
class probnum.linalg.solvers.belief_updates.matrix_based.MatrixBasedLinearBeliefUpdate

Bases: LinearSolverBeliefUpdate

Gaussian belief update in a matrix-based inference framework assuming linear information.

Updates the belief over the quantities of interest of a linear system \(Ax=b\) given matrix-variate Gaussian beliefs with Kronecker covariance structure and linear observations \(y=As\). The belief update computes \(p(M \mid y) = \mathcal{N}(M; M_{i+1}, V \otimes W_{i+1})\), 1 2 such that

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} M_{i+1} &= M_i + (y - M_i s) (s^\top W_i s)^\dagger s^\top W_i,\\ W_{i+1} &= W_i - W_i s (s^\top W_i s)^\dagger s^\top W_i. \end{align}\end{split}\]



Hennig, P., Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Solvers, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2015, 25, 234-260


Wenger, J. and Hennig, P., Probabilistic Linear Solvers for Machine Learning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020

Methods Summary


Update the belief about the quantities of interest of a linear system.

Methods Documentation


Update the belief about the quantities of interest of a linear system.


solver_state (LinearSolverState) – Current state of the linear solver.

Return type
