Source code for probnum.randvars._random_variable

"""Random Variables."""

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np

from probnum import utils as _utils
from probnum.typing import ArrayIndicesLike, DTypeLike, FloatLike, ShapeLike, ShapeType

    # functools.cached_property is only available in Python >=3.8
    from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:
    from cached_property import cached_property

_ValueType = TypeVar("ValueType")

# pylint: disable="too-many-lines"

class RandomVariable(Generic[_ValueType]):
    """Random variables represent uncertainty about a value.

    Random variables generalize multi-dimensional arrays by encoding uncertainty
    about the (numerical) quantity in question. Despite their name, they do not
    necessarily represent stochastic objects. Random variables are also the
    primary  in- and outputs of probabilistic numerical methods.

    Instances of :class:`RandomVariable` can be added, multiplied, etc. with
    arrays and linear operators. This may change their distribution and therefore
    not necessarily all previously available methods are retained.

    shape :
        Shape of realizations of this random variable.
    dtype :
        Data type of realizations of this random variable. If of type :class:`object`
        the argument will be converted to :class:`numpy.dtype`.
    parameters :
        Parameters of the distribution of the random variable.
    sample :
        Callable implementing sampling from the random variable.
    in_support :
        Callable checking whether the random variable takes value ``x`` with non-zero
        probability, i.e. if ``x`` is in the support of its distribution.
    cdf :
        Cumulative distribution function of the random variable.
    logcdf :
        Log-transformed cumulative distribution function of the random variable.
    quantile :
        Quantile function of the random variable.
    mode :
        Mode of the random variable. Value of the random variable at which its
        probability density function or probability mass function takes its maximal
    mean :
        Expected value of the random variable.
    cov :
        Covariance of the random variable.
    var :
        (Element-wise) variance of the random variable.
    std :
        (Element-wise) standard deviation of the random variable.
    entropy :
        Information-theoretic entropy :math:`H(X)` of the random variable.
    as_value_type :
        Function which can be used to transform user-supplied arguments, interpreted as
        realizations of this random variable, to an easy-to-process, normalized format.
        Will be called internally to transform the argument of functions like
        :meth:`~RandomVariable.in_support`, :meth:`~RandomVariable.cdf`
        and :meth:`~RandomVariable.logcdf`, :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.pmf`
        and :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.logpmf` (in :class:`DiscreteRandomVariable`),
        :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.pdf` and
        :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.logpdf` (in :class:`ContinuousRandomVariable`),
        and potentially by similar functions in subclasses.

        For instance, this method is useful if (``log``)
        :meth:`~ContinousRandomVariable.cdf` and (``log``)
        :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.pdf` both only work on :class:`numpy.float_`
        arguments, but we still want the user to be able to pass Python
        :class:`float`. Then :meth:`~RandomVariable.as_value_type`
        should be set to something like ``lambda x: np.float64(x)``.

    See Also
    asrandvar : Transform into a :class:`RandomVariable`.
    DiscreteRandomVariable : A random variable with countable range.
    ContinuousRandomVariable : A random variable with uncountably infinite range.

    The internals of :class:`RandomVariable` objects are assumed to be constant over
    their whole lifecycle. This is due to the caches used to make certain computations
    more efficient. As a consequence, altering the internal state of a
    :class:`RandomVariable` (e.g. its mean, cov, sampling function, etc.) will result in
    undefined behavior. In particular, this should be kept in mind when subclassing
    :class:`RandomVariable` or any of its descendants.

    Sampling from random variables with fixed seed is not stable with respect to the
    order of operations (such as slicing, masking, etc.). This means sampling from a
    random variable and then slicing the resulting array does not necessarily
    return the same result as slicing the random variable and sampling from the
    result. However, the random seed ensures that each sequence of operations will
    always result in the same output.

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods

    def __init__(
        shape: ShapeLike,
        dtype: DTypeLike,
        parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        sample: Optional[Callable[[np.random.Generator, ShapeType], _ValueType]] = None,
        in_support: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], bool]] = None,
        cdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None,
        logcdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None,
        quantile: Optional[Callable[[FloatLike], _ValueType]] = None,
        mode: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        median: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        mean: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        cov: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        var: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        std: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None,
        entropy: Optional[Callable[[], np.float_]] = None,
        as_value_type: Optional[Callable[[Any], _ValueType]] = None,
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
        """Create a new random variable."""
        self.__shape = _utils.as_shape(shape)

        # Data Types
        self.__dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        self.__median_dtype = RandomVariable.infer_median_dtype(self.__dtype)
        self.__moment_dtype = RandomVariable.infer_moment_dtype(self.__dtype)

        # Probability distribution of the random variable
        self.__parameters = parameters.copy() if parameters is not None else {}

        self.__sample = sample

        self.__in_support = in_support
        self.__cdf = cdf
        self.__logcdf = logcdf
        self.__quantile = quantile

        # Properties of the random variable
        self.__mode = mode
        self.__median = median
        self.__mean = mean
        self.__cov = cov
        self.__var = var
        self.__std = std
        self.__entropy = entropy

        # Utilities
        self.__as_value_type = as_value_type

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"<{self.__class__.__name__} with shape={self.shape}, dtype"

    def shape(self) -> ShapeType:
        """Shape of realizations of the random variable."""
        return self.__shape

    def ndim(self) -> int:
        """Number of dimensions of realizations of the random variable."""
        return len(self.__shape)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Size of realizations of the random variable, defined as the product over all
        components of :meth:`shape`."""
        return int(

    def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
        """Data type of (elements of) a realization of this random variable."""
        return self.__dtype

    def median_dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
        """The dtype of the :attr:`median`.

        It will be set to the dtype arising from the multiplication of
        values with dtypes :attr:`dtype` and :class:`numpy.float_`. This
        is motivated by the fact that, even for discrete random
        variables, e.g. integer-valued random variables, the
        :attr:`median` might lie in between two values in which case
        these values are averaged. For example, a uniform random
        variable on :math:`\\{ 1, 2, 3, 4 \\}` will have a median of
        return self.__median_dtype

    def moment_dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
        """The dtype of any (function of a) moment of the random variable, e.g. its
        :attr:`mean`, :attr:`cov`, :attr:`var`, or :attr:`std`. It will be set to the
        dtype arising from the multiplication of values with dtypes :attr:`dtype`
        and :class:`numpy.float_`. This is motivated by the mathematical definition of a
        moment as a sum or an integral over products of probabilities and values of the
        random variable, which are represented as using the dtypes :class:`numpy.float_`
        and :attr:`dtype`, respectively.
        return self.__moment_dtype

    def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Parameters of the associated probability distribution.

        The parameters of the probability distribution of the random
        variable, e.g. mean, variance, scale, rate, etc. stored in a
        return self.__parameters.copy()

    def mode(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Mode of the random variable."""
        if self.__mode is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        mode = self.__mode()


        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(mode, np.ndarray):

        return mode

    def median(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Median of the random variable.

        To learn about the dtype of the median, see

        if self.__shape != ():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "The median is only defined for scalar random variables."

        median = self.__median()


        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(median, np.ndarray):

        return median

    def mean(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Mean :math:`\\mathbb{E}(X)` of the random variable.

        To learn about the dtype of the mean, see :attr:`moment_dtype`.
        if self.__mean is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        mean = self.__mean()


        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(mean, np.ndarray):

        return mean

    def cov(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Covariance :math:`\\operatorname{Cov}(X) = \\mathbb{E}((X-\\mathbb{E}(X))(X-\\mathbb{E}(X))^\\top)` of the random variable.

        To learn about the dtype of the covariance, see :attr:`moment_dtype`.
        """  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        if self.__cov is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        cov = self.__cov()

            shape=(self.size, self.size) if self.ndim > 0 else (),

        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(cov, np.ndarray):

        return cov

    def var(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Variance :math:`\\operatorname{Var}(X) = \\mathbb{E}((X-\\mathbb{E}(X))^2)`
        of the random variable.

        To learn about the dtype of the variance, see :attr:`moment_dtype`.
        if self.__var is None:
                var = np.diag(self.cov).reshape(self.__shape).copy()
            except NotImplementedError as exc:
                raise NotImplementedError from exc
            var = self.__var()


        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(var, np.ndarray):

        return var

    def std(self) -> _ValueType:
        """Standard deviation of the random variable.

        To learn about the dtype of the standard deviation, see
        if self.__std is None:
                std = np.sqrt(self.var)
            except NotImplementedError as exc:
                raise NotImplementedError from exc
            std = self.__std()

            "standard deviation",

        # Make immutable
        if isinstance(std, np.ndarray):

        return std

    def entropy(self) -> np.float_:
        """Information-theoretic entropy :math:`H(X)` of the random variable."""
        if self.__entropy is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        entropy = self.__entropy()

        entropy = RandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float(
            "entropy", entropy, force_scalar=True

        return entropy

[docs] def in_support(self, x: _ValueType) -> bool: """Check whether the random variable takes value ``x`` with non-zero probability, i.e. if ``x`` is in the support of its distribution. Parameters ---------- x : Input value. """ if self.__in_support is None: raise NotImplementedError in_support = self.__in_support(self._as_value_type(x)) if not isinstance(in_support, bool): raise ValueError( f"The function `in_support` must return a `bool`, but its return value " f"is of type `{type(x)}`." ) return in_support
[docs] def sample(self, rng: np.random.Generator, size: ShapeLike = ()) -> _ValueType: """Draw realizations from a random variable. Parameters ---------- rng Random number generator used for sampling. size Size of the drawn sample of realizations. """ if self.__sample is None: raise NotImplementedError("No sampling method provided.") if not isinstance(rng, np.random.Generator): msg = "Random number generators must be of type np.random.Generator." raise TypeError(msg) return self.__sample(rng=rng, size=_utils.as_shape(size))
[docs] def cdf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the cumulative distribution function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The cdf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__cdf is not None: return RandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float( "cdf", self.__cdf(self._as_value_type(x)) ) elif self.__logcdf is not None: cdf = np.exp(self.logcdf(self._as_value_type(x))) assert isinstance(cdf, np.float_) return cdf else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `cdf` nor the `logcdf` of the random variable object " f"with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )
[docs] def logcdf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Log-cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the cumulative distribution function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The logcdf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__logcdf is not None: return RandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float( "logcdf", self.__logcdf(self._as_value_type(x)) ) elif self.__cdf is not None: logcdf = np.log(self.__cdf(x)) assert isinstance(logcdf, np.float_) return logcdf else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `logcdf` nor the `cdf` of the random variable object " f"with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )
[docs] def quantile(self, p: FloatLike) -> _ValueType: """Quantile function. The quantile function :math:`Q \\colon [0, 1] \\to \\mathbb{R}` of a random variable :math:`X` is defined as :math:`Q(p) = \\inf\\{ x \\in \\mathbb{R} \\colon p \\le F_X(x) \\}`, where :math:`F_X \\colon \\mathbb{R} \\to [0, 1]` is the :meth:`cdf` of the random variable. From the definition it follows that the quantile function always returns values of the same dtype as the random variable. For instance, for a discrete distribution over the integers, the returned quantiles will also be integers. This means that, in general, :math:`Q(0.5)` is not equal to the :attr:`median` as it is defined in this class. See for more details and examples. """ if self.__shape != (): raise NotImplementedError( "The quantile function is only defined for scalar random variables." ) if self.__quantile is None: raise NotImplementedError try: p = _utils.as_numpy_scalar(p, dtype=np.floating) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError( "The given argument `p` can not be cast to a `np.floating` object." ) from exc quantile = self.__quantile(p) if quantile.shape != self.__shape: raise ValueError( f"The quantile function should return values of the same shape as the " f"random variable, i.e. {self.__shape}, but it returned a value with " f"{quantile.shape}." ) if quantile.dtype != self.__dtype: raise ValueError( f"The quantile function should return values of the same dtype as the " f"random variable, i.e. `{}`, but it returned a value " f"with dtype `{}`." ) return quantile
def __getitem__(self, key: ArrayIndicesLike) -> "RandomVariable": return RandomVariable( shape=np.empty(shape=self.shape)[key].shape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: self.sample(rng, size)[key], mode=lambda: self.mode[key], mean=lambda: self.mean[key], var=lambda: self.var[key], std=lambda: self.std[key], entropy=lambda: self.entropy, as_value_type=self.__as_value_type, )
[docs] def reshape(self, newshape: ShapeLike) -> "RandomVariable": """Give a new shape to a random variable. Parameters ---------- newshape : New shape for the random variable. It must be compatible with the original shape. """ newshape = _utils.as_shape(newshape) return RandomVariable( shape=newshape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: self.sample(rng, size).reshape(size + newshape), mode=lambda: self.mode.reshape(newshape), median=lambda: self.median.reshape(newshape), mean=lambda: self.mean.reshape(newshape), cov=lambda: self.cov, var=lambda: self.var.reshape(newshape), std=lambda: self.std.reshape(newshape), entropy=lambda: self.entropy, as_value_type=self.__as_value_type, )
[docs] def transpose(self, *axes: int) -> "RandomVariable": """Transpose the random variable. Parameters ---------- axes : See documentation of :meth:`numpy.ndarray.transpose`. """ return RandomVariable( shape=np.empty(shape=self.shape).transpose(*axes).shape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: self.sample(rng, size).transpose(*axes), mode=lambda: self.mode.transpose(*axes), median=lambda: self.median.transpose(*axes), mean=lambda: self.mean.transpose(*axes), cov=lambda: self.cov, var=lambda: self.var.transpose(*axes), std=lambda: self.std.transpose(*axes), entropy=lambda: self.entropy, as_value_type=self.__as_value_type, )
T = property(transpose) # Unary arithmetic operations def __neg__(self) -> "RandomVariable": return RandomVariable( shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: -self.sample(rng=rng, size=size), in_support=lambda x: self.in_support(-x), mode=lambda: -self.mode, median=lambda: -self.median, mean=lambda: -self.mean, cov=lambda: self.cov, var=lambda: self.var, std=lambda: self.std, as_value_type=self.__as_value_type, ) def __pos__(self) -> "RandomVariable": return RandomVariable( shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: +self.sample(rng=rng, size=size), in_support=lambda x: self.in_support(+x), mode=lambda: +self.mode, median=lambda: +self.median, mean=lambda: +self.mean, cov=lambda: self.cov, var=lambda: self.var, std=lambda: self.std, as_value_type=self.__as_value_type, ) def __abs__(self) -> "RandomVariable": return RandomVariable( shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype, sample=lambda rng, size: abs(self.sample(rng=rng, size=size)), ) # Binary arithmetic operations __array_ufunc__ = None """ This prevents numpy from calling elementwise arithmetic operations allowing expressions like: y = np.array([1, 1]) + RV to call the arithmetic operations defined by RandomVariable instead of elementwise. Thus no array of RandomVariables but a RandomVariable with the correct shape is returned. """ def __add__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import add return add(self, other) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import add return add(other, self) def __sub__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import sub return sub(self, other) def __rsub__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import sub return sub(other, self) def __mul__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import mul return mul(self, other) def __rmul__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import mul return mul(other, self) def __matmul__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import matmul return matmul(self, other) def __rmatmul__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import matmul return matmul(other, self) def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import truediv return truediv(self, other) def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import truediv return truediv(other, self) def __floordiv__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import floordiv return floordiv(self, other) def __rfloordiv__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import floordiv return floordiv(other, self) def __mod__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import mod return mod(self, other) def __rmod__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import mod return mod(other, self) def __divmod__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import divmod_ return divmod_(self, other) def __rdivmod__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import divmod_ return divmod_(other, self) def __pow__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import pow_ return pow_(self, other) def __rpow__(self, other: Any) -> "RandomVariable": # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from ._arithmetic import pow_ return pow_(other, self)
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_median_dtype(value_dtype: DTypeLike) -> np.dtype: """Infer the dtype of the median. Set the dtype to the dtype arising from the multiplication of values with dtypes :attr:`dtype` and :class:`numpy.float_`. This is motivated by the fact that, even for discrete random variables, e.g. integer-valued random variables, the :attr:`median` might lie in between two values in which case these values are averaged. For example, a uniform random variable on :math:`\\{ 1, 2, 3, 4 \\}` will have a median of :math:`2.5`. Parameters ---------- value_dtype : Dtype of a value. """ return RandomVariable.infer_moment_dtype(value_dtype)
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_moment_dtype(value_dtype: DTypeLike) -> np.dtype: """Infer the dtype of any moment. Infers the dtype of any (function of a) moment of the random variable, e.g. its :attr:`mean`, :attr:`cov`, :attr:`var`, or :attr:`std`. Returns the dtype arising from the multiplication of values with dtypes :attr:`dtype` and :class:`numpy.float_`. This is motivated by the mathematical definition of a moment as a sum or an integral over products of probabilities and values of the random variable, which are represented as using the dtypes :class:`numpy.float_` and :attr:`dtype`, respectively. Parameters ---------- value_dtype : Dtype of a value. """ return np.promote_types(value_dtype, np.float_)
def _as_value_type(self, x: Any) -> _ValueType: if self.__as_value_type is not None: return self.__as_value_type(x) return x @staticmethod def _check_property_value( name: str, value: Any, shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, ): if shape is not None: if value.shape != shape: raise ValueError( f"The {name} of the random variable does not have the correct " f"shape. Expected {shape} but got {value.shape}." ) if dtype is not None: if not np.issubdtype(value.dtype, dtype): raise ValueError( f"The {name} of the random variable does not have the correct " f"dtype. Expected {} but got {}." ) @classmethod def _ensure_numpy_float( cls, name: str, value: Any, force_scalar: bool = False ) -> Union[np.float_, np.ndarray]: if np.isscalar(value): if not isinstance(value, np.float_): try: value = _utils.as_numpy_scalar(value, dtype=np.float_) except TypeError as err: raise TypeError( f"The function `{name}` specified via the constructor of " f"`{cls.__name__}` must return a scalar value that can be " f"converted to a `np.float_`, which is not possible for " f"{value} of type {type(value)}." ) from err elif not force_scalar: try: value = np.asarray(value, dtype=np.float_) except TypeError as err: raise TypeError( f"The function `{name}` specified via the constructor of " f"`{cls.__name__}` must return a value that can be converted " f"to a `np.ndarray` of type `np.float_`, which is not possible " f"for {value} of type {type(value)}." ) from err else: raise TypeError( f"The function `{name}` specified via the constructor of " f"`{cls.__name__}` must return a scalar value, but {value} of type " f"{type(value)} is not scalar." ) assert isinstance(value, (np.float_, np.ndarray)) return value class DiscreteRandomVariable(RandomVariable[_ValueType]): """Random variable with countable range. Discrete random variables map to a countable set. Typical examples are the natural numbers or integers. Parameters ---------- shape : Shape of realizations of this random variable. dtype : Data type of realizations of this random variable. If ``object`` will be converted to ``numpy.dtype``. parameters : Parameters of the distribution of the random variable. sample : Callable implementing sampling from the random variable. in_support : Callable checking whether the random variable takes value ``x`` with non-zero probability, i.e. if ``x`` is in the support of its distribution. pmf : Probability mass function of the random variable. logpmf : Log-transformed probability mass function of the random variable. cdf : Cumulative distribution function of the random variable. logcdf : Log-transformed cumulative distribution function of the random variable. quantile : Quantile function of the random variable. mode : Mode of the random variable. Value of the random variable at which :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.pmf` takes its maximal value. mean : Expected value of the random variable. cov : Covariance of the random variable. var : (Element-wise) variance of the random variable. std : (Element-wise) standard deviation of the random variable. entropy : Shannon entropy :math:`H(X)` of the random variable. as_value_type : Function which can be used to transform user-supplied arguments, interpreted as realizations of this random variable, to an easy-to-process, normalized format. Will be called internally to transform the argument of functions like :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.in_support`, :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.cdf` and :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.logcdf`, :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.pmf` and :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.logpmf`, and potentially by similar functions in subclasses. For instance, this method is useful if (``log``) :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.cdf` and (``log``) :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.pmf` both only work on :class:`numpy.float_` arguments, but we still want the user to be able to pass Python :class:`float`. Then :meth:`~DiscreteRandomVariable.as_value_type` should be set to something like ``lambda x: np.float64(x)``. See Also -------- RandomVariable : Class representing random variables. ContinuousRandomVariable : A random variable with uncountably infinite range. Examples -------- >>> # Create a custom categorical random variable >>> import numpy as np >>> from probnum.randvars import DiscreteRandomVariable >>> >>> # Distribution parameters >>> support = np.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>> p = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.3]) >>> parameters_categorical = { ... "support" : support, ... "p" : p} >>> >>> # Sampling function >>> def sample_categorical(rng, size=()): ... return rng.choice(a=support, size=size, p=p) >>> >>> # Probability mass function >>> def pmf_categorical(x): ... idx = np.where(x == support)[0] ... if len(idx) > 0: ... return p[idx] ... else: ... return 0.0 >>> >>> # Create custom random variable >>> x = DiscreteRandomVariable( ... shape=(), ... dtype=np.dtype(np.int64), ... parameters=parameters_categorical, ... sample=sample_categorical, ... pmf=pmf_categorical, ... mean=lambda : np.float64(0), ... median=lambda : np.float64(0), ... ) >>> >>> # Sample from new random variable >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(42) >>> x.sample(rng=rng, size=3) array([1, 0, 1]) >>> x.pmf(2) array(0.) >>> x.mean 0.0 """ def __init__( self, shape: ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, sample: Optional[Callable[[np.random.Generator, ShapeLike], _ValueType]] = None, in_support: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], bool]] = None, pmf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, logpmf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, cdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, logcdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, quantile: Optional[Callable[[FloatLike], _ValueType]] = None, mode: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, median: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, mean: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, cov: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, var: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, std: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, entropy: Optional[Callable[[], np.float_]] = None, as_value_type: Optional[Callable[[Any], _ValueType]] = None, ): # Probability mass function self.__pmf = pmf self.__logpmf = logpmf super().__init__( shape=shape, dtype=dtype, parameters=parameters, sample=sample, in_support=in_support, cdf=cdf, logcdf=logcdf, quantile=quantile, mode=mode, median=median, mean=mean, cov=cov, var=var, std=std, entropy=entropy, as_value_type=as_value_type, )
[docs] def pmf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Probability mass function. Computes the probability of the random variable being equal to the given value. For a random variable :math:`X` it is defined as :math:`p_X(x) = P(X = x)` for a probability measure :math:`P`. Probability mass functions are the discrete analogue of probability density functions in the sense that they are the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the pushforward measure :math:`P \\circ X^{-1}` defined by the random variable with respect to the counting measure. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the probability mass function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The pmf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__pmf is not None: return DiscreteRandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float("pmf", self.__pmf(x)) elif self.__logpmf is not None: pmf = np.exp(self.__logpmf(x)) assert isinstance(pmf, np.float_) return pmf else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `pmf` nor the `logpmf` of the discrete random variable " f"object with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )
[docs] def logpmf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Natural logarithm of the probability mass function. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the log-probability mass function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The logpmf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__logpmf is not None: return DiscreteRandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float( "logpmf", self.__logpmf(self._as_value_type(x)) ) elif self.__pmf is not None: logpmf = np.log(self.__pmf(self._as_value_type(x))) assert isinstance(logpmf, np.float_) return logpmf else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `logpmf` nor the `pmf` of the discrete random variable " f"object with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )
class ContinuousRandomVariable(RandomVariable[_ValueType]): """Random variable with uncountably infinite range. Continuous random variables map to a uncountably infinite set. Typically, this is a subset of a real vector space. Parameters ---------- shape : Shape of realizations of this random variable. dtype : Data type of realizations of this random variable. If ``object`` will be converted to ``numpy.dtype``. parameters : Parameters of the distribution of the random variable. sample : Callable implementing sampling from the random variable. in_support : Callable checking whether the random variable takes value ``x`` with non-zero probability, i.e. if ``x`` is in the support of its distribution. pdf : Probability density function of the random variable. logpdf : Log-transformed probability density function of the random variable. cdf : Cumulative distribution function of the random variable. logcdf : Log-transformed cumulative distribution function of the random variable. quantile : Quantile function of the random variable. mode : Mode of the random variable. Value of the random variable at which :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.pdf` takes its maximal value. mean : Expected value of the random variable. cov : Covariance of the random variable. var : (Element-wise) variance of the random variable. std : (Element-wise) standard deviation of the random variable. entropy : Differential entropy :math:`H(X)` of the random variable. as_value_type : Function which can be used to transform user-supplied arguments, interpreted as realizations of this random variable, to an easy-to-process, normalized format. Will be called internally to transform the argument of functions like :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.in_support`, :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.cdf` and :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.logcdf`, :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.pdf` and :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.logpdf`, and potentially by similar functions in subclasses. For instance, this method is useful if (``log``) :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.cdf` and (``log``) :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.pdf` both only work on :class:`numpy.float_` arguments, but we still want the user to be able to pass Python :class:`float`. Then :meth:`~ContinuousRandomVariable.as_value_type` should be set to something like ``lambda x: np.float64(x)``. See Also -------- RandomVariable : Class representing random variables. DiscreteRandomVariable : A random variable with countable range. Examples -------- >>> # Create a custom uniformly distributed random variable >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> # Distribution parameters >>> a = 0.0 >>> b = 1.0 >>> parameters_uniform = {"bounds" : [a, b]} >>> >>> # Sampling function >>> def sample_uniform(rng, size=()): ... return rng.uniform(size=size) >>> >>> # Probability density function >>> def pdf_uniform(x): ... if a <= x < b: ... return 1.0 ... else: ... return 0.0 >>> >>> # Create custom random variable >>> u = ContinuousRandomVariable( ... shape=(), ... dtype=np.dtype(np.float64), ... parameters=parameters_uniform, ... sample=sample_uniform, ... pdf=pdf_uniform, ... mean=lambda : np.float64(0.5 * (a + b)), ... median=lambda : np.float64(0.5 * (a + b)), ... var=lambda : np.float64(1 / 12 * (b - a) ** 2), ... entropy=lambda : np.log(b - a), ... ) >>> >>> # Sample from new random variable >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(42) >>> u.sample(rng=rng, size=3) array([0.77395605, 0.43887844, 0.85859792]) >>> u.pdf(0.5) array(1.) >>> u.var 0.08333333333333333 """ def __init__( self, shape: ShapeLike, dtype: DTypeLike, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, sample: Optional[Callable[[np.random.Generator, ShapeLike], _ValueType]] = None, in_support: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], bool]] = None, pdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, logpdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, cdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, logcdf: Optional[Callable[[_ValueType], np.float_]] = None, quantile: Optional[Callable[[FloatLike], _ValueType]] = None, mode: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, median: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, mean: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, cov: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, var: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, std: Optional[Callable[[], _ValueType]] = None, entropy: Optional[Callable[[], np.float_]] = None, as_value_type: Optional[Callable[[Any], _ValueType]] = None, ): # Probability density function self.__pdf = pdf self.__logpdf = logpdf super().__init__( shape=shape, dtype=dtype, parameters=parameters, sample=sample, in_support=in_support, cdf=cdf, logcdf=logcdf, quantile=quantile, mode=mode, median=median, mean=mean, cov=cov, var=var, std=std, entropy=entropy, as_value_type=as_value_type, )
[docs] def pdf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Probability density function. The area under the curve defined by the probability density function specifies the probability of the random variable :math:`X` taking values within that area. Probability density functions are defined as the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the pushforward measure :math:`P \\circ X^{-1}` with respect to the Lebesgue measure for a given probability measure :math:`P`. Following convention we always assume the Lebesgue measure as a base measure unless stated otherwise. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the probability density function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The pdf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__pdf is not None: return ContinuousRandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float( "pdf", self.__pdf(self._as_value_type(x)) ) if self.__logpdf is not None: pdf = np.exp(self.__logpdf(self._as_value_type(x))) assert isinstance(pdf, np.float_) return pdf raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `pdf` nor the `logpdf` of the continuous random variable " f"object with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )
[docs] def logpdf(self, x: _ValueType) -> np.float_: """Natural logarithm of the probability density function. Parameters ---------- x : Evaluation points of the log-probability density function. The shape of this argument should be :code:`(..., S1, ..., SN)`, where :code:`(S1, ..., SN)` is the :attr:`shape` of the random variable. The logpdf evaluation will be broadcast over all additional dimensions. """ if self.__logpdf is not None: return ContinuousRandomVariable._ensure_numpy_float( "logpdf", self.__logpdf(self._as_value_type(x)) ) elif self.__pdf is not None: logpdf = np.log(self.__pdf(self._as_value_type(x))) assert isinstance(logpdf, np.float_) return logpdf else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Neither the `logpdf` nor the `pdf` of the continuous random variable " f"object with type `{type(self).__name__}` is implemented." )