Source code for probnum.linalg.solvers.policies._conjugate_gradient

"""Policy returning :math:`A`-conjugate actions."""

import numpy as np

import probnum  # pylint: disable="unused-import"

from . import _linear_solver_policy

class ConjugateGradientPolicy(_linear_solver_policy.LinearSolverPolicy):
    r"""Policy returning :math:`A`-conjugate actions.

    Selects the negative gradient / residual as an initial action :math:`s_0 = b - A x_0` and then successively generates :math:`A`-conjugate actions, i.e. the actions satisfy :math:`s_i^\top A s_j = 0` iff :math:`i \neq j`.

[docs] def __call__( self, solver_state: "probnum.linalg.solvers.LinearSolverState" ) -> np.ndarray: action = -solver_state.residual.copy() if solver_state.step > 0: # A-conjugacy correction (in exact arithmetic) beta = ( np.linalg.norm(solver_state.residual) / np.linalg.norm(solver_state.residuals[solver_state.step - 1]) ) ** 2 action += beta * solver_state.actions[solver_state.step - 1] return action