
Probabilistic linear solvers.

Compositional implementation of probabilistic linear solvers. The classes and methods in this subpackage allow the creation of custom iterative methods for the solution of linear systems.



Compose a custom probabilistic linear solver.

MatrixBasedSolver(A, b[, x0])

Abstract class for matrix-based probabilistic linear solvers.

SymmetricMatrixBasedSolver(A, b[, A0, Ainv0, x0])

Symmetric matrix-based probabilistic linear solver.

LinearSolverState(problem, prior[, rng])

State of a probabilistic linear solver.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of probnum.linalg.solvers.ProbabilisticLinearSolver, probnum.linalg.solvers.matrixbased.MatrixBasedSolver, probnum.linalg.solvers.matrixbased.SymmetricMatrixBasedSolver, probnum.linalg.solvers._state.LinearSolverState