Source code for probnum.linalg.solvers._probabilistic_linear_solver

"""Probabilistic linear solvers.

Iterative probabilistic numerical methods solving linear systems :math:`Ax = b`.

from typing import Generator, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from probnum import ProbabilisticNumericalMethod, problems
from probnum.linalg.solvers import (

from ._state import LinearSolverState

class ProbabilisticLinearSolver(
    ProbabilisticNumericalMethod[problems.LinearSystem, beliefs.LinearSystemBelief]
    r"""Compose a custom probabilistic linear solver.

    Class implementing probabilistic linear solvers. Such (iterative) solvers infer
    solutions to problems of the form

    .. math:: Ax=b,

    where :math:`A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}` and :math:`b \in \mathbb{R}^{n}`.
    They return a probability measure which quantifies uncertainty in the output arising
    from finite computational resources or stochastic input. This class unifies and
    generalizes probabilistic linear solvers as described in the literature. [1]_ [2]_
    [3]_ [4]_

        Policy returning actions taken by the solver.
        Information operator defining how information about the linear system is
        obtained given an action.
        Belief update defining how to update the QoI beliefs given new observations.
        Stopping criterion determining when a desired terminal condition is met.

    .. [1] Hennig, P., Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers, *SIAM Journal on
       Optimization*, 2015, 25, 234-260
    .. [2] Cockayne, J. et al., A Bayesian Conjugate Gradient Method, *Bayesian
       Analysis*, 2019, 14, 937-1012
    .. [3] Bartels, S. et al., Probabilistic Linear Solvers: A Unifying View,
       *Statistics and Computing*, 2019
    .. [4] Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning,
       *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)*, 2020

    See Also
    ~probnum.linalg.problinsolve : Solve linear systems in a Bayesian framework.
    ~probnum.linalg.bayescg : Solve linear systems with prior information on the solution.

    Define a linear system.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from probnum.problems import LinearSystem
    >>> from probnum.problems.zoo.linalg import random_spd_matrix

    >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
    >>> n = 100
    >>> A = random_spd_matrix(rng=rng, dim=n)
    >>> b = rng.standard_normal(size=(n,))
    >>> linsys = LinearSystem(A=A, b=b)

    Create a custom probabilistic linear solver from pre-defined components.

    >>> from probnum.linalg.solvers import (
    ...     ProbabilisticLinearSolver,
    ...     belief_updates,
    ...     beliefs,
    ...     information_ops,
    ...     policies,
    ...     stopping_criteria,
    ... )

    >>> pls = ProbabilisticLinearSolver(
    ...     policy=policies.ConjugateGradientPolicy(),
    ...     information_op=information_ops.ProjectedRHSInformationOp(),
    ...     belief_update=belief_updates.solution_based.SolutionBasedProjectedRHSBeliefUpdate(),
    ...     stopping_criterion=(
    ...         stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion(100)
    ...         | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
    ...     ),
    ... )

    Define a prior over the solution.

    >>> from probnum import linops, randvars
    >>> prior = beliefs.LinearSystemBelief(
    ...     x=randvars.Normal(
    ...         mean=np.zeros((n,)),
    ...         cov=np.eye(n),
    ...     ),
    ... )

    Solve the linear system using the custom solver.

    >>> belief, solver_state = pls.solve(prior=prior, problem=linsys)
    >>> np.linalg.norm(linsys.A @ belief.x.mean - linsys.b) / np.linalg.norm(linsys.b)

    def __init__(
        policy: policies.LinearSolverPolicy,
        information_op: information_ops.LinearSolverInformationOp,
        belief_update: belief_updates.LinearSolverBeliefUpdate,
        stopping_criterion: stopping_criteria.LinearSolverStoppingCriterion,
        self.policy = policy
        self.information_op = information_op
        self.belief_update = belief_update

[docs] def solve_iterator( self, prior: beliefs.LinearSystemBelief, problem: problems.LinearSystem, rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None, ) -> Generator[LinearSolverState, None, None]: """Generator implementing the solver iteration. This function allows stepping through the solver iteration one step at a time and exposes the internal solver state. Parameters ---------- prior Prior belief about the quantities of interest :math:`(x, A, A^{-1}, b)` of the linear system. problem Linear system to be solved. rng Random number generator. Yields ------ solver_state State of the probabilistic linear solver. """ solver_state = LinearSolverState(problem=problem, prior=prior, rng=rng) while True: yield solver_state # Check stopping criterion if self.stopping_criterion(solver_state=solver_state): break # Compute action via policy solver_state.action = self.policy(solver_state=solver_state) # Make observation via information operator solver_state.observation = self.information_op(solver_state=solver_state) # Update belief about the quantities of interest solver_state.belief = self.belief_update(solver_state=solver_state) # Advance state to next step and invalidate caches solver_state.next_step()
[docs] def solve( self, prior: beliefs.LinearSystemBelief, problem: problems.LinearSystem, rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None, ) -> Tuple[beliefs.LinearSystemBelief, LinearSolverState]: r"""Solve the linear system. Parameters ---------- prior Prior belief about the quantities of interest :math:`(x, A, A^{-1}, b)` of the linear system. problem Linear system to be solved. rng Random number generator. Returns ------- belief Posterior belief :math:`(\mathsf{x}, \mathsf{A}, \mathsf{H}, \mathsf{b})` over the solution :math:`x`, the system matrix :math:`A`, its (pseudo-)inverse :math:`H=A^\dagger` and the right hand side :math:`b`. solver_state Final state of the solver. """ solver_state = None for solver_state in self.solve_iterator(prior=prior, problem=problem, rng=rng): pass return solver_state.belief, solver_state
class BayesCG(ProbabilisticLinearSolver): r"""Bayesian conjugate gradient method. Probabilistic linear solver taking prior information about the solution and choosing :math:`A`-conjugate actions to gain information about the solution by projecting the current residual. This code implements the method described in Cockayne et al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- stopping_criterion Stopping criterion determining when a desired terminal condition is met. References ---------- .. [1] Cockayne, J. et al., A Bayesian Conjugate Gradient Method, *Bayesian Analysis*, 2019 """ def __init__( self, stopping_criterion: stopping_criteria.LinearSolverStoppingCriterion = stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion() | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5), ): super().__init__( policy=policies.ConjugateGradientPolicy(), information_op=information_ops.ProjectedRHSInformationOp(), belief_update=belief_updates.solution_based.SolutionBasedProjectedRHSBeliefUpdate(), stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, ) class ProbabilisticKaczmarz(ProbabilisticLinearSolver): r"""Probabilistic Kaczmarz method. Probabilistic analogue of the (randomized) Kaczmarz method [1]_ [2]_, taking prior information about the solution and randomly choosing rows of the matrix :math:`A_i` and entries :math:`b_i` of the right-hand-side to obtain information about the solution. Parameters ---------- stopping_criterion Stopping criterion determining when a desired terminal condition is met. References ---------- .. [1] Kaczmarz, Stefan, Angenäherte Auflösung von Systemen linearer Gleichungen, *Bulletin International de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Série A, Sciences Mathématiques*, 1937 .. [2] Strohmer, Thomas; Vershynin, Roman, A randomized Kaczmarz algorithm for linear systems with exponential convergence, *Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications*, 2009 """ def __init__( self, stopping_criterion: stopping_criteria.LinearSolverStoppingCriterion = stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion() | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5), ): super().__init__( policy=policies.RandomUnitVectorPolicy(), information_op=information_ops.ProjectedRHSInformationOp(), belief_update=belief_updates.solution_based.SolutionBasedProjectedRHSBeliefUpdate(), stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, ) class MatrixBasedPLS(ProbabilisticLinearSolver): r"""Matrix-based probabilistic linear solver. Probabilistic linear solver updating beliefs over the system matrix and its inverse. The solver makes use of prior information and iteratively infers the matrix and its inverse by matrix-vector multiplication. This code implements the method described in Wenger et al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- policy Policy returning actions taken by the solver. stopping_criterion Stopping criterion determining when a desired terminal condition is met. References ---------- .. [1] Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning, *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)*, 2020 """ def __init__( self, policy: policies.LinearSolverPolicy = policies.ConjugateGradientPolicy(), stopping_criterion: stopping_criteria.LinearSolverStoppingCriterion = stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion() | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5), ): super().__init__( policy=policy, information_op=information_ops.MatVecInformationOp(), belief_update=belief_updates.matrix_based.MatrixBasedLinearBeliefUpdate(), stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, ) class SymMatrixBasedPLS(ProbabilisticLinearSolver): r"""Symmetric matrix-based probabilistic linear solver. Probabilistic linear solver updating beliefs over the symmetric system matrix and its inverse. The solver makes use of prior information and iteratively infers the matrix and its inverse by matrix-vector multiplication. This code implements the method described in Wenger et al. [1]_. Parameters ---------- policy Policy returning actions taken by the solver. stopping_criterion Stopping criterion determining when a desired terminal condition is met. References ---------- .. [1] Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning, *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)*, 2020 """ def __init__( self, policy: policies.LinearSolverPolicy = policies.ConjugateGradientPolicy(), stopping_criterion: stopping_criteria.LinearSolverStoppingCriterion = stopping_criteria.MaxIterationsStoppingCriterion() | stopping_criteria.ResidualNormStoppingCriterion(atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5), ): super().__init__( policy=policy, information_op=information_ops.MatVecInformationOp(), belief_update=belief_updates.matrix_based.SymmetricMatrixBasedLinearBeliefUpdate(), stopping_criterion=stopping_criterion, )