Source code for probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.information_operators._information_operator

"""Interface for information operators."""

import abc
from typing import Callable, Optional

import numpy as np

from probnum import problems, randprocs
from probnum.typing import FloatArgType, IntArgType

__all__ = ["InformationOperator", "ODEInformationOperator"]

class InformationOperator(abc.ABC):
    r"""Information operators used in probabilistic ODE solvers.

    ODE solver-related information operators gather information about whether a state or function solves an ODE.
    More specifically, an information operator maps a sample from the prior distribution
    **that is also an ODE solution** to the zero function.

    Consider the following example. For an ODE

    .. math:: \dot y(t) - f(t, y(t)) = 0,

    and a :math:`\nu` times integrated Wiener process prior,
    the information operator maps

    .. math:: \mathcal{Z}: [t, (Y_0, Y_1, ..., Y_\nu)] \mapsto Y_1(t) - f(t, Y_0(t)).

    (Recall that :math:`Y_j` models the `j` th derivative of `Y_0` for given prior.)
    If :math:`Y_0` solves the ODE, :math:`\mathcal{Z}(Y)(t)` is zero for all :math:`t`.

    Information operators are used to condition prior distributions on solving a numerical problem.
    This happens by conditioning the prior distribution :math:`Y` on :math:`\mathcal{Z}(Y)(t_n)=0`
    on time-points :math:`t_1, ..., t_n, ..., t_N` (:math:`N` is usually large).
    Therefore, they are one important component in a probabilistic ODE solver.

    def __init__(self, input_dim: IntArgType, output_dim: IntArgType):
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim

[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, t: FloatArgType, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def jacobian(self, t: FloatArgType, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def as_transition( self, measurement_cov_fun: Optional[Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray]] = None, measurement_cov_cholesky_fun: Optional[ Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray] ] = None, ): if measurement_cov_fun is None: if measurement_cov_cholesky_fun is not None: raise ValueError( "If a Cholesky function is provided, a covariance function must be provided as well." ) return randprocs.markov.discrete.DiscreteGaussian.from_callable( state_trans_fun=self.__call__, jacob_state_trans_fun=self.jacobian, input_dim=self.input_dim, output_dim=self.output_dim, ) return randprocs.markov.discrete.DiscreteGaussian( state_trans_fun=self.__call__, jacob_state_trans_fun=self.jacobian, proc_noise_cov_mat_fun=measurement_cov_fun, proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun=measurement_cov_cholesky_fun, input_dim=self.input_dim, output_dim=self.output_dim, )
class ODEInformationOperator(InformationOperator): """Information operators that depend on an ODE function. Other than :class:`InformationOperator`s, :class:`ODEInformationOperators` depend explicitly on an :class:`InitialValueProblem`. Not all information operators that are used in ODE solvers do. """ def __init__(self, input_dim: IntArgType, output_dim: IntArgType): super().__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim) # Initialized once the ODE can be seen self.ode = None
[docs] def incorporate_ode(self, ode: problems.InitialValueProblem): """Incorporate the ODE into the operator.""" if self.ode_has_been_incorporated: raise ValueError("An ODE has been incorporated already.") else: self.ode = ode
@property def ode_has_been_incorporated(self) -> bool: return self.ode is not None
[docs] def as_transition( self, measurement_cov_fun: Optional[Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray]] = None, measurement_cov_cholesky_fun: Optional[ Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray] ] = None, ): if not self.ode_has_been_incorporated: raise ValueError("An ODE has not been incorporated yet.") return super().as_transition( measurement_cov_fun=measurement_cov_fun, measurement_cov_cholesky_fun=measurement_cov_cholesky_fun, )