Source code for probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.initialization_routines._initialization_routine

"""Interface for ODE filter initialization."""

import abc

from probnum import problems, randprocs, randvars

class InitializationRoutine(abc.ABC):
    """Interface for initialization routines for a filtering-based ODE solver.

    One crucial factor for stable implementation of probabilistic ODE solvers is
    starting with a good approximation of the derivatives of the initial condition [1]_.
    (This is common in all Nordsieck-like ODE solvers.)
    For this reason, efficient methods of initialization need to be devised.
    All initialization routines in ProbNum implement the interface :class:`InitializationRoutine`.

    .. [1] Krämer, N. and Hennig, P., Stable implementation of probabilistic ODE solvers,
       *arXiv:2012.10106*, 2020.

    def __init__(self, is_exact: bool, requires_jax: bool):
        self._is_exact = is_exact
        self._requires_jax = requires_jax

[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, ivp: problems.InitialValueProblem, prior_process: randprocs.markov.MarkovProcess, ) -> randvars.RandomVariable: raise NotImplementedError
@property def is_exact(self) -> bool: """Exactness of the computed initial values. Some initialization routines yield the exact initial derivatives, some others only yield approximations. """ return self._is_exact @property def requires_jax(self) -> bool: """Whether the implementation of the routine relies on JAX.""" return self._requires_jax