Source code for probnum.diffeq._odesolver

"""ODE solver interface."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import abc
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from probnum import problems
from probnum.diffeq import callbacks
from probnum.typing import FloatLike

CallbackType = Union[callbacks.ODESolverCallback, Iterable[callbacks.ODESolverCallback]]
"""Callback interface type."""

class ODESolver(ABC):
    """Interface for ODE solvers in ProbNum."""

    def __init__(
        self.steprule = steprule
        self.order = order  # e.g.: RK45 has order=5, IBM(q) has order=q
        self.num_steps = 0

[docs] def solve( self, ivp: problems.InitialValueProblem, stop_at: Iterable[FloatLike] = None, callbacks: Optional[CallbackType] = None, ): """Solve an IVP. Parameters ---------- ivp Initial value problem. stop_at Time-points through which the solver must step. Optional. Default is None. callbacks Callbacks to happen after every accepted step. """ times, rvs = [], [] for state in self.solution_generator(ivp, stop_at=stop_at, callbacks=callbacks): times.append(state.t) rvs.append(state.rv) odesol = self.rvlist_to_odesol(times=times, rvs=rvs) return self.postprocess(odesol)
[docs] def solution_generator( self, ivp: problems.InitialValueProblem, stop_at: Iterable[FloatLike] = None, callbacks: Optional[CallbackType] = None, ): """Generate ODE solver steps.""" callbacks, time_stopper = self._process_event_inputs(callbacks, stop_at) state = self.initialize(ivp) yield state dt = self.steprule.firststep # Use state.ivp in case a callback modifies the IVP while state.t < state.ivp.tmax: if time_stopper is not None: dt = time_stopper.adjust_dt_to_time_stops(state.t, dt) state, dt = self.perform_full_step(state, dt) if callbacks is not None: for callback in callbacks: state = callback(state) self.num_steps += 1 yield state
@staticmethod def _process_event_inputs(callbacks, stop_at_locations): """Process callbacks and time-stamps into a format suitable for solve().""" def promote_callback_type(cbs): return cbs if isinstance(cbs, abc.Iterable) else [cbs] if callbacks is not None: callbacks = promote_callback_type(callbacks) if stop_at_locations is not None: time_stopper = _TimeStopper(stop_at_locations) else: time_stopper = None return callbacks, time_stopper
[docs] def perform_full_step(self, state, initial_dt): """Perform a full ODE solver step. This includes the acceptance/rejection decision as governed by error estimation and steprule. """ dt = initial_dt step_is_sufficiently_small = False proposed_state = None while not step_is_sufficiently_small: proposed_state = self.attempt_step(state, dt) # Acceptance/Rejection due to the step-rule internal_norm = self.steprule.errorest_to_norm( errorest=proposed_state.error_estimate, reference_state=proposed_state.reference_state, ) step_is_sufficiently_small = self.steprule.is_accepted(internal_norm) suggested_dt = self.steprule.suggest( dt, internal_norm, localconvrate=self.order + 1 ) # Get a new step-size for the next step if step_is_sufficiently_small: dt = min(suggested_dt, state.ivp.tmax - proposed_state.t) else: dt = min(suggested_dt, state.ivp.tmax - state.t) # This line of code is unnecessary?! self.method_callback(state) return proposed_state, dt
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize(self, ivp): """Returns t0 and y0 (for the solver, which might be different to ivp.y0)""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def attempt_step(self, state, dt): """Compute a step from the current state to the next state with increment dt. This does not include the acceptance/rejection decision from the step-size selection. Therefore, if dt turns out to be too large, the result of attempt_step() will be discarded. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def rvlist_to_odesol(self, times, rvs): """Create an ODESolution object.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def postprocess(self, odesol): """Process the ODESolution object before returning.""" return odesol
[docs] def method_callback(self, state): """Optional callback. Can be overwritten. Do this as soon as it is clear that the current guess is accepted, but before storing it. No return. For example: tune hyperparameters (sigma). """ pass
class _TimeStopper: """Make the ODE solver stop at specified time-points.""" def __init__(self, locations: Iterable): self._locations = iter(locations) self._next_location = next(self._locations) def adjust_dt_to_time_stops(self, t, dt): """Check whether the next time-point is supposed to be stopped at.""" if t >= self._next_location: try: self._next_location = next(self._locations) except StopIteration: self._next_location = np.inf if t + dt > self._next_location: dt = self._next_location - t return dt