"""Automatic-differentiation-based initialization routines."""
import itertools
import numpy as np
from probnum import problems, randprocs, randvars
from ._interface import InitializationRoutine
# pylint: disable="import-outside-toplevel"
import jax
from jax.config import config
from jax.experimental.jet import jet
import jax.numpy as jnp
config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
except ImportError as JAX_IMPORT_ERROR:
"Cannot perform Jax-based initialization without the optional "
"dependencies jax and jaxlib. "
"Try installing them via `pip install jax jaxlib`."
class _AutoDiffBase(InitializationRoutine):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(is_exact=True, requires_jax=True)
def __call__(
ivp: problems.InitialValueProblem,
prior_process: randprocs.markov.MarkovProcess,
) -> randvars.RandomVariable:
num_derivatives = prior_process.transition.num_derivatives
f, y0 = self._make_autonomous(ivp=ivp)
mean_matrix = self._compute_ode_derivatives(
f=f, y0=y0, num_derivatives=num_derivatives
mean = mean_matrix.reshape((-1,), order="F")
zeros = jnp.zeros((mean.shape[0], mean.shape[0]))
return randvars.Normal(
def _compute_ode_derivatives(self, *, f, y0, num_derivatives):
gen = self._initial_derivative_generator(f=f, y0=y0)
mean_matrix = jnp.stack(
[next(gen)(y0)[:-1] for _ in range(num_derivatives + 1)]
return mean_matrix
def _make_autonomous(self, *, ivp):
"""Preprocess the ODE.
Turn the ODE into a format that is more convenient to handle with automatic
differentiation. This has no effect on the ODE itself. It is purely internal.
y0_autonomous = jnp.concatenate([ivp.y0, jnp.array([ivp.t0])])
def f_autonomous(y):
x, t = y[:-1], y[-1]
fx = ivp.f(t, x)
return jnp.concatenate([fx, jnp.array([1.0])])
return f_autonomous, y0_autonomous
def _initial_derivative_generator(self, *, f, y0):
"""Generate the inital derivatives recursively."""
def fwd_deriv(f, f0):
def df(x):
return self._jvp_or_vjp(fun=f, primals=x, tangents=f0(x))
return df
yield lambda x: y0
g = f
f0 = f
while True:
yield g
g = fwd_deriv(g, f0)
def _jvp_or_vjp(self, *, fun, primals, tangents):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ForwardModeJVP(_AutoDiffBase):
"""Initialization via Jacobian-vector-product-based automatic differentiation."""
def _jvp_or_vjp(self, *, fun, primals, tangents):
_, y = jax.jvp(fun, (primals,), (tangents,))
return y
[docs]class ForwardMode(_AutoDiffBase):
"""Initialization via forward-mode automatic differentiation."""
def _jvp_or_vjp(self, *, fun, primals, tangents):
return jax.jacfwd(fun)(primals) @ tangents
[docs]class ReverseMode(_AutoDiffBase):
"""Initialization via reverse-mode automatic differentiation."""
def _jvp_or_vjp(self, *, fun, primals, tangents):
return jax.jacrev(fun)(primals) @ tangents
[docs]class TaylorMode(_AutoDiffBase):
"""Initialize a probabilistic ODE solver with Taylor-mode automatic differentiation.
This requires JAX. For an explanation of what happens ``under the hood``, see [1]_.
.. [1] Krämer, N. and Hennig, P.,
Stable implementation of probabilistic ODE solvers,
*arXiv:2012.10106*, 2020.
>>> import sys, pytest
>>> if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
... pytest.skip()
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from probnum.randvars import Normal
>>> from probnum.problems.zoo.diffeq import threebody_jax, vanderpol_jax
>>> from probnum.randprocs.markov.integrator import IntegratedWienerProcess
Compute the initial values of the restricted three-body problem as follows
>>> ivp = threebody_jax()
>>> print(ivp.y0)
[ 0.994 0. 0. -2.00158511]
Construct the prior process.
>>> prior_process = IntegratedWienerProcess(
... initarg=ivp.t0, wiener_process_dimension=4, num_derivatives=3
... )
Initialize with Taylor-mode autodiff.
>>> taylor_init = TaylorMode()
>>> improved_initrv = taylor_init(ivp=ivp, prior_process=prior_process)
Print the results.
>>> print(prior_process.transition.proj2coord(0) @ improved_initrv.mean)
[ 0.994 0. 0. -2.00158511]
>>> print(improved_initrv.mean)
[ 9.94000000e-01 0.00000000e+00 -3.15543023e+02 0.00000000e+00
0.00000000e+00 -2.00158511e+00 0.00000000e+00 9.99720945e+04
0.00000000e+00 -3.15543023e+02 0.00000000e+00 6.39028111e+07
-2.00158511e+00 0.00000000e+00 9.99720945e+04 0.00000000e+00]
Compute the initial values of the van-der-Pol oscillator as follows.
First, set up the IVP and prior process.
>>> ivp = vanderpol_jax()
>>> print(ivp.y0)
[2. 0.]
>>> prior_process = IntegratedWienerProcess(
... initarg=ivp.t0, wiener_process_dimension=2, num_derivatives=3
... )
>>> taylor_init = TaylorMode()
>>> improved_initrv = taylor_init(ivp=ivp, prior_process=prior_process)
Print the results.
>>> print(prior_process.transition.proj2coord(0) @ improved_initrv.mean)
[2. 0.]
>>> print(improved_initrv.mean)
[ 2. 0. -2. 60. 0. -2. 60. -1798.]
>>> print(improved_initrv.std)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
def _compute_ode_derivatives(self, *, f, y0, num_derivatives):
# Compute the ODE derivatives by computing an nth-order Taylor
# approximation of the function g(t) = f(x(t))
taylor_coefficients = self._taylor_approximation(
f=f, y0=y0, order=num_derivatives
# The `f` parameter is an autonomous ODE vector field that
# used to be a non-autonomous ODE vector field.
# Therefore, we eliminate the final column of the result,
# which would correspond to the `t`-part in f(t, y(t)).
return taylor_coefficients[:, :-1]
def _taylor_approximation(self, *, f, y0, order):
"""Compute an `n`th order Taylor approximation of f at y0."""
taylor_coefficient_gen = self._taylor_coefficient_generator(f=f, y0=y0)
# Get the 'order'th entry of the coefficient-generator via itertools.islice
# The result is a tuple of length 'order+1', each entry of which
# corresponds to a derivative / Taylor coefficient.
derivatives = next(itertools.islice(taylor_coefficient_gen, order, None))
# The shape of this array is (order+1, ode_dim+1).
# 'order+1' since a 0th order approximation has 1 coefficient (f(x0)),
# a 1st order approximation has 2 coefficients (f(x0), df(x0)), etc.
# 'ode_dim+1' since we tranformed the ODE into an autonomous ODE.
derivatives_as_array = jnp.stack(derivatives, axis=0)
return derivatives_as_array
def _taylor_coefficient_generator(*, f, y0):
"""Generate Taylor coefficients.
Generate Taylor-series-coefficients of the ODE solution `x(t)` via generating
Taylor-series-coefficients of `g(t)=f(x(t))` via ``jax.experimental.jet()``.
# This is the 0th Taylor coefficient of x(t) at t=t0.
x_primals = y0
yield (x_primals,)
# This contains the higher-order, unnormalised
# Taylor coefficients of x(t) at t=t0.
# We know them because of the ODE.
x_series = (f(y0),)
while True:
yield (x_primals,) + x_series
# jet() computes a Taylor approximation of g(t) := f(x(t))
# The output is the zeroth Taylor approximation g(t_0) ('primals')
# as well its higher-order Taylor coefficients ('series')
g_primals, g_series = jet(fun=f, primals=(x_primals,), series=(x_series,))
# For ODEs \dot y(t) = f(y(t)),
# The nth Taylor coefficient of y is the
# (n-1)th Taylor coefficient of g(t) = f(y(t)).
# This way, by augmenting x0 with the Taylor series
# approximating g(t) = f(y(t)), we increase the order
# of the approximation by 1.
x_series = (g_primals, *g_series)