Dirac (noise-free) or Normal (noisy). To replicate "classical" initial values use the Dirac distribution. Implementation depends on the mean of this RandomVariable, so please only use RandomVariable objects with available means, e.g. Diracs or Normals. rhs : callable, signature: ``(t, y, **kwargs)`` RHS function :math:`f : [0, T] \\times \\mathbb{R}^d \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^d` of the ODE system. As such it takes a float and an np.ndarray of shape (d,) and returns a np.ndarray of shape (d,). As of now, no vectorization is supported (nor needed). jac : callable, signature: ``(t, y, **kwargs)``, optional Jacobian of RHS function :math:`J_f : [0, T] \\times \\mathbb{R}^d \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^d` of the ODE system. As such it takes a float and an np.ndarray of shape (d,) and returns a np.ndarray of shape (d,). As of now, no vectorization is supported (nor needed). sol : callable, signature: ``(t, **kwargs)``, optional Solution of IVP. See Also -------- ODE : Abstract interface for ordinary differential equations. Examples -------- >>> from probnum.diffeq import IVP >>> rhsfun = lambda t, y, **kwargs: 2.0*y >>> from probnum import random_variables as rvs >>> initrv = rvs.Dirac(0.1) >>> timespan = (0, 10) >>> ivp = IVP(timespan, initrv, rhsfun) >>> print(ivp.rhs(0., 2.)) 4.0 >>> print(ivp.timespan) [0, 10] >>> print(ivp.t0) 0 >>> initrv = rvs.Normal(0.1, 1.0) >>> ivp = IVP(timespan, initrv, rhsfun) >>> jac = lambda t, y, **kwargs: 2.0 >>> ivp = IVP(timespan, initrv, rhs=rhsfun, jac=jac) >>> print(ivp.rhs(0., 2.)) 4.0 >>> print(ivp.jacobian(100., -1)) 2.0 """ def __init__(self, timespan, initrv, rhs, jac=None, hess=None, sol=None): self.initrv = initrv super().__init__(timespan=timespan, rhs=rhs, jac=jac, hess=hess, sol=sol) @property def initialdistribution(self): """ Distribution of the initial random variable. """ return self.initrv @property def initialrandomvariable(self): """ Initial random variable. """ return self.initrv @property def ndim(self): """ Spatial dimension of the IVP problem. Depends on the mean of the initial random variable. """ if np.isscalar(self.initrv.mean): return 1 else: return len(self.initrv.mean)