Source code for probnum._function

"""Function class defining a Callable with fixed in- and output shapes."""

import abc
from typing import Callable

import numpy as np

from . import utils
from .typing import ArrayLike, ShapeLike, ShapeType

class Function(abc.ABC):
    """Callable with information about the shape of expected in- and outputs.

    This class represents a, uni- or multivariate, scalar- or tensor-valued,
    mathematical function. Hence, the call method should not have any observable

        Input shape.

        Output shape.

    See Also
    LambdaFunction : Define a :class:`Function` from an anonymous function.
    ~probnum.randprocs.mean_fns.Zero : Zero mean function of a random process.

    def __init__(self, input_shape: ShapeLike, output_shape: ShapeLike = ()) -> None:
        self._input_shape = utils.as_shape(input_shape)
        self._input_ndim = len(self._input_shape)

        self._output_shape = utils.as_shape(output_shape)
        self._output_ndim = len(self._output_shape)

    def input_shape(self) -> ShapeType:
        """Shape of the function's input.

        For a scalar-input function, this is an empty tuple."""
        return self._input_shape

    def input_ndim(self) -> int:
        """Syntactic sugar for ``len(input_shape)``."""
        return self._input_ndim

    def output_shape(self) -> ShapeType:
        """Shape of the function's output.

        For scalar-valued function, this is an empty tuple."""
        return self._output_shape

[docs] def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the function at a given input. The function is vectorized over the batch shape of the input. Parameters ---------- x *shape=* ``batch_shape +`` :attr:`input_shape` -- (Batch of) input(s) at which to evaluate the function. Returns ------- fx *shape=* ``batch_shape +`` :attr:`output_shape` -- Function evaluated at the given (batch of) input(s). Raises ------ ValueError If the shape of ``x`` does not match :attr:`input_shape` along its last dimensions. """ x = np.asarray(x) # Shape checking if x.shape[x.ndim - self.input_ndim :] != self.input_shape: err_msg = ( "The shape of the input array must match the `input_shape` " f"`{self.input_shape}` of the function along its last dimensions, but " f"an array with shape `{x.shape}` was given." ) raise ValueError(err_msg) batch_shape = x.shape[: x.ndim - self.input_ndim] fx = self._evaluate(x) assert fx.shape == (batch_shape + self.output_shape) return fx
@abc.abstractmethod def _evaluate(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: pass class LambdaFunction(Function): """Define a :class:`Function` from a given :class:`callable`. Creates a :class:`Function` from a given :class:`callable` and in- and output shapes. This provides a convenient interface to define a :class:`Function`. Parameters ---------- fn Callable defining the function. input_shape Input shape. output_shape Output shape. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from probnum import LambdaFunction >>> fn = LambdaFunction(fn=lambda x: 2 * x + 1, input_shape=(2,), output_shape=(2,)) >>> fn(np.array([[1, 2], [4, 5]])) array([[ 3, 5], [ 9, 11]]) See Also -------- Function : Callable with a fixed in- and output shape. """ def __init__( self, fn: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], input_shape: ShapeLike, output_shape: ShapeLike = (), ) -> None: self._fn = fn super().__init__(input_shape, output_shape) def _evaluate(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return self._fn(x)