Source code for probnum.utils.arrayutils

"""Utility functions for arrays and the like."""

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import probnum

__all__ = [

[docs]def atleast_1d(*rvs): """ Convert arrays or random variables to arrays or random variables with at least one dimension. Scalar inputs are converted to 1-dimensional arrays, whilst higher-dimensional inputs are preserved. Sparse arrays are not transformed. Parameters ---------- rvs: array-like or RandomVariable One or more input random variables or arrays. Returns ------- res : array-like or list An array / random variable or list of arrays / random variables, each with ``a.ndim >= 1``. See Also -------- atleast_2d """ res = [] for rv in rvs: if isinstance(rv, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): result = rv elif isinstance(rv, np.ndarray): result = np.atleast_1d(rv) elif isinstance(rv, probnum.RandomVariable): raise NotImplementedError else: result = rv res.append(result) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs]def atleast_2d(*rvs): """ View inputs as arrays with at least two dimensions. Parameters ---------- arys1, arys2, ... : array-like or RandomVariable One or more random variables or array-like sequences. Non-array inputs are converted to arrays or random variables. Arrays or random variables that already have two or more dimensions are preserved. Returns ------- rvs: array-like or list An array, random variable or a list of arrays / random variables, each with ``a.ndim >= 2``. See Also -------- atleast_1d """ res = [] for rv in rvs: if isinstance(rv, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): result = rv elif isinstance(rv, np.ndarray): result = np.atleast_2d(rv) elif isinstance(rv, probnum.RandomVariable): raise NotImplementedError else: result = rv res.append(result) if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res
[docs]def as_colvec(vec): """ Transform the given vector or random variable to column format. Given a vector (or random variable) of dimension (n,) return an array with dimensions (n, 1) instead. Higher-dimensional arrays are not changed. Parameters ---------- vec : np.ndarray or RandomVariable Vector, array or random variable to be viewed as a column vector. Returns ------- vec2d : np.ndarray or RandomVariable """ if isinstance(vec, probnum.RandomVariable): if vec.shape != (vec.shape[0], 1): vec.reshape(newshape=(vec.shape[0], 1)) else: if vec.ndim == 1: return vec[:, None] return vec
[docs]def assert_is_1d_ndarray(arr): """ Checks whether arr is an (d,) np.ndarray. Used in classic optimization and mcmc, for instance. """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Please enter arr of shape (d,)") elif len(arr.shape) != 1: raise ValueError("Please enter arr of shape (d,)")
[docs]def assert_is_2d_ndarray(arr): """ Checks whether ar is an (n, d) np.ndarray. Used in classic optimization and mcmc, for instance. """ if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Please enter arr of shape (n, d)") elif arr.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Please enter arr of shape (n, d)")