"""Cholesky updates."""
import typing
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["cholesky_update", "tril_to_positive_tril"]
[docs]def cholesky_update(
S1: np.ndarray, S2: typing.Optional[np.ndarray] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Compute Cholesky update/factorization :math:`L` such that
:math:`L L^\top = S_1 S_1^\top + S_2 S_2^\top` holds.
This can be used in various ways.
For example, :math:`S_1` and :math:`S_2` do not need to be Cholesky factors; any
matrix square-root is sufficient. As long as
:math:`L L^\top = S_1 S_1^\top + S_2 S_2^\top` is well-defined (and admits a
Cholesky-decomposition), :math:`S_1` and :math:`S_2` do not even have to be square.
S1 :
First matrix square-root. Not necessarily a Cholesky factor, any (possibly even
non-square) matrix :math:`S` such that :math:`C = S S^\top` holds,
is sufficient.
S2 :
Second matrix square-root. Not necessarily a Cholesky factor, any (possibly even
non-square) matrix :math:`S` such that :math:`C = S S^\top` holds, is
sufficient. Optional. Default is None.
Lower Cholesky factor :math:`L` of :math:`L L^\top =S1 S1^\top + S2 S2^\top`, if
``S2`` was not None. Otherwise, lower Cholesky factor of
:math:`L L^\top =S1 S1^\top`.
>>> from probnum.utils.linalg import cholesky_update
>>> from probnum.problems.zoo.linalg import random_spd_matrix
>>> import numpy as np
Compute the Cholesky-factor of a sum of SPD matrices.
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=3)
>>> C1 = random_spd_matrix(rng, dim=5)
>>> S1 = np.linalg.cholesky(C1)
>>> C2 = random_spd_matrix(rng, dim=5)
>>> S2 = np.linalg.cholesky(C2)
>>> C = C1 + C2
>>> S = cholesky_update(S1, S2)
>>> np.allclose(np.linalg.cholesky(C), S)
Turn a (potentially non-square) matrix square-root into a Cholesky factor
>>> A = np.random.rand(3, 5)
>>> S = cholesky_update(A @ S1)
>>> np.allclose(np.linalg.cholesky(A @ C1 @ A.T), S)
if S2 is not None:
stacked_up = np.vstack((S1.T, S2.T))
stacked_up = np.vstack(S1.T)
upper_sqrtm = np.linalg.qr(stacked_up, mode="r")
if S1.ndim == 1:
lower_sqrtm = upper_sqrtm.T
elif S1.shape[0] <= S1.shape[1]:
lower_sqrtm = upper_sqrtm.T
lower_sqrtm = np.zeros((S1.shape[0], S1.shape[0]))
lower_sqrtm[:, : -(S1.shape[0] - S1.shape[1])] = upper_sqrtm.T
return tril_to_positive_tril(lower_sqrtm)
[docs]def tril_to_positive_tril(tril_mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Orthogonally transform a lower-triangular matrix into a lower-triangular matrix
with positive diagonal.
In other words, make it a valid lower Cholesky factor.
The name of the function is based on `np.tril`.
d = np.sign(np.diag(tril_mat))
# Numpy assigns sign 0 to 0.0, which eliminate entire rows in the operation below.
d[d == 0] = 1.0
# Fast(er) multiplication with a diagonal matrix from the right via broadcasting.
with_pos_diag = tril_mat * d[None, :]
return with_pos_diag