
class probnum.linalg.solvers.ProbabilisticLinearSolver(policy, information_op, belief_update, stopping_criterion)

Bases: probnum.ProbabilisticNumericalMethod[probnum.problems.LinearSystem, probnum.linalg.solvers.beliefs.LinearSystemBelief]

Compose a custom probabilistic linear solver.

Class implementing probabilistic linear solvers. Such (iterative) solvers infer solutions to problems of the form


where \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\) and \(b \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\). They return a probability measure which quantifies uncertainty in the output arising from finite computational resources or stochastic input. This class unifies and generalizes probabilistic linear solvers as described in the literature. 1 2 3 4




Hennig, P., Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2015, 25, 234-260


Cockayne, J. et al., A Bayesian Conjugate Gradient Method, Bayesian Analysis, 2019, 14, 937-1012


Bartels, S. et al., Probabilistic Linear Solvers: A Unifying View, Statistics and Computing, 2019


Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020

See also


Solve linear systems in a Bayesian framework.


Solve linear systems with prior information on the solution.


Define a linear system.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from probnum.problems import LinearSystem
>>> from probnum.problems.zoo.linalg import random_spd_matrix
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
>>> n = 100
>>> A = random_spd_matrix(rng=rng, dim=n)
>>> b = rng.standard_normal(size=(n,))
>>> linsys = LinearSystem(A=A, b=b)

Create a custom probabilistic linear solver from pre-defined components.

>>> from probnum.linalg.solvers import (
...     ProbabilisticLinearSolver,
...     belief_updates,
...     beliefs,
...     information_ops,
...     policies,
...     stopping_criteria,
... )
>>> pls = ProbabilisticLinearSolver(
...     policy=policies.ConjugateGradientPolicy(),
...     information_op=information_ops.ProjectedRHSInformationOp(),
...     belief_update=belief_updates.solution_based.SolutionBasedProjectedRHSBeliefUpdate(),
...     stopping_criterion=(
...         stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion(100)
...         | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
...     ),
... )

Define a prior over the solution.

>>> from probnum import linops, randvars
>>> prior = beliefs.LinearSystemBelief(
...     x=randvars.Normal(
...         mean=np.zeros((n,)),
...         cov=np.eye(n),
...     ),
... )

Solve the linear system using the custom solver.

>>> belief, solver_state = pls.solve(prior=prior, problem=linsys)
>>> np.linalg.norm(linsys.A @ belief.x.mean - linsys.b) / np.linalg.norm(linsys.b)

Methods Summary

solve(prior, problem[, rng])

Solve the linear system.

solve_iterator(prior, problem[, rng])

Generator implementing the solver iteration.

Methods Documentation

solve(prior, problem, rng=None)[source]

Solve the linear system.

Return type

Tuple[LinearSystemBelief, LinearSolverState]


  • belief – Posterior belief \((\mathsf{x}, \mathsf{A}, \mathsf{H}, \mathsf{b})\) over the solution \(x\), the system matrix \(A\), its (pseudo-)inverse \(H=A^\dagger\) and the right hand side \(b\).

  • solver_state – Final state of the solver.

solve_iterator(prior, problem, rng=None)[source]

Generator implementing the solver iteration.

This function allows stepping through the solver iteration one step at a time and exposes the internal solver state.


solver_state – State of the probabilistic linear solver.

Return type

Generator[LinearSolverState, None, None]