Source code for probnum.randprocs.markov.continuous._sde

"""SDE models as transitions."""
import functools
from typing import Callable, Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.linalg

from probnum import randvars
from probnum.randprocs.markov import _transition, discrete
from probnum.randprocs.markov.continuous import _mfd
from probnum.typing import FloatArgType, IntArgType
from probnum.utils.linalg import tril_to_positive_tril

class SDE(_transition.Transition):
    """Stochastic differential equation.

    .. math:: d x(t) = g(t, x(t)) d t + L(t) d w(t),

    driven by a Wiener process with unit diffusion.

    def __init__(
        dimension: IntArgType,
        driftfun: Callable[[FloatArgType, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        dispmatfun: Callable[[FloatArgType, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        jacobfun: Callable[[FloatArgType, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        self.dimension = dimension
        self.driftfun = driftfun
        self.dispmatfun = dispmatfun
        self.jacobfun = jacobfun
        super().__init__(input_dim=dimension, output_dim=dimension)

[docs] def forward_realization( self, realization, t, dt=None, compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): return self._forward_realization_via_forward_rv( realization, t=t, dt=dt, compute_gain=compute_gain, _diffusion=_diffusion, **kwargs, )
[docs] def forward_rv( self, rv, t, dt=None, compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): raise NotImplementedError("Not available.")
[docs] def backward_realization( self, realization_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, dt=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): return self._backward_realization_via_backward_rv( realization_obtained, rv=rv, rv_forwarded=rv_forwarded, gain=gain, t=t, dt=dt, _diffusion=_diffusion, **kwargs, )
[docs] def backward_rv( self, real_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, dt=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): raise NotImplementedError("Not available.")
class LinearSDE(SDE): """Linear stochastic differential equation (SDE), .. math:: d x(t) = [G(t) x(t) + v(t)] d t + L(t) x(t) d w(t). For Gaussian initial conditions, this solution is a Gaussian process. Parameters ---------- driftmatfun : This is G = G(t). The evaluations of this function are called the driftmatrix of the SDE. Returns np.ndarray with shape=(n, n) forcevecfun : This is v = v(t). Evaluations of this function are called the force(vector) of the SDE. Returns np.ndarray with shape=(n,) dispmatfun : This is L = L(t). Evaluations of this function are called the dispersion(matrix) of the SDE. Returns np.ndarray with shape=(n, s) mde_atol Absolute tolerance passed to the solver of the moment differential equations (MDEs). Optional. Default is 1e-6. mde_rtol Relative tolerance passed to the solver of the moment differential equations (MDEs). Optional. Default is 1e-6. mde_solver Method that is chosen in `scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`. Any string that is compatible with ``solve_ivp(..., method=mde_solve,...)`` works here. Usual candidates are ``[RK45, LSODA, Radau, BDF, RK23, DOP853]``. Optional. Default is LSODA. """ def __init__( self, dimension: IntArgType, driftmatfun: Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray], forcevecfun: Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray], dispmatfun: Callable[[FloatArgType], np.ndarray], mde_atol: Optional[FloatArgType] = 1e-6, mde_rtol: Optional[FloatArgType] = 1e-6, mde_solver: Optional[str] = "RK45", forward_implementation: Optional[str] = "classic", ): # Choose implementation for forward transitions choose_mde_forward_implementation = { "classic": self._solve_mde_forward_classic, "sqrt": self._solve_mde_forward_sqrt, } self._mde_forward_implementation = choose_mde_forward_implementation[ forward_implementation ] # Once different smoothing algorithms are available, # replicate the scheme from DiscreteGaussian here, in which # the initialisation decides between, e.g., classic and sqrt implementations. self.driftmatfun = driftmatfun self.forcevecfun = forcevecfun super().__init__( dimension=dimension, driftfun=(lambda t, x: self.driftmatfun(t) @ x + self.forcevecfun(t)), dispmatfun=dispmatfun, jacobfun=(lambda t, x: self.driftmatfun(t)), ) self.mde_atol = mde_atol self.mde_rtol = mde_rtol self.mde_solver = mde_solver
[docs] def forward_rv( self, rv, t, dt=None, _compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): if dt is None: raise ValueError( "Continuous-time transitions require a time-increment ``dt``." ) return self._mde_forward_implementation(rv, t, dt, _diffusion=_diffusion)
[docs] def backward_rv( self, rv_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, dt=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): if dt is None: raise ValueError( "Continuous-time transitions require a time-increment ``dt``." ) # Ignore rv_forwarded return self._solve_mde_backward( rv_obtained=rv_obtained, rv=rv, t=t, dt=dt, _diffusion=_diffusion, )
# Forward and backward implementation(s) def _solve_mde_forward_classic(self, rv, t, dt, _diffusion=1.0): """Solve forward moment differential equations (MDEs).""" dim = rv.mean.shape[0] mde, y0 = self._setup_vectorized_mde_forward_classic( rv, _diffusion=_diffusion, ) sol, new_mean, new_cov = self._solve_mde_forward(mde, y0, t, dt, dim) # Useful for backward transitions # Aka continuous time smoothing. sol_mean = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[:dim] sol_cov = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) return randvars.Normal(mean=new_mean, cov=new_cov), { "sol": sol, "sol_mean": sol_mean, "sol_cov": sol_cov, } def _solve_mde_forward_sqrt(self, rv, t, dt, _diffusion=1.0): """Solve forward moment differential equations (MDEs) using a square-root implementation.""" dim = rv.mean.shape[0] mde, y0 = self._setup_vectorized_mde_forward_sqrt( rv, _diffusion=_diffusion, ) sol, new_mean, new_cov_cholesky = self._solve_mde_forward(mde, y0, t, dt, dim) new_cov = new_cov_cholesky @ new_cov_cholesky.T # Useful for backward transitions # Aka continuous time smoothing. sol_mean = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[:dim] sol_cov_cholesky = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) sol_cov = ( lambda t: sol.sol(t)[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) @ sol.sol(t)[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)).T ) return randvars.Normal( mean=new_mean, cov=new_cov, cov_cholesky=new_cov_cholesky ), { "sol": sol, "sol_mean": sol_mean, "sol_cov_cholesky": sol_cov_cholesky, "sol_cov": sol_cov, } def _solve_mde_forward(self, mde, y0, t, dt, dim): """Solve forward moment differential equations (MDEs).""" # Dense output for lambda-expression sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp( mde, (t, t + dt), y0, method=self.mde_solver, atol=self.mde_atol, rtol=self.mde_rtol, dense_output=True, ) y_end = sol.y[:, -1] new_mean = y_end[:dim] # If forward_sqrt is used, new_cov_or_cov_cholesky is a Cholesky factor of the covariance # If forward_classic is used, new_cov_or_cov_cholesky is the covariance new_cov_or_cov_cholesky = y_end[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) return sol, new_mean, new_cov_or_cov_cholesky def _solve_mde_backward(self, rv_obtained, rv, t, dt, _diffusion=1.0): """Solve backward moment differential equations (MDEs).""" _, mde_forward_info = self._mde_forward_implementation( rv, t, dt, _diffusion=_diffusion ) mde_forward_sol_mean = mde_forward_info["sol_mean"] mde_forward_sol_cov = mde_forward_info["sol_cov"] mde, y0 = self._setup_vectorized_mde_backward( rv_obtained, _diffusion=_diffusion, ) # Use forward solution for mean and covariance in scipy's ivp # Dense output for lambda-expression sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp( mde, (t + dt, t), y0, method=self.mde_solver, atol=self.mde_atol, rtol=self.mde_rtol, args=(mde_forward_sol_mean, mde_forward_sol_cov), dense_output=True, ) dim = rv.mean.shape[0] y_end = sol.y[:, -1] new_mean = y_end[:dim] new_cov = y_end[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) # Useful for backward transitions # Aka continuous time smoothing. sol_mean = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[:dim] sol_cov = lambda t: sol.sol(t)[dim:].reshape((dim, dim)) return randvars.Normal(mean=new_mean, cov=new_cov), { "sol": sol, "sol_mean": sol_mean, "sol_cov": sol_cov, } def _setup_vectorized_mde_forward_classic(self, initrv, _diffusion=1.0): """Set up forward moment differential equations (MDEs). Compute an ODE vector field that represents the MDEs and is compatible with scipy.solve_ivp. """ dim = len(initrv.mean) def f(t, y): # Undo vectorization mean, cov_flat = y[:dim], y[dim:] cov = cov_flat.reshape((dim, dim)) # Apply iteration G = self.driftmatfun(t) u = self.forcevecfun(t) L = self.dispmatfun(t) new_mean = G @ mean + u new_cov = G @ cov + cov @ G.T + _diffusion * L @ L.T # Vectorize outcome new_cov_flat = new_cov.flatten() y_new = np.hstack((new_mean, new_cov_flat)) return y_new initcov_flat = initrv.cov.flatten() y0 = np.hstack((initrv.mean, initcov_flat)) return f, y0 def _setup_vectorized_mde_forward_sqrt(self, initrv, _diffusion=1.0): r"""Set up forward moment differential equations (MDEs) using a square-root implementation. ( The covariance :math:`P(t)` obeys the Riccati equation .. math:: \dot P(t) = G(t)P(t) + P(t)G^\top(t) + L(t)L^\top(t). Let :math:`S(t)` be a square-root of :math:`P(t)`, :math:`P(t)` positive definite, then .. math:: P(t) = S(t)S^\top(t) and we get the Riccati-Equation .. math:: \dot P(t) = G(t)S(t)S^\top(t) + 1/2 \cdot L(t)L^\top(t)S^{-\top}S^\top + S(t)S^\top(t)G^\top(t) + 1/2 \cdot S(t)S^{-1}(t)L(t)L^\top(t). One solution can be found by the square-root :math:`\dot S(t)` .. math:: \dot S(t) = G(t)S(t) + (A + 1/2 \cdot L(t)L^\top(t))S^{-\top} where :math:`A` is an arbitrary symmetric matrix. :math:`A` can be chosen to make S lower-triangular which can be achieved by .. math:: M(t) = S^{-1}(t)\dot S(t) + \dot S(t)^\top S^{-\top} and .. math:: M(t) = \bar G(t) + \bar G^\top(t) + \bar L(t) \bar L^\top(t) and .. math:: \bar G(t) = S^{-1}(t)G(t)S(t), \bar L(t) = S^{-1}L(t) and .. math:: \dot S(t) = S(t)[M(t)]_{\mathrm{lt}} where :math:`\mathrm{lt}` denotes the lower-triangular operator defined by .. math:: [M(t)]{_{\mathrm{lt}}}_{ij} = \begin{cases} 0 & i < j\\ 1/2 m(t)_{ij} & i=j\\ m(t)_{ij} & i > j \end{cases}. Compute an ODE vector field that represents the MDEs and is compatible with scipy.solve_ivp. """ dim = len(initrv.mean) def f(t, y): # Undo vectorization mean, cov_cholesky_flat = y[:dim], y[dim:] cov_cholesky = cov_cholesky_flat.reshape((dim, dim)) # Apply iteration G = self.driftmatfun(t) u = self.forcevecfun(t) L = self.dispmatfun(t) new_mean = G @ mean + u G_bar = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular( cov_cholesky, G @ cov_cholesky, lower=True ) L_bar = np.sqrt(_diffusion) * scipy.linalg.solve_triangular( cov_cholesky, L, lower=True ) M = G_bar + G_bar.T + L_bar @ L_bar.T new_cov_cholesky = tril_to_positive_tril( cov_cholesky @ (np.tril(M, -1) + 1 / 2 * np.diag(np.diag(M))) ) # Vectorize outcome new_cov_cholesky_flat = new_cov_cholesky.flatten() y_new = np.hstack((new_mean, new_cov_cholesky_flat)) return y_new initcov_cholesky_flat = initrv.cov_cholesky.flatten() y0 = np.hstack((initrv.mean, initcov_cholesky_flat)) return f, y0 def _setup_vectorized_mde_backward(self, finalrv_obtained, _diffusion=1.0): """Set up backward moment differential equations (MDEs). Compute an ODE vector field that represents the MDEs and is compatible with scipy.solve_ivp. """ dim = len(finalrv_obtained.mean) def f(t, y, mde_forward_sol_mean, mde_forward_sol_cov): # Undo vectorization mean, cov_flat = y[:dim], y[dim:] cov = cov_flat.reshape((dim, dim)) # Apply iteration G = self.driftmatfun(t) u = self.forcevecfun(t) L = self.dispmatfun(t) mde_forward_sol_cov_mat = mde_forward_sol_cov(t) mde_forward_sol_mean_vec = mde_forward_sol_mean(t) LL = _diffusion * L @ L.T LL_inv_cov = np.linalg.solve(mde_forward_sol_cov_mat, LL.T).T new_mean = G @ mean + LL_inv_cov @ (mean - mde_forward_sol_mean_vec) + u new_cov = (G + LL_inv_cov) @ cov + cov @ (G + LL_inv_cov).T - LL new_cov_flat = new_cov.flatten() y_new = np.hstack((new_mean, new_cov_flat)) return y_new finalcov_flat = finalrv_obtained.cov.flatten() y0 = np.hstack((finalrv_obtained.mean, finalcov_flat)) return f, y0 class LTISDE(LinearSDE): """Linear time-invariant continuous Markov models of the form. .. math:: d x(t) = [G x(t) + v] d t + L d w(t). In the language of dynamic models, x(t) : state process G : drift matrix v : force term/vector L : dispersion matrix. w(t) : Wiener process with unit diffusion. Parameters ---------- driftmat : This is F. It is the drift matrix of the SDE. forcevec : This is U. It is the force vector of the SDE. dispmat : This is L. It is the dispersion matrix of the SDE. """ def __init__( self, driftmat: np.ndarray, forcevec: np.ndarray, dispmat: np.ndarray, forward_implementation="classic", backward_implementation="classic", ): _check_initial_state_dimensions(driftmat, forcevec, dispmat) dimension = driftmat.shape[0] self.driftmat = driftmat self.forcevec = forcevec self.dispmat = dispmat super().__init__( dimension, (lambda t: self.driftmat), (lambda t: self.forcevec), (lambda t: self.dispmat), ) self.forward_implementation = forward_implementation self.backward_implementation = backward_implementation
[docs] def forward_rv( self, rv, t, dt=None, compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): if dt is None: raise ValueError( "Continuous-time transitions require a time-increment ``dt``." ) discretised_model = self.discretise(dt=dt) return discretised_model.forward_rv( rv, t, compute_gain=compute_gain, _diffusion=_diffusion )
[docs] def backward_rv( self, rv_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, dt=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): if dt is None: raise ValueError( "Continuous-time transitions require a time-increment ``dt``." ) discretised_model = self.discretise(dt=dt) return discretised_model.backward_rv( rv_obtained=rv_obtained, rv=rv, rv_forwarded=rv_forwarded, gain=gain, t=t, _diffusion=_diffusion, )
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def discretise(self, dt): """Return a discrete transition model (i.e. mild solution to SDE) using matrix fraction decomposition. That is, matrices A(h) and Q(h) and vector s(h) such that the transition is .. math:: x | x_\\text{old} \\sim \\mathcal{N}(A(h) x_\\text{old} + s(h), Q(h)) , which is the transition of the mild solution to the LTI SDE. """ if np.linalg.norm(self.forcevec) > 0: zeros = np.zeros((self.dimension, self.dimension)) eye = np.eye(self.dimension) driftmat = np.block([[self.driftmat, eye], [zeros, zeros]]) dispmat = np.concatenate((self.dispmat, np.zeros(self.dispmat.shape))) ah_stack, qh_stack, _ = _mfd.matrix_fraction_decomposition( driftmat, dispmat, dt ) proj = np.eye(self.dimension, 2 * self.dimension) proj_rev = np.flip(proj, axis=1) ah = proj @ ah_stack @ proj.T sh = proj @ ah_stack @ proj_rev.T @ self.forcevec qh = proj @ qh_stack @ proj.T else: ah, qh, _ = _mfd.matrix_fraction_decomposition( self.driftmat, self.dispmat, dt ) sh = np.zeros(len(ah)) return discrete.DiscreteLTIGaussian( ah, sh, qh, forward_implementation=self.forward_implementation, backward_implementation=self.backward_implementation, )
def _check_initial_state_dimensions(driftmat, forcevec, dispmat): """Checks that the matrices all align and are of proper shape. Parameters ---------- driftmat : np.ndarray, shape=(n, n) forcevec : np.ndarray, shape=(n,) dispmat : np.ndarray, shape=(n, s) """ if driftmat.ndim != 2 or driftmat.shape[0] != driftmat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("driftmatrix not of shape (n, n)") if forcevec.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("force not of shape (n,)") if forcevec.shape[0] != driftmat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("force not of shape (n,) or driftmatrix not of shape (n, n)") if dispmat.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("dispersion not of shape (n, s)")