Source code for probnum.randprocs.markov.discrete._nonlinear_gaussian

"""Discrete transitions."""

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Callable, Optional

import numpy as np

from probnum import randvars
from probnum.randprocs.markov import _transition
from probnum.randprocs.markov.discrete import _condition_state
from probnum.typing import FloatLike, IntLike

class NonlinearGaussian(_transition.Transition):
    r"""Discrete transitions with additive Gaussian noise.

    .. math:: x_{i+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(g(t_i, x_i), S(t_i))

    for some (potentially non-linear) dynamics :math:`g: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n` and process noise covariance matrix :math:`S`.

        Dimension of the support of :math:`g` (in terms of :math:`x`), i.e. the input dimension.
        Dimension of the image of :math:`g`, i.e. the output dimension.
    state_trans_fun :
        State transition function :math:`g=g(t, x)`. Signature: ``state_trans_fun(t, x)``.
    proc_noise_cov_mat_fun :
        Process noise covariance matrix function :math:`S=S(t)`. Signature: ``proc_noise_cov_mat_fun(t)``.
    jacob_state_trans_fun :
        Jacobian of the state transition function :math:`g` (with respect to :math:`x`), :math:`Jg=Jg(t, x)`.
        Signature: ``jacob_state_trans_fun(t, x)``.
    proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun :
        Cholesky factor of the process noise covariance matrix function :math:`\sqrt{S}=\sqrt{S}(t)`. Signature: ``proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun(t)``.

    See Also

    def __init__(
        input_dim: IntLike,
        output_dim: IntLike,
        state_trans_fun: Callable[[FloatLike, np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
        proc_noise_cov_mat_fun: Callable[[FloatLike], np.ndarray],
        jacob_state_trans_fun: Optional[
            Callable[[FloatLike, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
        ] = None,
        proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun: Optional[Callable[[FloatLike], np.ndarray]] = None,
        self.state_trans_fun = state_trans_fun
        self.proc_noise_cov_mat_fun = proc_noise_cov_mat_fun

        # "Private", bc. if None, overwritten by the property with the same name
        self._proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun = proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun

        def dummy_if_no_jacobian(t, x):
            raise NotImplementedError

        self.jacob_state_trans_fun = (
            if jacob_state_trans_fun is not None
            else dummy_if_no_jacobian
        super().__init__(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim)

[docs] def forward_realization( self, realization, t, compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs ): newmean = self.state_trans_fun(t, realization) newcov = _diffusion * self.proc_noise_cov_mat_fun(t) return randvars.Normal(newmean, newcov), {}
[docs] def forward_rv(self, rv, t, compute_gain=False, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Not available")
[docs] def backward_realization( self, realization_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): raise NotImplementedError("Not available")
[docs] def backward_rv( self, rv_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, _diffusion=1.0, **kwargs, ): # Should we use the _backward_rv_classic here? # It is only intractable bc. forward_rv is intractable # and assuming its forward formula would yield a valid # gain, the backward formula would be valid. # This is the case for the UKF, for instance. raise NotImplementedError("Not available")
# Implementations that are the same for all sorts of # discrete Gaussian transitions, in particular shared # by LinearNonlinearGaussian and e.g. DiscreteUKFComponent. def _backward_rv_classic( self, rv_obtained, rv, rv_forwarded=None, gain=None, t=None, _diffusion=None, _linearise_at=None, ): if rv_forwarded is None or gain is None: rv_forwarded, info_forwarded = self.forward_rv( rv, t=t, compute_gain=True, _diffusion=_diffusion, _linearise_at=_linearise_at, ) gain = info_forwarded["gain"] info = {"rv_forwarded": rv_forwarded} return ( _condition_state.condition_state_on_rv(rv_obtained, rv_forwarded, rv, gain), info, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun(self, t): if self._proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun is not None: return self._proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun(t) covmat = self.proc_noise_cov_mat_fun(t) return np.linalg.cholesky(covmat)
[docs] @classmethod def from_callable( cls, input_dim: IntLike, output_dim: IntLike, state_trans_fun: Callable[[FloatLike, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], jacob_state_trans_fun: Callable[[FloatLike, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], ): """Turn a callable into a deterministic transition.""" def diff(t): return np.zeros((output_dim, output_dim)) def diff_cholesky(t): return np.zeros((output_dim, output_dim)) return cls( input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, state_trans_fun=state_trans_fun, jacob_state_trans_fun=jacob_state_trans_fun, proc_noise_cov_mat_fun=diff, proc_noise_cov_cholesky_fun=diff_cholesky, )