Source code for probnum.linalg.solvers.belief_updates.matrix_based._symmetric_matrix_based_linear_belief_update

"""Belief update in a matrix-based inference view assuming symmetry where the
information is given by matrix-vector multiplication."""
import numpy as np

import probnum  # pylint: disable="unused-import"
from probnum import linops, randvars
from probnum.linalg.solvers.beliefs import LinearSystemBelief

from .._linear_solver_belief_update import LinearSolverBeliefUpdate

class SymmetricMatrixBasedLinearBeliefUpdate(LinearSolverBeliefUpdate):
    r"""Symmetric Gaussian belief update in a matrix-based inference framework assuming linear information.

    Updates the belief over the quantities of interest of a linear system :math:`Ax=b` given symmetric matrix-variate Gaussian beliefs with symmetric Kronecker covariance structure and linear observations. The belief update computes :math:`p(M \mid y) = \mathcal{N}(M; M_{i+1}, W_{i+1} \otimes_s W_{i+1})`, [1]_ [2]_ such that

    .. math ::
            M_{i+1} &= M_i + (y - M_i s) u^\top + u (y - M_i s)^\top - u s^\top(y - M_i s)u^\top,\\
            W_{i+1} &= W_i - W_i s (s^\top W_i s)^\dagger s^\top W_i.

    where :math:`u = W_i s (s^\top W s)^\dagger`.

    .. [1] Hennig, P., Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers, *SIAM Journal on
       Optimization*, 2015, 25, 234-260
    .. [2] Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning,
       *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)*, 2020

[docs] def __call__( self, solver_state: "probnum.linalg.solvers.LinearSolverState" ) -> LinearSystemBelief: # Inference for A A = self._symmetric_matrix_based_update( matrix=solver_state.belief.A, action=solver_state.action, observ=solver_state.observation, ) # Inference for Ainv (interpret action and observation as swapped) Ainv = self._symmetric_matrix_based_update( matrix=solver_state.belief.Ainv, action=solver_state.observation, observ=solver_state.action, ) return LinearSystemBelief(A=A, Ainv=Ainv, x=None, b=solver_state.belief.b)
def _symmetric_matrix_based_update( self, matrix: randvars.Normal, action: np.ndarray, observ: np.ndarray ) -> randvars.Normal: """Symmetric matrix-based inference update for linear information.""" if not isinstance(matrix.cov, linops.SymmetricKronecker): raise ValueError( f"Covariance must have symmetric Kronecker structure, but is '{type(matrix.cov).__name__}'." ) pred = matrix.mean @ action resid = observ - pred covfactor_Ms = matrix.cov.A @ action gram = action.T @ covfactor_Ms gram_pinv = 1.0 / gram if gram > 0.0 else 0.0 gain = covfactor_Ms * gram_pinv covfactor_update = gain @ covfactor_Ms.T resid_gain = linops.aslinop(resid[:, None]) @ linops.aslinop(gain[None, :]) return randvars.Normal( mean=matrix.mean + resid_gain + resid_gain.T - linops.aslinop(gain[:, None]) @ linops.aslinop((action.T @ resid_gain)[None, :]), cov=linops.SymmetricKronecker(A=matrix.cov.A - covfactor_update), )