Source code for probnum.quad._bayesquad

"""Bayesian Quadrature.

This module provides routines to integrate functions through Bayesian quadrature,
meaning a model over the integrand is constructed in order to actively select evaluation
points of the integrand to estimate the value of the integral. Bayesian quadrature
methods return a random variable, specifying the belief about the true value of the
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple
import warnings

import numpy as np

from probnum.quad.solvers.bq_state import BQIterInfo
from probnum.randprocs.kernels import Kernel
from probnum.randvars import Normal
from probnum.typing import FloatLike, IntLike

from ._integration_measures import GaussianMeasure, IntegrationMeasure, LebesgueMeasure
from ._quad_typing import DomainLike
from .solvers import BayesianQuadrature

[docs]def bayesquad( fun: Callable, input_dim: int, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, domain: Optional[DomainLike] = None, measure: Optional[IntegrationMeasure] = None, policy: Optional[str] = "bmc", max_evals: Optional[IntLike] = None, var_tol: Optional[FloatLike] = None, rel_tol: Optional[FloatLike] = None, batch_size: Optional[IntLike] = 1, rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] = np.random.default_rng(), ) -> Tuple[Normal, BQIterInfo]: r"""Infer the solution of the uni- or multivariate integral :math:`\int_\Omega f(x) d \mu(x)` on a hyper-rectangle :math:`\Omega = [a_1, b_1] \times \cdots \times [a_D, b_D]`. Bayesian quadrature (BQ) infers integrals of the form .. math:: F = \int_\Omega f(x) d \mu(x), of a function :math:`f:\mathbb{R}^D \mapsto \mathbb{R}` integrated on the domain :math:`\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^D` against a measure :math:`\mu` on :math:`\mathbb{R}^D`. Bayesian quadrature methods return a probability distribution over the solution :math:`F` with uncertainty arising from finite computation (here a finite number of function evaluations). They start out with a random process encoding the prior belief about the function :math:`f` to be integrated. Conditioned on either existing or acquired function evaluations according to a policy, they update the belief on :math:`f`, which is translated into a posterior measure over the integral :math:`F`. See Briol et al. [1]_ for a review on Bayesian quadrature. Parameters ---------- fun Function to be integrated. It needs to accept a shape=(n_eval, input_dim) ``np.ndarray`` and return a shape=(n_eval,) ``np.ndarray``. input_dim Input dimension of the integration problem. kernel The kernel used for the GP model domain *shape=(input_dim,)* -- Domain of integration. Contains lower and upper bound as ``int`` or ``np.ndarray``. measure Integration measure. Defaults to the Lebesgue measure. policy Type of acquisition strategy to use. Options are ========================== ======= Bayesian Monte Carlo [2]_ ``bmc`` ========================== ======= max_evals Maximum number of function evaluations. var_tol Tolerance on the variance of the integral. rel_tol Tolerance on consecutive updates of the integral mean. batch_size Number of new observations at each update. rng Random number generator. Used by Bayesian Monte Carlo other random sampling policies. Optional. Default is `np.random.default_rng()`. Returns ------- integral : The integral of ``fun`` on the domain. info : Information on the performance of the method. Raises ------ ValueError If neither a domain nor a measure are given. ValueError If a domain is given with a Gaussian measure. References ---------- .. [1] Briol, F.-X., et al., Probabilistic integration: A role in statistical computation?, *Statistical Science 34.1*, 2019, 1-22, 2019 .. [2] Rasmussen, C. E., and Z. Ghahramani, Bayesian Monte Carlo, *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems*, 2003, 505-512. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> input_dim = 1 >>> domain = (0, 1) >>> def f(x): ... return x >>> F, info = bayesquad(fun=f, input_dim=input_dim, domain=domain) >>> print(F.mean) 0.5 """ # Check input argument compatibility if domain is None and measure is None: raise ValueError( "You need to either specify an integration domain or an integration " "measure. The Lebesgue measure can only operate on a finite domain." ) if domain is not None: if isinstance(measure, GaussianMeasure): raise ValueError("GaussianMeasure cannot be used with finite bounds.") if isinstance(measure, LebesgueMeasure): warnings.warn( "Both domain and a LebesgueMeasure are specified. The domain " "information will be ignored." ) bq_method = BayesianQuadrature.from_problem( input_dim=input_dim, kernel=kernel, measure=measure, domain=domain, policy=policy, max_evals=max_evals, var_tol=var_tol, rel_tol=rel_tol, batch_size=batch_size, rng=rng, ) # Integrate integral_belief, _, info = bq_method.integrate(fun=fun) return integral_belief, info
[docs]def bayesquad_from_data( nodes: np.ndarray, fun_evals: np.ndarray, kernel: Optional[Kernel] = None, domain: Optional[DomainLike] = None, measure: Optional[IntegrationMeasure] = None, ) -> Tuple[Normal, BQIterInfo]: r"""Infer the value of an integral from a given set of nodes and function evaluations. Parameters ---------- nodes *shape=(n_eval, input_dim)* -- Locations at which the function evaluations are available as ``fun_evals``. fun_evals *shape=(n_eval,)* -- Function evaluations at ``nodes``. kernel The kernel used for the GP model. domain *shape=(input_dim,)* -- Domain of integration. Contains lower and upper bound as int or ndarray. measure Integration measure. Defaults to the Lebesgue measure. Returns ------- integral : The integral of ``fun`` on the domain. info : Information on the performance of the method. Raises ------ ValueError If neither a domain nor a measure are given. ValueError If a domain is given with a Gaussian measure. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> domain = (0, 1) >>> nodes = np.linspace(0, 1, 15)[:, None] >>> fun_evals = 3*nodes**2 >>> F, info = bayesquad_from_data(nodes=nodes, fun_evals=fun_evals, domain=domain) >>> print(F.mean) 1.0001 """ # Check input argument compatibility if domain is None and measure is None: raise ValueError( "You need to either specify an integration domain or an integration " "measure. The Lebesgue measure can only operate on a finite domain." ) if domain is not None: if isinstance(measure, GaussianMeasure): raise ValueError("GaussianMeasure cannot be used with finite bounds.") if isinstance(measure, LebesgueMeasure): warnings.warn( "Both domain and a LebesgueMeasure are specified. The domain " "information will be ignored." ) if nodes.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The nodes must be given a in an array with shape=(n_eval, input_dim)" ) n_eval, input_dim = nodes.shape bq_method = BayesianQuadrature.from_problem( input_dim=input_dim, kernel=kernel, measure=measure, domain=domain, max_evals=n_eval, batch_size=n_eval, policy="fixed", ) # Integrate integral_belief, _, info = bq_method.integrate(nodes=nodes, fun_evals=fun_evals) return integral_belief, info