"""Kernel / covariance function."""
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from probnum import utils as _pn_utils
from probnum.typing import ArrayLike, ScalarLike, ShapeLike, ShapeType
BinaryOperandType = Union["Kernel", ScalarLike]
class Kernel(abc.ABC):
r"""(Cross-)covariance function(s)
Abstract base class representing one or multiple (cross-)covariance function(s),
also known as kernels.
A cross-covariance function
.. math::
k_{fg} \colon
\mathcal{X}^{d_\text{in}} \times \mathcal{X}^{d_\text{in}}
\to \mathbb{R}
is a function of two arguments :math:`x_0` and :math:`x_1`, which represents the
covariance between two evaluations :math:`f(x_0)` and :math:`g(x_1)` of two
scalar-valued random processes :math:`f` and :math:`g` on a common probability space
(or, equivalently, two outputs :math:`h_i(x_0)` and :math:`h_j(x_1)` of a
vector-valued random process :math:`h`).
If :math:`f = g`, then the cross-covariance function is also referred to as a
covariance function, in which case it must be symmetric and positive
An instance of a :class:`Kernel` can compute multiple different (cross-)covariance
functions on the same pair of inputs simultaneously. For instance, it can be used to
compute the full covariance matrix
.. math::
C^f \colon
\mathcal{X}^{d_\text{in}} \times \mathcal{X}^{d_\text{in}}
\to \mathbb{R}^{d_\text{out} \times d_\text{out}},
C^f_{i j}(x_0, x_1) := k_{f_i f_j}(x_0, x_1)
of the vector-valued random process :math:`f`. To this end, we understand any
:class:`Kernel` as a tensor whose shape is given by :attr:`output_shape`, which
contains different (cross-)covariance functions as its entries.
Shape of the :class:`Kernel`'s input.
Shape of the :class:`Kernel`'s output.
If ``output_shape`` is set to ``()``, the :class:`Kernel` instance represents a
single (cross-)covariance function. Otherwise, i.e. if ``output_shape`` is a
non-empty tuple, the :class:`Kernel` instance represents a tensor of
(cross-)covariance functions whose shape is given by ``output_shape``.
>>> from probnum.randprocs.kernels import Linear
>>> D = 3
>>> k = Linear(input_shape=D)
>>> k.input_shape
>>> k.output_shape
Generate some input data.
>>> N = 4
>>> xs = np.linspace(0, 1, N * D).reshape(N, D)
>>> xs.shape
(4, 3)
>>> xs
array([[0. , 0.09090909, 0.18181818],
[0.27272727, 0.36363636, 0.45454545],
[0.54545455, 0.63636364, 0.72727273],
[0.81818182, 0.90909091, 1. ]])
We can compute kernel matrices like so.
>>> k.matrix(xs)
array([[0.04132231, 0.11570248, 0.19008264, 0.26446281],
[0.11570248, 0.41322314, 0.7107438 , 1.00826446],
[0.19008264, 0.7107438 , 1.23140496, 1.75206612],
[0.26446281, 1.00826446, 1.75206612, 2.49586777]])
The :meth:`Kernel.__call__` evaluations are vectorized over the "batch shapes" of
the inputs, applying standard NumPy broadcasting.
>>> k(xs[:, None], xs[None, :]) # same as `.matrix`
array([[0.04132231, 0.11570248, 0.19008264, 0.26446281],
[0.11570248, 0.41322314, 0.7107438 , 1.00826446],
[0.19008264, 0.7107438 , 1.23140496, 1.75206612],
[0.26446281, 1.00826446, 1.75206612, 2.49586777]])
No broadcasting is applied if both inputs have the same shape. For instance, one can
efficiently compute just the diagonal of the kernel matrix via
>>> k(xs, xs)
array([0.04132231, 0.41322314, 1.23140496, 2.49586777])
>>> k(xs, None) # x1 = None is an efficient way to set x1 == x0
array([0.04132231, 0.41322314, 1.23140496, 2.49586777])
and the diagonal above the main diagonal of the kernel matrix is retrieved through
>>> k(xs[:-1, :], xs[1:, :])
array([0.11570248, 0.7107438 , 1.75206612])
Kernels support basic arithmetic operations. For example we can add noise to the
kernel in the following fashion.
>>> from probnum.randprocs.kernels import WhiteNoise
>>> k_noise = k + 0.1 * WhiteNoise(input_shape=D)
>>> k_noise.matrix(xs)
array([[0.14132231, 0.11570248, 0.19008264, 0.26446281],
[0.11570248, 0.51322314, 0.7107438 , 1.00826446],
[0.19008264, 0.7107438 , 1.33140496, 1.75206612],
[0.26446281, 1.00826446, 1.75206612, 2.59586777]])
def __init__(
input_shape: ShapeLike,
output_shape: ShapeLike = (),
self._input_shape = _pn_utils.as_shape(input_shape)
self._input_ndim = len(self._input_shape)
if self._input_ndim > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Currently, we only support kernels with at most 1 input dimension."
self._output_shape = _pn_utils.as_shape(output_shape)
self._output_ndim = len(self._output_shape)
def input_shape(self) -> ShapeType:
"""Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, arguments of the covariance function."""
return self._input_shape
def input_ndim(self) -> int:
"""Syntactic sugar for ``len(input_shape)``."""
return self._input_ndim
def output_shape(self) -> ShapeType:
"""Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, return values of the covariance function.
If :attr:`output_shape` is ``()``, the :class:`Kernel` instance represents a
single (cross-)covariance function. Otherwise, i.e. if :attr:`output_shape` is
non-empty, the :class:`Kernel` instance represents a tensor of
(cross-)covariance functions whose shape is given by ``output_shape``.
return self._output_shape
def output_ndim(self) -> int:
"""Syntactic sugar for ``len(output_shape)``."""
return self._output_ndim
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f"<{self.__class__.__name__} with"
f" input_shape={self.input_shape} and"
f" output_shape={self.output_shape}>"
[docs] def __call__(
x0: ArrayLike,
x1: Optional[ArrayLike],
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate the (cross-)covariance function(s).
The evaluation of the (cross-covariance) function(s) is vectorized over the
batch shapes of the arguments, applying standard NumPy broadcasting.
*shape=* ``batch_shape_0 +`` :attr:`input_shape` -- (Batch of) input(s)
for the first argument of the :class:`Kernel`.
*shape=* ``batch_shape_1 +`` :attr:`input_shape` -- (Batch of) input(s)
for the second argument of the :class:`Kernel`.
Can also be set to ``None``, in which case the function will behave as if
``x1 = x0`` (but it is implemented more efficiently).
k_x0_x1 :
*shape=* ``bcast_batch_shape +`` :attr:`output_shape` -- The
(cross-)covariance function(s) evaluated at ``(x0, x1)``.
Since the function is vectorized over the batch shapes of the inputs, the
output array contains the following entries:
.. code-block:: python
k_x0_x1[batch_idx + output_idx] = k[output_idx](
x0[batch_idx, ...],
x1[batch_idx, ...],
where we assume that ``x0`` and ``x1`` have been broadcast to a common
shape ``bcast_batch_shape +`` :attr:`input_shape`, and where ``output_idx``
and ``batch_idx`` are indices compatible with :attr:`output_shape` and
``bcast_batch_shape``, respectively.
By ``k[output_idx]`` we refer to the covariance function at index
``output_idx`` in the tensor of covariance functions represented by the
:class:`Kernel` instance.
If one of the input shapes is not of the form ``batch_shape_{0,1} +``
If the inputs can not be broadcast to a common shape.
See Also
matrix: Convenience function to compute a kernel matrix, i.e. a matrix of
pairwise evaluations of the kernel on two sets of points.
See documentation of class :class:`Kernel`.
x0 = np.asarray(x0)
if x1 is not None:
x1 = np.asarray(x1)
# Shape checking
broadcast_batch_shape = self._check_shapes(
x0.shape, x1.shape if x1 is not None else None
# Evaluate the kernel
k_x0_x1 = self._evaluate(x0, x1)
assert k_x0_x1.shape == broadcast_batch_shape + self._output_shape
return k_x0_x1
[docs] def matrix(
x0: ArrayLike,
x1: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""A convenience function for computing a kernel matrix for two sets of inputs.
This is syntactic sugar for ``k(x0[:, None], x1[None, :])``. Hence, it
computes the matrix (stack) of pairwise covariances between two sets of input
If ``k`` represents a single covariance function, then the resulting matrix will
be symmetric positive-(semi)definite for ``x0 == x1``.
*shape=* ``(M,) +`` :attr:`input_shape` or :attr:`input_shape`
-- Stack of inputs for the first argument of the :class:`Kernel`.
*shape=* ``(N,) +`` :attr:`input_shape` or :attr:`input_shape`
-- (Optional) stack of inputs for the second argument of the
:class:`Kernel`. If ``x1`` is not specified, the function behaves as if
``x1 = x0`` (but it is implemented more efficiently).
kernmat :
*shape=* ``batch_shape +`` :attr:`output_shape` -- The matrix / stack of
matrices containing the pairwise evaluations of the (cross-)covariance
function(s) on ``x0`` and ``x1``.
Depending on the shape of the inputs, ``batch_shape`` is either ``(M, N)``,
``(M,)``, ``(N,)``, or ``()``.
If the shapes of the inputs don't match the specification.
See Also
__call__: Evaluate the kernel more flexibly.
See documentation of class :class:`Kernel`.
x0 = np.asarray(x0)
x1 = x0 if x1 is None else np.asarray(x1)
# Shape checking
errmsg = (
"`{argname}` must have shape `({batch_dim},) + input_shape` or "
f"`input_shape`, where `input_shape` is `{self.input_shape}`, but an array "
"with shape `{shape}` was given."
if not 0 <= x0.ndim - self._input_ndim <= 1:
raise ValueError(errmsg.format(argname="x0", batch_dim="M", shape=x0.shape))
if not 0 <= x1.ndim - self._input_ndim <= 1:
raise ValueError(errmsg.format(argname="x1", batch_dim="N", shape=x1.shape))
# Pairwise kernel evaluation
if x0.ndim > self._input_ndim and x1.ndim > self._input_ndim:
return self(x0[:, None], x1[None, :])
return self(x0, x1)
def _evaluate(
x0: ArrayLike,
x1: Optional[ArrayLike],
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Implementation of the kernel evaluation which is called after input checking.
When implementing a particular kernel, the subclass should implement the kernel
computation by overwriting this method. It is called by the :meth:`__call__`
method after applying input checking. The implementation must return the array
described in the "Returns" section of the :meth:`__call__` method.
Note that the inputs are not automatically broadcast to a common shape, but it
is guaranteed that this is possible.
See argument ``x0`` in the docstring of :meth:`__call__`.
See argument ``x1`` in the docstring of :meth:`__call__`.
k_x0_x1 :
See "Returns" section in the docstring of :meth:`__call__`.
raise NotImplementedError
def _check_shapes(
x0_shape: ShapeType,
x1_shape: Optional[ShapeType] = None,
) -> ShapeType:
"""Checks input argument shapes and computes the broadcast batch shape of both
This function checks the shapes of the inputs to the :meth:`__call__` method and
it computes the `bcast_batch_shape` mentioned in the docstring.
x0_shape :
Shape of the first input to the covariance function.
x1_shape :
Shape of the (optional) second input to the covariance function.
broadcast_batch_shape :
The `batch_shape` after broadcasting the inputs to a common shape.
If one of the input shapes is not of the form ``batch_shape_{0,1} +``
If the inputs can not be broadcast to a common shape.
err_msg = (
"The shape of the input array `{argname}` must match the `input_shape` "
f"`{self.input_shape}` of the kernel along its last dimension, but an "
"array with shape `{shape}` was given."
if x0_shape[len(x0_shape) - self._input_ndim :] != self.input_shape:
raise ValueError(err_msg.format(argname="x0", shape=x0_shape))
broadcast_batch_shape = x0_shape[: len(x0_shape) - self._input_ndim]
if x1_shape is not None:
if x1_shape[len(x1_shape) - self._input_ndim :] != self.input_shape:
raise ValueError(err_msg.format(argname="x1", shape=x1_shape))
broadcast_batch_shape = np.broadcast_shapes(
x1_shape[: len(x1_shape) - self._input_ndim],
except ValueError as ve:
err_msg = (
f"The input arrays `x0` and `x1` with shapes {x0_shape} and "
f"{x1_shape} can not be broadcast to a common shape."
raise ValueError(err_msg) from ve
return broadcast_batch_shape
def _euclidean_inner_products(
self, x0: np.ndarray, x1: Optional[np.ndarray]
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Implementation of the Euclidean inner product, which supports scalar inputs
and an optional second argument."""
prods = x0**2 if x1 is None else x0 * x1
if self.input_ndim == 0:
return prods
assert self.input_ndim == 1
return np.sum(prods, axis=-1)
# Binary Arithmetic
__array_ufunc__ = None
This prevents numpy from calling elementwise arithmetic operations instead of
the arithmetic operations defined by `Kernel`.
def __add__(self, other: BinaryOperandType) -> Kernel:
from ._arithmetic import add # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return add(self, other)
def __radd__(self, other: BinaryOperandType) -> Kernel:
from ._arithmetic import add # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return add(other, self)
def __mul__(self, other: BinaryOperandType) -> Kernel:
from ._arithmetic import mul # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return mul(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other: BinaryOperandType) -> Kernel:
from ._arithmetic import mul # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
return mul(other, self)
class IsotropicMixin(abc.ABC): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
r"""Mixin for isotropic kernels.
An isotropic kernel is a kernel which only depends on the Euclidean norm of the
distance between the arguments, i.e.
.. math ::
k(x_0, x_1) = k(\lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_2).
Hence, all isotropic kernels are stationary.
def _squared_euclidean_distances(
self, x0: np.ndarray, x1: Optional[np.ndarray]
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Implementation of the squared Euclidean distance, which supports scalar
inputs and an optional second argument."""
if x1 is None:
return np.zeros_like( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
shape=x0.shape[: x0.ndim - self._input_ndim],
sqdiffs = (x0 - x1) ** 2
if self.input_ndim == 0:
return sqdiffs
assert self.input_ndim == 1
return np.sum(sqdiffs, axis=-1)
def _euclidean_distances(
self, x0: np.ndarray, x1: Optional[np.ndarray]
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Implementation of the Euclidean distance, which supports scalar inputs and an
optional second argument."""
if x1 is None:
return np.zeros_like( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
shape=x0.shape[: x0.ndim - self._input_ndim],
return np.sqrt(self._squared_euclidean_distances(x0, x1))