Source code for probnum.quad.solvers.belief_updates._belief_update

"""Base class of belief update for Bayesian quadrature."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve

from probnum.quad.solvers._bq_state import BQState
from probnum.randvars import Normal
from probnum.typing import FloatLike

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class BQBeliefUpdate(abc.ABC):
    """Abstract class for the inference scheme.

        Non-negative jitter to numerically stabilise kernel matrix inversion.

    def __init__(self, jitter: FloatLike) -> None:
        if jitter < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Jitter ({jitter}) must be non-negative.")
        self.jitter = float(jitter)

[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__( self, bq_state: BQState, new_nodes: np.ndarray, new_fun_evals: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Normal, BQState]: """Updates integral belief and BQ state according to the new data given. Parameters ---------- bq_state : Current state of the Bayesian quadrature loop. new_nodes : *shape=(n_eval_new, input_dim)* -- New nodes that have been added. new_fun_evals : *shape=(n_eval_new,)* -- Function evaluations at the given node. Returns ------- updated_belief : Gaussian integral belief after conditioning on the new nodes and evaluations. updated_state : Updated version of ``bq_state`` that contains all updated quantities. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compute_gram_cho_factor(self, gram: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]: """Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a positive-definite Gram matrix for use in scipy.linalg.cho_solve .. warning:: Uses scipy.linalg.cho_factor. The returned matrix is only to be used in scipy.linalg.cho_solve. Parameters ---------- gram symmetric pos. def. kernel Gram matrix :math:`K`, shape (nevals, nevals) Returns ------- gram_cho_factor : The upper triangular Cholesky decomposition of the Gram matrix. Other parts of the matrix contain random data. A boolean that indicates whether the matrix is lower triangular (always False but needed for scipy). """ return cho_factor(gram + self.jitter * np.eye(gram.shape[0]))
[docs] @staticmethod def gram_cho_solve( gram_cho_factor: Tuple[np.ndarray, bool], z: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper for scipy.linalg.cho_solve. Meant to be used for linear systems of the gram matrix. Requires the solution of scipy.linalg.cho_factor as input. Parameters ---------- gram_cho_factor The return object of compute_gram_cho_factor. z An array of appropriate shape. Returns ------- solution : The solution ``x`` to the linear system ``gram x = z``. """ return cho_solve(gram_cho_factor, z)