"""ODE solutions returned by Gaussian ODE filtering."""
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from probnum import filtsmooth, randvars, utils
from probnum.diffeq import _odesolution
from probnum.typing import ArrayLike, FloatLike, IntLike, ShapeLike
class ODEFilterSolution(_odesolution.ODESolution):
"""Probabilistic ODE solution corresponding to the :class:`ODEFilter`.
Recall that in ProbNum, Gaussian filtering and smoothing is generally named
Gauss-Markov posterior over the ODE solver state space model.
Therefore, it assumes that the dynamics model is an :class:`Integrator`.
See Also
ODEFilter : ODE solver that behaves like a Gaussian filter.
KalmanPosterior : Posterior over states after Gaussian filtering/smoothing.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from probnum.diffeq import probsolve_ivp
>>> from probnum import randvars
>>> def f(t, x):
... return 4*x*(1-x)
>>> y0 = np.array([0.15])
>>> t0, tmax = 0., 1.5
>>> solution = probsolve_ivp(f, t0, tmax, y0, step=0.1, adaptive=False)
>>> # Mean of the discrete-time solution
>>> print(np.round(solution.states.mean, 2))
>>> # Times of the discrete-time solution
>>> print(solution.locations)
[0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5]
>>> # Individual entries of the discrete-time solution can be accessed with
>>> print(solution[5])
<Normal with shape=(1,), dtype=float64>
>>> print(np.round(solution[5].mean, 2))
>>> # Evaluate the continuous-time solution at a new time point t=0.65
>>> print(np.round(solution(0.65).mean, 2))
def __init__(self, kalman_posterior: filtsmooth.gaussian.KalmanPosterior):
self.kalman_posterior = kalman_posterior
# Pre-compute projection matrices.
# The prior must be an integrator, if not, an error is thrown in 'ODEFilter'.
self.proj_to_y = self.kalman_posterior.transition.proj2coord(coord=0)
self.proj_to_dy = self.kalman_posterior.transition.proj2coord(coord=1)
states = randvars._RandomVariableList(
[_project_rv(self.proj_to_y, rv) for rv in self.kalman_posterior.states]
derivatives = randvars._RandomVariableList(
[_project_rv(self.proj_to_dy, rv) for rv in self.kalman_posterior.states]
locations=kalman_posterior.locations, states=states, derivatives=derivatives
[docs] def interpolate(
t: FloatLike,
previous_index: Optional[IntLike] = None,
next_index: Optional[IntLike] = None,
) -> randvars.RandomVariable:
out_rv = self.kalman_posterior.interpolate(
t, previous_index=previous_index, next_index=next_index
return _project_rv(self.proj_to_y, out_rv)
[docs] def sample(
rng: np.random.Generator,
t: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
size: Optional[ShapeLike] = (),
) -> np.ndarray:
samples = self.kalman_posterior.sample(rng=rng, t=t, size=size)
# Project the samples down to the "true" ODEFilterSolution dimensions
# (which are a subset of the KalmanPosterior dimensions)
ode_samples = np.einsum("dq,...q->...d", self.proj_to_y, samples)
return ode_samples
def filtering_solution(self):
if isinstance(self.kalman_posterior, filtsmooth.gaussian.FilteringPosterior):
return self
# else: self.kalman_posterior is a SmoothingPosterior object, which has the
# field filter_posterior.
return ODEFilterSolution(
def _project_rv(projmat, rv):
# There is no way of checking whether `rv` has its Cholesky factor computed already
# or not. Therefore, since we need to update the Cholesky factor for square-root
# filtering, we also update the Cholesky factor for non-square-root algorithms here,
# which implies additional cost.
# See Issues #319 and #329.
# When they are resolved, this function here will hopefully be superfluous.
new_mean = projmat @ rv.mean
new_cov = projmat @ rv.cov @ projmat.T
new_cov_cholesky = utils.linalg.cholesky_update(projmat @ rv.cov_cholesky)
return randvars.Normal(new_mean, new_cov, cov_cholesky=new_cov_cholesky)