Source code for probnum.quad.bq_methods.bayesian_quadrature

"""Probabilistic numerical methods for solving integrals."""

from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve

from probnum.kernels import ExpQuad, Kernel
from probnum.randvars import Normal

from .._integration_measures import IntegrationMeasure
from ..kernel_embeddings import KernelEmbedding
from ..policies import sample_from_measure

class BayesianQuadrature:
    r"""A base class for Bayesian quadrature.

    Bayesian quadrature solves integrals of the form

    .. math:: F = \int_\Omega f(x) d \mu(x).

        The kernel used for the GP model.
        The policy for acquiring nodes for function evaluations.

    def __init__(self, kernel: Kernel, policy: Callable) -> None:
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.policy = policy

[docs] @classmethod def from_interface( cls, input_dim: int, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, method: str = "vanilla", policy: str = "bmc", rng: np.random.Generator = None, ) -> "BayesianQuadrature": if method != "vanilla": raise NotImplementedError if kernel is None: kernel = ExpQuad(input_dim=input_dim) if policy == "bmc": if rng is None: errormsg = ( "Policy 'bmc' relies on random sampling, " "thus requires a random number generator ('rng')." ) raise ValueError(errormsg) def policy(nevals, measure): return sample_from_measure(rng=rng, nevals=nevals, measure=measure) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Policies other than random sampling are not available at the moment." ) return cls(kernel=kernel, policy=policy)
[docs] def integrate( self, fun: Callable, measure: IntegrationMeasure, nevals: int ) -> Tuple[Normal, Dict]: r"""Integrate the function ``fun``. Parameters ---------- fun: The integrand function :math:`f`. measure : An integration measure :math:`\mu`. nevals : Number of function evaluations. Returns ------- F : The integral of ``fun`` against ``measure``. info : Information on the performance of the method. """ # Acquisition policy nodes = self.policy(nevals, measure) fun_evals = fun(nodes) # compute integral mean and variance # Define kernel embedding kernel_embedding = KernelEmbedding(self.kernel, measure) gram = self.kernel.matrix(nodes) kernel_mean = kernel_embedding.kernel_mean(nodes) initial_error = kernel_embedding.kernel_variance() weights = self._solve_gram(gram, kernel_mean) integral_mean = np.squeeze(weights.T @ fun_evals) integral_variance = initial_error - weights.T @ kernel_mean integral = Normal(integral_mean, integral_variance) # Information on result info = {"model_fit_diagnostic": None} return integral, info
# The following functions are here for the minimal version # and shall be factored out once BQ is expanded. # 1. acquisition policy # 2. GP inference @staticmethod def _solve_gram(gram: np.ndarray, rhs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Solve the linear system of the form. .. math:: Kx=b. Parameters ---------- gram : *shape=(nevals, nevals)* -- Symmetric pos. def. kernel Gram matrix :math:`K`. rhs : *shape=(nevals, ...)* -- Right-hand-side :math:`b`, matrix or vector. Returns ------- x: The solution to the linear system :math:`K x = b`. """ jitter = 1.0e-6 chol_gram = cho_factor(gram + jitter * np.eye(gram.shape[0])) return cho_solve(chol_gram, rhs)