"""Base class for Bayesian quadrature stopping criteria."""
from probnum import StoppingCriterion
from probnum.quad.solvers.bq_state import BQIterInfo, BQState
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,arguments-differ fixme
class BQStoppingCriterion(StoppingCriterion):
r"""Stopping criterion of a Bayesian quadrature method.
Checks whether quantities tracked by the :class:`~probnum.quad.solvers.BQState`
meet a desired terminal condition.
See Also
IntegralVarianceTolerance : Stop based on the variance of the integral estimator.
RelativeMeanChange : Stop based on the absolute value of the integral variance.
MaxNevals : Stop based on a maximum number of iterations.
ImmediateStop : Dummy stopping criterion that always stops.
[docs] def __call__(self, bq_state: BQState, info: BQIterInfo) -> bool:
"""Check whether tracked quantities meet a desired terminal condition.
State of the BQ belief.
State of the BQ iteration.
stopping_decision :
Whether the stopping condition is met.
raise NotImplementedError