Source code for probnum.diffeq.ode.ode

Ordinary differential equations.

Subclassed by the types of ODEs: IVPs, BVPs and whatever you
can imagine.

See Also
IVP : Initial value problems (

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class ODE(ABC):
    Ordinary differential equations.

    Extended by the types of ODEs, e.g. IVPs, BVPs.
    This class describes systems of irst order ordinary differential
    equations (ODEs),

    .. math:: \\dot y(t) = f(t, y(t)), \\quad t \\in [t_0, T].

    It provides options for defining custom right-hand side (RHS)
    functions, their Jacobians and closed form solutions.

    timespan : (float, float)
        Time span of IVP.
    rhs : callable, signature: ``(t, y, **kwargs)``
        RHS function
        :math:`f : [t_0, T] \times \\mathbb{R}^d \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^d`
        of the ODE system. As such it takes a float and an
        np.ndarray of shape (d,) and returns a np.ndarray
        of shape (d,). As of now, no vectorization is supported
        (nor needed).
    jac : callable, signature: ``(t, y, **kwargs)``, optional
        Jacobian of RHS function
        :math:`J_f : [0, T] \\times \\mathbb{R}^d \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^d`
        of the ODE system. As such it takes a float and an
        np.ndarray of shape (d,) and returns a np.ndarray
        of shape (d,). As of now, no vectorization is supported
        (nor needed).
    sol : callable, signature: ``(t, **kwargs)``, optional
        Solution of the ODE system. Only well-defined in subclasses like
        IVP or BVP.

    See Also
    IVP : Extends ODE for initial value problems.

    def __init__(self, timespan, rhs, jac=None, hess=None, sol=None):
        Initialises basic ODE attributes.

        Essentially, all but the initial/boundary distribution
        which then determine the type of problem.

        We take timespan as a tuple to mimic the
        scipy.solve_ivp interface.
        self._t0, self._tmax = timespan
        self._rhs = rhs
        self._jac = jac
        self._hess = hess
        self._sol = sol

[docs] def __call__(self, t, y, **kwargs): """ Piggybacks on self.rhs(t, y). """ return self.rhs(t, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def rhs(self, t, y, **kwargs): """ Evaluates model function f. """ return self._rhs(t, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def jacobian(self, t, y, **kwargs): """ Jacobian of model function f. """ if self._jac is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._jac(t, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def hessian(self, t, y, **kwargs): """ Hessian of model function f. For :math:`d=3`, the Hessian :math:`H_f(t, y) \\in \\mathbb{R}^{3 \\times 3 \\times 3}` is expected be evaluated as .. math:: H_f(t, y) = \\left[H_{f_1}(t, y), H_{f_2}(t, y), H_{f_3}(t, y) \\right]^\\top since for any directions :math:`v_1, v_2` the outcome of :math:`H_f(t_0, y_0) \\cdot v_1 \\cdot v_2` is expected to contain the incline of :math:`f_i` in direction :math:`(v_1, v_2)`. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long if self._hess is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._hess(t, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def solution(self, t, **kwargs): """ Solution of the IVP. """ if self._sol is None: raise NotImplementedError else: return self._sol(t, **kwargs)
@property def t0(self): return self._t0 @property def tmax(self): return self._tmax @property def timespan(self): """ Returns :math:`(t_0, T)` as ``[self.t0, self.tmax]``. Mainly here to provide an interface to scipy.integrate. Both :math:`t_0` and :math:`T` can be accessed via ``self.t0`` and ``self.tmax`` respectively. """ return [self._t0, self._tmax] @property @abstractmethod def ndim(self): """ Abstract, in order to force subclassing. """ raise NotImplementedError