Source code for probnum.linalg.solvers.matrixbased

"""Matrix-based probabilistic linear solvers.

Implementations of matrix-based linear solvers which perform inference
on the matrix or its inverse given linear observations.
import abc
import warnings

import numpy as np

from probnum import linops, randvars

# pylint: disable="too-many-branches,too-many-lines,too-complex,too-many-statements,redefined-builtin,arguments-differ,abstract-method,unused-argument"

[docs]class MatrixBasedSolver(abc.ABC): """Abstract class for matrix-based probabilistic linear solvers. Parameters ---------- A : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) A square matrix or linear operator. A prior distribution can be provided as a :class:`~randvars.RandomVariable`. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. b : RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Right-hand side vector, matrix or RandomVariable of :math:`A x = b`. x0 : array-like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Optional. Guess for the solution of the linear system. """ def __init__(self, A, b, x0=None): self.x0 = x0 self.A = A self.b = b self.n = A.shape[1] def _get_prior_params(self, A0, Ainv0, x0, b): """Find the parameters of the prior distribution. Parameters ---------- A0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the linear operator :math:`A`. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. Ainv0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the inverse :math:`H=A^{-1}`. This can be viewed as taking the form of a pre-conditioner. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. x0 : array-like, or RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Optional. Prior belief for the solution of the linear system. Will be ignored if ``A0`` or ``Ainv0`` is given. b : array_like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Right-hand side vector or matrix in :math:`A x = b`. """ raise NotImplementedError def _construct_symmetric_matrix_prior_means(self, A, x0, b): """Create matrix prior means from an initial guess for the solution of the linear system. Constructs a matrix-variate prior mean for H from ``x0`` and ``b`` such that :math:`H_0b = x_0`, :math:`H_0` symmetric positive definite and :math:`A_0 = H_0^{-1}`. Parameters ---------- A : array-like or LinearOperator, shape=(n,n) System matrix assumed to be square. x0 : array-like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Optional. Guess for the solution of the linear system. b : array_like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Right-hand side vector or matrix in :math:`A x = b`. Returns ------- A0_mean : linops.LinearOperator Mean of the matrix-variate prior distribution on the system matrix :math:`A`. Ainv0_mean : linops.LinearOperator Mean of the matrix-variate prior distribution on the inverse of the system matrix :math:`H = A^{-1}`. """ # Check inner product between x0 and b; if negative or zero, choose better # initialization bx0 = np.squeeze(b.T @ x0) bb = np.linalg.norm(b) ** 2 if bx0 < 0: x0 = -x0 bx0 = -bx0 print("Better initialization found, setting x0 = - x0.") elif bx0 == 0: if np.all(b == np.zeros_like(b)): print("Right-hand-side is zero. Initializing with solution x0 = 0.") x0 = b else: print("Better initialization found, setting x0 = (b'b/b'Ab) * b.") bAb = np.squeeze(b.T @ (A @ b)) x0 = bb / bAb * b bx0 = bb ** 2 / bAb # Construct prior mean of A and H alpha = 0.5 * bx0 / bb def _matmul(M): return (x0 - alpha * b) @ (x0 - alpha * b).T @ M Ainv0_mean = linops.Scaling( alpha, shape=(self.n, self.n) ) + 2 / bx0 * linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(x0.dtype, alpha.dtype, b.dtype), matmul=_matmul, ) A0_mean = linops.Scaling(1 / alpha, shape=(self.n, self.n)) - 1 / ( alpha * np.squeeze((x0 - alpha * b).T @ x0) ) * linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(x0.dtype, alpha.dtype, b.dtype), matmul=_matmul, ) return A0_mean, Ainv0_mean
[docs] def has_converged(self, iter, maxiter, **kwargs): """Check convergence of a linear solver. Evaluates a set of convergence criteria based on its input arguments to decide whether the iteration has converged. Parameters ---------- iter : int Current iteration of solver. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations Returns ------- has_converged : bool True if the method has converged. convergence_criterion : str Convergence criterion which caused termination. """ # maximum iterations if iter >= maxiter: warnings.warn( "Iteration terminated. Solver reached the maximum number of iterations." ) return True, "maxiter" else: return False, ""
[docs] def solve(self, callback=None, **kwargs): """Solve the linear system :math:`Ax=b`. Parameters ---------- callback : function, optional User-supplied function called after each iteration of the linear solver. It is called as ``callback(xk, Ak, Ainvk, sk, yk, alphak, resid, **kwargs)`` and can be used to return quantities from the iteration. Note that depending on the function supplied, this can slow down the solver. kwargs Key-word arguments adjusting the behaviour of the ``solve`` iteration. These are usually convergence criteria. Returns ------- x : RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Approximate solution :math:`x` to the linear system. Shape of the return matches the shape of ``b``. A : RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) Posterior belief over the linear operator. Ainv : RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) Posterior belief over the linear operator inverse :math:`H=A^{-1}`. info : dict Information on convergence of the solver. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SymmetricMatrixBasedSolver(MatrixBasedSolver): """Symmetric matrix-based probabilistic linear solver. Implements the solve iteration of the symmetric matrix-based probabilistic linear solver described in [1]_ and [2]_. Parameters ---------- A : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) The square matrix or linear operator of the linear system. b : array_like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Right-hand side vector or matrix in :math:`A x = b`. A0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n, n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the linear operator :math:`A`. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. Ainv0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the inverse :math:`H=A^{-1}`. This can be viewed as taking the form of a pre-conditioner. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. x0 : array-like, or RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Optional. Prior belief for the solution of the linear system. Will be ignored if ``Ainv0`` is given. Returns ------- A : RandomVariable Posterior belief over the linear operator. Ainv : RandomVariable Posterior belief over the inverse linear operator. x : RandomVariable Posterior belief over the solution of the linear system. info : dict Information about convergence and the solution. References ---------- .. [1] Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning, *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)*, 2020 .. [2] Hennig, P., Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers, *SIAM Journal on Optimization*, 2015, 25, 234-260 See Also -------- NoisySymmetricMatrixBasedSolver : Class implementing the noisy symmetric probabilistic linear solver. """ def __init__(self, A, b, A0=None, Ainv0=None, x0=None): # Assume constant right hand side if isinstance(b, randvars.RandomVariable): _b = b.sample(size=1) else: _b = b super().__init__(A=A, b=_b, x0=x0) # Get or construct prior parameters A_mean0, A_covfactor0, Ainv_mean0, Ainv_covfactor0 = self._get_prior_params( A0=A0, Ainv0=Ainv0, x0=self.x0, b=self.b ) # Initialize prior parameters self.A_mean = A_mean0 self.A_mean0 = A_mean0 self.A_covfactor = A_covfactor0 self.A_covfactor0 = A_covfactor0 self.Ainv_mean = Ainv_mean0 self.Ainv_mean0 = Ainv_mean0 self.Ainv_covfactor = Ainv_covfactor0 self.Ainv_covfactor0 = Ainv_covfactor0 if isinstance(x0, np.ndarray): self.x_mean = x0 elif x0 is None: self.x_mean = Ainv_mean0 @ self.b else: raise NotImplementedError self.x0 = self.x_mean # Computed search directions and observations self.search_dir_list = [] self.obs_list = [] = [] def _get_prior_params(self, A0, Ainv0, x0, b): """Get the parameters of the matrix priors on A and H. Retrieves and / or initializes prior parameters of ``A0`` and ``Ainv0``. Parameters ---------- A0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the linear operator :math:`A`. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. Ainv0 : array-like or LinearOperator or RandomVariable, shape=(n,n), optional A square matrix, linear operator or random variable representing the prior belief over the inverse :math:`H=A^{-1}`. This can be viewed as taking the form of a pre-conditioner. If an array or linear operator is given, a prior distribution is chosen automatically. x0 : array-like, or RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Optional. Prior belief for the solution of the linear system. Will be ignored if ``A0`` or ``Ainv0`` is given. b : array_like, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Right-hand side vector or matrix in :math:`A x = b`. Returns ------- A0_mean : array-like or LinearOperator, shape=(n,n) Prior mean of the linear operator :math:`A`. A0_covfactor : array-like or LinearOperator, shape=(n,n) Factor :math:`W^A` of the symmetric Kronecker product prior covariance :math:`W^A \\otimes_s W^A` of :math:`A`. Ainv0_mean : array-like or LinearOperator, shape=(n,n) Prior mean of the linear operator :math:`H`. Ainv0_covfactor : array-like or LinearOperator, shape=(n,n) Factor :math:`W^H` of the symmetric Kronecker product prior covariance :math:`W^H \\otimes_s W^H` of :math:`H`. """ self.is_calib_covclass = False # No matrix priors specified if A0 is None and Ainv0 is None: self.is_calib_covclass = True # No prior information given if x0 is None: Ainv0_mean = linops.Identity(shape=self.n) Ainv0_covfactor = linops.Identity(shape=self.n) # Symmetric posterior correspondence A0_mean = linops.Identity(shape=self.n) A0_covfactor = self.A return A0_mean, A0_covfactor, Ainv0_mean, Ainv0_covfactor # Construct matrix priors from initial guess x0 elif isinstance(x0, np.ndarray): A0_mean, Ainv0_mean = self._construct_symmetric_matrix_prior_means( A=self.A, x0=x0, b=b ) Ainv0_covfactor = Ainv0_mean # Symmetric posterior correspondence A0_covfactor = self.A return A0_mean, A0_covfactor, Ainv0_mean, Ainv0_covfactor elif isinstance(x0, randvars.RandomVariable): raise NotImplementedError # Prior on Ainv specified if not isinstance(A0, randvars.RandomVariable) and Ainv0 is not None: if isinstance(Ainv0, randvars.RandomVariable): Ainv0_mean = Ainv0.mean Ainv0_covfactor = Ainv0.cov.A else: self.is_calib_covclass = True Ainv0_mean = Ainv0 Ainv0_covfactor = Ainv0 # Symmetric posterior correspondence try: if A0 is not None: A0_mean = A0 elif isinstance(Ainv0, randvars.RandomVariable): A0_mean = Ainv0.mean.inv() else: A0_mean = Ainv0.inv() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "Prior specified only for Ainv. Inverting prior mean naively. " "This operation is computationally costly! Specify an inverse " "prior (mean) instead." ) A0_mean = np.linalg.inv(Ainv0.mean) except NotImplementedError: A0_mean = linops.Identity(self.n) warnings.warn( "Prior specified only for Ainv. Automatic prior mean inversion " "not implemented, falling back to standard normal prior." ) # Symmetric posterior correspondence A0_covfactor = self.A return A0_mean, A0_covfactor, Ainv0_mean, Ainv0_covfactor # Prior on A specified elif A0 is not None and not isinstance(Ainv0, randvars.RandomVariable): if isinstance(A0, randvars.RandomVariable): A0_mean = A0.mean A0_covfactor = A0.cov.A else: self.is_calib_covclass = True A0_mean = A0 A0_covfactor = A0 # Symmetric posterior correspondence try: if Ainv0 is not None: Ainv0_mean = Ainv0 elif isinstance(A0, randvars.RandomVariable): Ainv0_mean = A0.mean.inv() else: Ainv0_mean = A0.inv() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( "Prior specified only for A. Inverting prior mean naively. " "This operation is computationally costly! " "Specify an inverse prior (mean)." ) Ainv0_mean = np.linalg.inv(A0.mean) except NotImplementedError: Ainv0_mean = linops.Identity(self.n) warnings.warn( "Prior specified only for A. Automatic prior mean inversion " "failed, falling back to standard normal prior." ) # Symmetric posterior correspondence Ainv0_covfactor = Ainv0_mean return A0_mean, A0_covfactor, Ainv0_mean, Ainv0_covfactor # Both matrix priors on A and H specified via random variables elif isinstance(A0, randvars.RandomVariable) and isinstance( Ainv0, randvars.RandomVariable ): A0_mean = A0.mean A0_covfactor = A0.cov.A Ainv0_mean = Ainv0.mean Ainv0_covfactor = Ainv0.cov.A return A0_mean, A0_covfactor, Ainv0_mean, Ainv0_covfactor else: raise NotImplementedError def _compute_trace_Ainv_covfactor0(self, Y, unc_scale): """Computes the trace of the prior covariance factor for the inverse view. Parameters ---------- Y : np.ndarray, shape=(n,k) Observations. unc_scale : float Uncertainty scale :math:`\\psi` of the inverse view. Returns ------- trace_Ainv_covfactor0 : float Trace of prior covariance factor. """ # Initialization if Y is not None: k = Y.shape[1] else: k = 0 if unc_scale is None: unc_scale = 0 if ( isinstance(self.Ainv_covfactor0, linops.Scaling) and self.Ainv_covfactor0.is_isotropic ): # Scalar prior mean if self.is_calib_covclass and k > 0 and unc_scale != 0: _trace = self.Ainv_covfactor0.scalar * k else: _trace = self.Ainv_covfactor0.trace() else: # General prior mean if self.is_calib_covclass and k > 0 and unc_scale != 0: # General prior mean with calibration covariance class _trace = np.trace( np.linalg.solve( Y.T @ self.Ainv_mean0 @ Y, Y.T @ self.Ainv_mean0 @ self.Ainv_mean0 @ Y, ) ) else: _trace = self.Ainv_covfactor0.trace() if self.is_calib_covclass: # Additive term from uncertainty calibration _trace += unc_scale * (self.n - k) return _trace def _compute_trace_solution_covariance(self, bWb, Wb): """Computes the trace of the solution covariance :math:`\\tr(\\operatorname{ Cov}[x])` Parameters ---------- bWb : float Inner product of right hand side and the inverse covariance factor. Wb : np.ndarray Matrix-vector product between the inverse covariance factor and the right hand side. Returns ------- trace_x_cov : float Trace of solution covariance. """ # Trace of inverse covariance factor after k iterations return 0.5 * (bWb * self.trace_Ainv_covfactor + np.linalg.norm(Wb, ord=2) ** 2)
[docs] def has_converged(self, iter, maxiter, resid=None, atol=None, rtol=None): """Check convergence of a linear solver. Evaluates a set of convergence criteria based on its input arguments to decide whether the iteration has converged. Parameters ---------- iter : int Current iteration of solver. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations resid : array-like Residual vector :math:`\\lVert r_i \\rVert = \\lVert Ax_i - b \\rVert` of the current iteration. atol : float Absolute residual tolerance. Stops if :math:`\\min(\\lVert r_i \\rVert, \\sqrt{\\operatorname{tr}(\\operatorname{Cov}(x))}) \\leq \\text{atol}`. rtol : float Relative residual tolerance. Stops if :math:`\\min(\\lVert r_i \\rVert, \\sqrt{\\operatorname{tr}(\\operatorname{Cov}(x))}) \\leq \\text{rtol} \\lVert b \\rVert`. Returns ------- has_converged : bool True if the method has converged. convergence_criterion : str Convergence criterion which caused termination. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # maximum iterations if iter >= maxiter: warnings.warn( "Iteration terminated. Solver reached the maximum number of iterations." ) return True, "maxiter" # residual below error tolerance resid_norm = np.linalg.norm(resid) b_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.b) if resid_norm <= atol: return True, "resid_atol" elif resid_norm <= rtol * b_norm: return True, "resid_rtol" # uncertainty-based if np.sqrt(self.trace_sol_cov) <= atol: return True, "tracecov_atol" elif np.sqrt(self.trace_sol_cov) <= rtol * b_norm: return True, "tracecov_rtol" else: return False, ""
def _calibrate_uncertainty(self, S, sy, method): """Calibrate uncertainty based on the Rayleigh coefficients. A regression model for the log-Rayleigh coefficient is built based on the collected observations. The degrees of freedom in the kernels of A and H are set according to the predicted log-Rayleigh coefficient for the remaining unexplored dimensions. Parameters ---------- S : np.ndarray, shape=(n, k) Array of search directions sy : np.ndarray Array of inner products ``s_i'As_i`` method : str Type of calibration method to use based on the Rayleigh quotient. Available calibration procedures are ==================================== ================== Most recent Rayleigh quotient ``adhoc`` Running (weighted) mean ``weightedmean`` GP regression for kernel matrices ``gpkern`` ==================================== ================== Returns ------- phi : float Uncertainty scale of the null space of span(S) for the A view psi : float Uncertainty scale of the null space of span(Y) for the Ainv view """ # Rayleigh quotient iters = np.arange(self.iter_ + 1) logR = np.log(sy) - np.log(np.einsum("nk,nk->k", S, S)) # only calibrate if enough iterations for a regression model have been performed if self.iter_ > 1: if method == "adhoc": logR_pred = logR[-1] elif method == "weightedmean": deprecation_rate = 0.9 logR_pred = logR * np.repeat( deprecation_rate, self.iter_ + 1 ) ** np.arange(self.iter_ + 1) elif method == "gpkern": try: import GPy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # GP mean function via Weyl's result on spectra of Gram matrices for # differentiable kernels # ln(sigma(n)) ~= theta_0 - theta_1 ln(n) lnmap = GPy.core.Mapping(1, 1) lnmap.f = lambda n: np.log(n + 10 ** -16) lnmap.update_gradients = lambda a, b: None mf = GPy.mappings.Additive( GPy.mappings.Constant(1, 1, value=0), GPy.mappings.Compound(lnmap, GPy.mappings.Linear(1, 1)), ) k = GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=1, lengthscale=1, variance=1) m = GPy.models.GPRegression( iters[:, None] + 1, logR[:, None], kernel=k, mean_function=mf ) m.optimize(messages=False) # Predict Rayleigh quotient remaining_dims = np.arange(self.iter_, self.A.shape[0])[:, None] logR_pred = m.predict(remaining_dims + 1)[0].ravel() except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "Cannot perform GP-based calibration without optional " "dependency GPy. Try installing GPy via `pip install GPy`." ) from err else: raise ValueError("Calibration method not recognized.") # Set uncertainty scale (degrees of freedom in calibration covariance class) Phi = (np.exp(np.mean(logR_pred))).item() Psi = (np.exp(-np.mean(logR_pred))).item() else: # For too few iterations take the most recent Rayleigh quotient Phi = np.exp(logR[-1]) Psi = 1 / Phi return Phi, Psi def _get_calibration_covariance_update_terms(self, phi=None, psi=None): """For the calibration covariance class set the calibration update terms of the covariance in the null spaces of span(S) and span(Y) based on the degrees of freedom.""" # Search directions and observations as arrays S = np.hstack(self.search_dir_list) Y = np.hstack(self.obs_list) def get_null_space_map(V, unc_scale): """Returns a function mapping to the null space of span(V), scaling with a single degree of freedom and mapping back.""" def null_space_proj(x): try: VVinvVx = np.linalg.solve(V.T @ V, V.T @ x) return x - V @ VVinvVx except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return np.zeros_like(x) # For a scalar uncertainty scale projecting to the null space twice is # equivalent to projecting once return lambda y: unc_scale * null_space_proj(y) # Compute calibration term in the A view as a linear operator with scaling from # degrees of freedom calibration_term_A = linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=S.dtype, matmul=linops.LinearOperator.broadcast_matvec( get_null_space_map(V=S, unc_scale=phi) ), ) # Compute calibration term in the Ainv view as a linear operator with scaling # from degrees of freedom calibration_term_Ainv = linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=S.dtype, matmul=linops.LinearOperator.broadcast_matvec( get_null_space_map(V=Y, unc_scale=psi) ), ) return calibration_term_A, calibration_term_Ainv def _get_output_randvars(self, Y_list, sy_list, phi=None, psi=None): """Return output random variables x, A, Ainv from their means and covariances.""" if self.iter_ > 0: # Observations and inner products in A-space between actions Y = np.hstack(Y_list) sy = np.vstack(sy_list).ravel() # Posterior covariance factors if self.is_calib_covclass and (not phi is None) and (not psi is None): # Ensure prior covariance class only acts in span(S) like A @linops.LinearOperator.broadcast_matvec def _matmul(x): # First term of calibration covariance class: AS(S'AS)^{-1}S'A return (Y * sy ** -1) @ (Y.T @ x.ravel()) _A_covfactor0 = linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(Y, sy), matmul=_matmul, ) @linops.LinearOperator.broadcast_matvec def _matmul(x): # Term in covariance class: A_0^{-1}Y(Y'A_0^{-1}Y)^{-1}Y'A_0^{-1} # TODO: for efficiency ensure that we dont have to compute # (Y.T Y)^{-1} two times! For a scalar mean this is the same as in # the null space projection YAinv0Y_inv_YAinv0x = np.linalg.solve( Y.T @ (self.Ainv_mean0 @ Y), Y.T @ (self.Ainv_mean0 @ x) ) return self.Ainv_mean0 @ (Y @ YAinv0Y_inv_YAinv0x) _Ainv_covfactor0 = linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(Y, self.Ainv_mean0), matmul=_matmul, ) # Set degrees of freedom based on uncertainty calibration in unexplored # space ( calibration_term_A, calibration_term_Ainv, ) = self._get_calibration_covariance_update_terms(phi=phi, psi=psi) _A_covfactor = ( _A_covfactor0 - self._A_covfactor_update_term + calibration_term_A ) _Ainv_covfactor = ( _Ainv_covfactor0 - self._Ainv_covfactor_update_term + calibration_term_Ainv ) else: # No calibration _A_covfactor = self.A_covfactor _Ainv_covfactor = self.Ainv_covfactor else: # Converged before making any observations _A_covfactor = self.A_covfactor0 _Ainv_covfactor = self.Ainv_covfactor0 # Create output random variables A = randvars.Normal( mean=self.A_mean, cov=linops.SymmetricKronecker(A=_A_covfactor) ) Ainv = randvars.Normal( mean=self.Ainv_mean, cov=linops.SymmetricKronecker(A=_Ainv_covfactor), ) # Induced distribution on x via Ainv # Exp(x) = Ainv b, Cov(x) = 1/2 (W b'Wb + Wbb'W) Wb = _Ainv_covfactor @ self.b bWb = np.squeeze(Wb.T @ self.b) def _matmul(x): return 0.5 * (bWb * _Ainv_covfactor @ x + Wb @ (Wb.T @ x)) cov_op = linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(Wb.dtype, bWb.dtype), matmul=_matmul, ) x = randvars.Normal(mean=self.x_mean.ravel(), cov=cov_op) # Compute trace of solution covariance: tr(Cov(x)) self.trace_sol_cov = np.real_if_close( self._compute_trace_solution_covariance(bWb=bWb, Wb=Wb) ).item() return x, A, Ainv def _mean_update(self, u, v): """Linear operator implementing the symmetric rank 2 mean update (+= uv' + vu').""" def _matmul(x): return u @ (v.T @ x) + v @ (u.T @ x) return linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(u.dtype, v.dtype), matmul=_matmul, ) def _covariance_update(self, u, Ws): """Linear operator implementing the symmetric rank 2 kernels update (-= Ws u^T).""" def _matmul(x): return Ws @ (u.T @ x) return linops.LinearOperator( shape=(self.n, self.n), dtype=np.result_type(u.dtype, Ws.dtype), matmul=_matmul, )
[docs] def solve( self, callback=None, maxiter=None, atol=None, rtol=None, calibration=None ): """Solve the linear system :math:`Ax=b`. Parameters ---------- callback : function, optional User-supplied function called after each iteration of the linear solver. It is called as ``callback(xk, Ak, Ainvk, sk, yk, alphak, resid)`` and can be used to return quantities from the iteration. Note that depending on the function supplied, this can slow down the solver. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations atol : float Absolute residual tolerance. Stops if :math:`\\min(\\lVert r_i \\rVert, \\sqrt{\\operatorname{tr}(\\operatorname{Cov}(x))}) \\leq \\text{atol}`. rtol : float Relative residual tolerance. Stops if :math:`\\min(\\lVert r_i \\rVert, \\sqrt{\\operatorname{tr}(\\operatorname{Cov}(x))}) \\leq \\text{rtol} \\lVert b \\rVert`. calibration : str or float, default=False If supplied calibrates the output via the given procedure or uncertainty scale. Available calibration procedures / choices are ==================================== ================ No calibration None Provided scale float Most recent Rayleigh quotient ``adhoc`` Running (weighted) mean ``weightedmean`` GP regression for kernel matrices ``gpkern`` ==================================== ================ Returns ------- x : RandomVariable, shape=(n,) or (n, nrhs) Approximate solution :math:`x` to the linear system. Shape of the return matches the shape of ``b``. A : RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) Posterior belief over the linear operator.calibrate Ainv : RandomVariable, shape=(n,n) Posterior belief over the linear operator inverse :math:`H=A^{-1}`. info : dict Information on convergence of the solver. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long # Initialization self.iter_ = 0 resid = self.A @ self.x_mean - self.b # Initialize uncertainty calibration phi = None psi = None if calibration is None: pass elif ( calibration is not None or calibration is not False ) and not self.is_calib_covclass: warnings.warn( message="Cannot use calibration without a compatible covariance class." ) elif isinstance(calibration, str) and self.is_calib_covclass: pass elif self.is_calib_covclass: if calibration < 0: raise ValueError("Calibration scale must be non-negative.") elif calibration == 0.0: pass else: phi = calibration psi = 1 / calibration # Trace of solution covariance _trace_Ainv_covfactor_update = 0 self.trace_Ainv_covfactor = self._compute_trace_Ainv_covfactor0( Y=None, unc_scale=psi ) # Create output random variables x, A, Ainv = self._get_output_randvars( Y_list=self.obs_list,, phi=phi, psi=psi ) # Iteration with stopping criteria while True: # Check convergence _has_converged, _conv_crit = self.has_converged( iter=self.iter_, maxiter=maxiter, resid=resid, atol=atol, rtol=rtol ) if _has_converged: break # Compute search direction (with implicit reorthogonalization) via policy search_dir = -self.Ainv_mean @ resid self.search_dir_list.append(search_dir) # Perform action and observe obs = self.A @ search_dir self.obs_list.append(obs) # Compute step size sy = search_dir.T @ obs step_size = -np.squeeze((search_dir.T @ resid) / sy) # Step and residual update self.x_mean = self.x_mean + step_size * search_dir resid = resid + step_size * obs # (Symmetric) mean and covariance updates Vs = self.A_covfactor @ search_dir delta_A = obs - self.A_mean @ search_dir u_A = Vs / (search_dir.T @ Vs) v_A = delta_A - 0.5 * (search_dir.T @ delta_A) * u_A Wy = self.Ainv_covfactor @ obs delta_Ainv = search_dir - self.Ainv_mean @ obs yWy = np.squeeze(obs.T @ Wy) u_Ainv = Wy / yWy v_Ainv = delta_Ainv - 0.5 * (obs.T @ delta_Ainv) * u_Ainv # Rank 2 mean updates (+= uv' + vu') self.A_mean = linops.aslinop(self.A_mean) + self._mean_update(u=u_A, v=v_A) self.Ainv_mean = linops.aslinop(self.Ainv_mean) + self._mean_update( u=u_Ainv, v=v_Ainv ) # Rank 1 covariance Kronecker factor update (-= u_A(Vs)' and -= u_Ainv(Wy)') if self.iter_ == 0: self._A_covfactor_update_term = self._covariance_update(u=u_A, Ws=Vs) self._Ainv_covfactor_update_term = self._covariance_update( u=u_Ainv, Ws=Wy ) else: self._A_covfactor_update_term = ( self._A_covfactor_update_term + self._covariance_update(u=u_A, Ws=Vs) ) self._Ainv_covfactor_update_term = ( self._Ainv_covfactor_update_term + self._covariance_update(u=u_Ainv, Ws=Wy) ) self.A_covfactor = ( linops.aslinop(self.A_covfactor0) - self._A_covfactor_update_term ) self.Ainv_covfactor = ( linops.aslinop(self.Ainv_covfactor0) - self._Ainv_covfactor_update_term ) # Calibrate uncertainty based on Rayleigh quotient if isinstance(calibration, str) and self.is_calib_covclass: phi, psi = self._calibrate_uncertainty( S=np.hstack(self.search_dir_list), sy=np.vstack(, method=calibration, ) # Update trace of solution covariance: tr(Cov(Hb)) _trace_Ainv_covfactor_update += 1 / yWy * np.squeeze(Wy.T @ Wy) self.trace_Ainv_covfactor = np.real_if_close( self._compute_trace_Ainv_covfactor0( Y=np.hstack(self.obs_list), unc_scale=psi ) - _trace_Ainv_covfactor_update ).item() # Create output random variables x, A, Ainv = self._get_output_randvars( Y_list=self.obs_list,, phi=phi, psi=psi ) # Callback function used to extract quantities from iteration if callback is not None: callback( xk=x, Ak=A, Ainvk=Ainv, sk=search_dir, yk=obs, alphak=step_size, resid=resid, ) # Iteration increment self.iter_ += 1 # Log information on solution info = { "iter": self.iter_, "maxiter": maxiter, "resid_l2norm": np.linalg.norm(resid, ord=2), "trace_sol_cov": self.trace_sol_cov, "conv_crit": _conv_crit, "rel_cond": None, # TODO: matrix condition from solver (see scipy solvers) } return x, A, Ainv, info