Source code for probnum.diffeq.odesolution

ODESolution object, returned by `probsolve_ivp`

Contains the discrete time and function outputs.
Provides dense output by being callable.
Can function values can also be accessed by indexing.
from probnum.random_variables import Normal
from probnum._randomvariablelist import _RandomVariableList
from probnum.filtsmooth.filtsmoothposterior import FiltSmoothPosterior
from probnum.filtsmooth import KalmanPosterior

[docs]class ODESolution(FiltSmoothPosterior): """ Gaussian IVP filtering solution of an ODE problem Parameters ---------- times : `array_like` Times of the discrete-time solution. rvs : :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable` Estimated states (in the state-space model view) of the discrete-time solution. solver : :obj:`GaussianIVPFilter` Solver used to compute the discrete-time solution. See Also -------- GaussianIVPFilter : ODE solver that behaves like a Gaussian filter. KalmanPosterior : Posterior over states after Gaussian filtering/smoothing. Examples -------- >>> from probnum.diffeq import logistic, probsolve_ivp >>> from probnum import random_variables as rvs >>> initrv = rvs.Dirac(0.15) >>> ivp = logistic(timespan=[0., 1.5], initrv=initrv, params=(4, 1)) >>> solution = probsolve_ivp(ivp, method="ekf0", step=0.1) >>> # Mean of the discrete-time solution >>> print(solution.y.mean()) [[0.15 ] [0.2076198 ] [0.27932997] [0.3649165 ] [0.46054129] [0.55945475] [0.65374523] [0.73686744] [0.8053776 ] [0.85895587] [0.89928283] [0.92882899] [0.95007559] [0.96515825] [0.97577054] [0.9831919 ]] >>> # Times of the discrete-time solution >>> print(solution.t) [0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5] >>> # Individual entries of the discrete-time solution can be accessed with >>> print(solution[5]) <(1,) Normal with dtype=float64> >>> print(solution[5].mean) [0.55945475] >>> # Evaluate the continuous-time solution at a new time point t=0.65 >>> print(solution(0.65).mean) [0.69702861] """ def __init__(self, times, rvs, solver): # try-except is a hotfix for now: # future PR is to move KalmanPosterior-info out of here, into GaussianIVPFilter try: self._kalman_posterior = KalmanPosterior(times, rvs, solver.gfilt) self._t = None self._y = None except AttributeError: self._kalman_posterior = None self._t = times self._y = _RandomVariableList(rvs) self._solver = solver def _proj_normal_rv(self, rv, coord): """Projection of a normal RV, e.g. to map 'states' to 'function values'.""" q = self._solver.prior.ordint new_mean = rv.mean[coord :: (q + 1)] new_cov = rv.cov[coord :: (q + 1), coord :: (q + 1)] return Normal(new_mean, new_cov) @property def t(self): """:obj:`np.ndarray`: Times of the discrete-time solution""" if self._t: # hotfix return self._t else: return self._kalman_posterior.locations @property def y(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Probabilistic discrete-time solution Probabilistic discrete-time solution at times :math:`t_1, ..., t_N`, as a list of random variables. To return means and covariances use ``y.mean`` and ``y.cov``. """ if self._y: # hotfix return self._y else: function_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) for rv in self._state_rvs] return _RandomVariableList(function_rvs) @property def dy(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Derivatives of the discrete-time solution """ dy_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 1) for rv in self._state_rvs] return _RandomVariableList(dy_rvs) @property def _state_rvs(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Time-discrete posterior estimates over states, without preconditioning. Note that this does not correspond to ``self._kalman_posterior.state_rvs``: Here we undo the preconditioning to make the "states" interpretable. """ state_rvs = _RandomVariableList( [self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) for rv in self._kalman_posterior] ) return state_rvs
[docs] def __call__(self, t, smoothed=True): """ Evaluate the time-continuous solution at time t. `KalmanPosterior.__call__` does the main algorithmic work to return the posterior for a given location. All that is left to do here is to (1) undo the preconditioning, and (2) to slice the state_rv in order to return only the rv for the function value. Parameters ---------- t : float Location / time at which to evaluate the continuous ODE solution. smoothed : bool, optional If ``True`` (default) perform smooth interpolation. If ``False`` perform a prediction from the previous location, without smoothing. Returns ------- :obj:`RandomVariable` Probabilistic estimate of the continuous-time solution at time ``t``. """ out_rv = self._kalman_posterior(t, smoothed=smoothed) out_rv = self._solver.undo_preconditioning(out_rv) out_rv = self._proj_normal_rv(out_rv, 0) return out_rv
def __len__(self): """Number of points in the discrete-time solution.""" return len(self._kalman_posterior) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Access the discrete-time solution through indexing and slicing.""" if isinstance(idx, int): rv = self._kalman_posterior[idx] rv = self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) rv = self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) return rv elif isinstance(idx, slice): rvs = self._kalman_posterior[idx] rvs = [self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) for rv in rvs] f_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) for rv in rvs] return _RandomVariableList(f_rvs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid index")