Source code for probnum.quad.polynomial.clenshawcurtis

Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rule.

This module implements the Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rule and associated functions.

Formula for nodes and weights:
    [1] Sparse Grid Quadrature in High Dimensions with Applications in Finance and
        Insurance Holtz, M., Springer, 2010(, Chapter 3, p. 42ff)

This is a lot of old code. It is well tested, but the _compute_*(...)
functions are really hard to read (they are efficient, though).

import numpy as np

from probnum.quad.polynomial.polynomialquadrature import PolynomialQuadrature
from probnum import utils

[docs]class ClenshawCurtis(PolynomialQuadrature): """ Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rule. Method of numerical integration based on an expansion of the integrand in terms of a discrete cosine transform. The nodes of the Clenshaw-Curtis rule are the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials. The :math:`i^\\text{th}` root is .. math:: x_i = \\frac{1}{2} \\left(1 - \\cos\\left( \\frac{i \\pi}{n+1} \\right) \\right) for :math:`i=1, ..., n`. The :math:`i^\\text{th}` weight is given by .. math:: w_i = \\frac{2}{n+1} \\sin\\left(\\frac{i \\pi}{n+1}\\right)\\sum_{j=1}^{(n+1)/2} \\frac{1}{2j-1}\\sin\\left(\\frac{(2j-1)i \\pi}{n+1}\\right). These formulas can be found in [1]_. For an :math:`r`-times differentiable integrand, the Clenshaw-Curtis approximation error is proportional to :math:`\\mathcal{O}(n^{-r})`. It integrates polynomials of degree :math:`\\leq n+1` exactly. Parameters ---------- npts_per_dim : int Number of evaluation points per dimension. The resulting mesh will have `npts_per_dim**ndim` elements. ndim : int Number of dimensions. bounds : ndarray, shape=(n, 2) Integration bounds. See Also -------- PolynomialQuadrature : Quadrature rule based on polynomial functions. References ---------- .. [1] Holtz, M., Sparse Grid Quadrature in High Dimensions with Applications in Finance and Insurance, Springer, 2010 Examples -------- >>> cc = ClenshawCurtis(npts_per_dim=3, ndim=2, bounds=np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0.1]])) >>> print(cc.nodes) [[0.14644661 0.01464466] [0.14644661 0.05 ] [0.14644661 0.08535534] [0.5 0.01464466] [0.5 0.05 ] [0.5 0.08535534] [0.85355339 0.01464466] [0.85355339 0.05 ] [0.85355339 0.08535534]] >>> print(cc.weights) [0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111 0.01111111] >>> print(cc.integrate(lambda x: x[0] + x[1])) 0.05500000000000001 >>> cc = ClenshawCurtis(npts_per_dim=7, ndim=1, bounds=np.array([[0, 1]])) >>> print(cc.weights) [0.08898234 0.12380952 0.19673195 0.18095238 0.19673195 0.12380952 0.08898234] >>> print(cc.nodes) [[0.03806023] [0.14644661] [0.30865828] [0.5 ] [0.69134172] [0.85355339] [0.96193977]] >>> print(cc.integrate(lambda x: np.sin(x))) [0.45969769] """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long def __init__(self, npts_per_dim, ndim, bounds): utils.assert_is_2d_ndarray(bounds) weights = _compute_weights(npts_per_dim, ndim, bounds) nodes = _compute_nodes(npts_per_dim, ndim, bounds) PolynomialQuadrature.__init__(self, nodes, weights, bounds)
def _compute_weights(npts, ndim, ilbds): """ Computes 1D Clenshaw-Curtis weights and aligns them in correspondence to the computed nodes. Since the resulting mesh is of size (n**d, d), the weight array is of size (n**d,). """ if npts ** ndim * ndim >= 1e9: raise MemoryError("Weights for tensor-mesh too large for memory.") # num_tiles = np.arange(ndim) num_reps = ndim - np.arange(ndim) - 1 weights = _compute_weights_1d(npts, ndim, ilbds[0]) prodweights = np.repeat(weights, npts ** (num_reps[0])) for i in range(1, ndim): weights = _compute_weights_1d(npts, ndim, ilbds[i]) column = np.repeat( np.tile(weights, int(npts ** i)), int(npts ** (ndim - 1 - i)) ) prodweights *= column return prodweights def _compute_weights_1d(npts, ndim, ilbds1d): """ Computes weights of Clenshaw-Curtis formula. The :math:`i^\textrm{th}` weight is given by .. math:: w_i = \\frac{2}{n+1} \\sin\\left(\\frac{i \\pi}{n+1}\\right)\\sum_{j=1}^{(n+1)/2} \\frac{1}{2j-1}\\sin\\left(\\frac{(2j-1)i \\pi}{n+1}\\right). """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long if npts % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("Please enter odd npts") nhalfpts = int((npts + 1.0) / 2.0) ind_j = 2.0 * np.arange(1, nhalfpts + 1) - 1.0 ind_i = np.arange(1, npts + 1) arr1 = 2.0 / (npts + 1.0) * np.sin(ind_i * np.pi / (npts + 1.0)) arr2 = 1.0 / ind_j arr3 = np.sin(np.outer(ind_j, ind_i) * np.pi / (npts + 1.0)) weights = arr1 * (arr2 @ arr3) return (ilbds1d[1] - ilbds1d[0]) * weights def _compute_nodes(npts, ndim, ilbds): """ Computes 1D Clenshaw-Curtis nodes and aligns them in order to create a tensor mesh: each point is aligned with each point to create a mesh of size (n^d, d). """ if npts ** ndim * ndim >= 1e9: raise ValueError("Tensor-mesh too large for memory.") nodes = _compute_nodes_1d(npts, ilbds[0]) productmesh = np.repeat(nodes, npts ** (ndim - 1)) for i in range(1, ndim): nodes = _compute_nodes_1d(npts, ilbds[i]) column = np.repeat(np.tile(nodes, int(npts ** i)), int(npts ** (ndim - 1 - i))) productmesh = np.vstack((productmesh.T, column)).T if ndim == 1: return productmesh.reshape((npts, 1)) else: return productmesh def _compute_nodes_1d(npts, ilbds1d): """ Computes Clenshaw-Curtis nodes in 1d. The :math:`i^\\text{th}` root is .. math:: x_i = \\frac{1}{2} \\left(1 - \\cos\\left( \\frac{i \\pi}{n+1} \\right) \\right) Parameters ---------- npts : int number of 1d quadrature points ilbds1d : np.ndarray of shape (2,) integration bounds of the form [lower, upper] Raises ------ ValueError if 'npts' is even (CC needs odd number of points for reasons) Returns ------- np.ndarray, shape (npts,) 1d CC nodes in ilbds1d """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long if npts % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("Please enter odd npts") ind = np.arange(1, npts + 1) nodes = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(np.pi * ind / (npts + 1))) return nodes * (ilbds1d[1] - ilbds1d[0]) + ilbds1d[0]