
class probnum.randprocs.kernels.Matern(input_shape, nu=1.5, *, lengthscales=None)

Bases: Kernel, IsotropicMixin

Matérn kernel.

Covariance function defined by

\begin{equation} k_\nu(x_0, x_1) := \frac{2^{1 - \nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} \left( \sqrt{2 \nu} \lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_{\Lambda^{-1}} \right)^\nu K_\nu \left( \sqrt{2 \nu} \lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_{\Lambda^{-1}} \right), \end{equation}

where \(K_\nu\) is a modified Bessel function of the second kind and

\[\lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_{\Lambda^{-1}}^2 := \sum_{i = 1}^d \frac{(x_{0,i} - x_{1,i})^2}{l_i}.\]

The Matérn kernel generalizes the ExpQuad kernel via its additional parameter \(\nu\) controlling the smoothness of the functions in the associated RKHS. For \(\nu \rightarrow \infty\), the Matérn kernel converges to the ExpQuad kernel. A Gaussian process with Matérn covariance function is \(\lceil \nu \rceil - 1\) times differentiable.

If \(\nu\) is a half-integer, i.e. \(\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}\) for some nonnegative integer \(p\), then the expression for the kernel function simplifies to a product of an exponential and a polynomial

\begin{equation} k_{\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}}(x_0, x_1) = \exp \left( -\sqrt{2 \nu} \lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_{\Lambda^{-1}} \right) \frac{p!}{(2p)!} \sum_{i = 0}^p \frac{(p + i)!}{i!(p - i)!} 2^{p - i} \left( \sqrt{2 \nu} \lVert x_0 - x_1 \rVert_{\Lambda^{-1}} \right)^{p - i}. \end{equation}

See also


Exponentiated Quadratic / RBF kernel.


Product Matern kernel.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from probnum.randprocs.kernels import Matern
>>> K = Matern((), nu=2.5, lengthscales=0.1)
>>> xs = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)
>>> K.matrix(xs)
array([[1.00000000e+00, 7.50933789e-04, 3.69569622e-08],
       [7.50933789e-04, 1.00000000e+00, 7.50933789e-04],
       [3.69569622e-08, 7.50933789e-04, 1.00000000e+00]])

Attributes Summary


Syntactic sugar for len(input_shape).


Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, arguments of the covariance function.


Syntactic sugar for the product over the input size.


Indicates whether \(\nu\) is a half-integer.




Input lengthscales along the different input dimensions.


Smoothness parameter \(\nu\).


Syntactic sugar for len(output_shape).


Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, return values of the covariance function.


Degree \(p\) of the polynomial part of a Matérn kernel with half-integer smoothness parameter \(\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}\).

Methods Summary

__call__(x0, x1)

Evaluate the (cross-)covariance function(s).


Computes the rational coefficients \(c_i\) of the polynomial part of a Matérn kernel with half-integer smoothness parameter \(\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}\).

matrix(x0[, x1])

A convenience function for computing a kernel matrix for two sets of inputs.

Attributes Documentation


Syntactic sugar for len(input_shape).


Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, arguments of the covariance function.


Syntactic sugar for the product over the input size.


Indicates whether \(\nu\) is a half-integer.




Input lengthscales along the different input dimensions.


Smoothness parameter \(\nu\).


Syntactic sugar for len(output_shape).


Shape of single, i.e. non-batched, return values of the covariance function.

If output_shape is (), the Kernel instance represents a single (cross-)covariance function. Otherwise, i.e. if output_shape is non-empty, the Kernel instance represents a tensor of (cross-)covariance functions whose shape is given by output_shape.


Degree \(p\) of the polynomial part of a Matérn kernel with half-integer smoothness parameter \(\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}\). If \(\nu\) is not a half-integer, this is set to None.

Sample paths of a Gaussian process with this covariance function are \(p\)-times continuously differentiable.

Methods Documentation

__call__(x0, x1)

Evaluate the (cross-)covariance function(s).

The evaluation of the (cross-covariance) function(s) is vectorized over the batch shapes of the arguments, applying standard NumPy broadcasting.

  • x0 (ArrayLike) – shape= batch_shape_0 + input_shape – (Batch of) input(s) for the first argument of the Kernel.

  • x1 (Optional[ArrayLike]) – shape= batch_shape_1 + input_shape – (Batch of) input(s) for the second argument of the Kernel. Can also be set to None, in which case the function will behave as if x1 = x0 (but it is implemented more efficiently).


shape= bcast_batch_shape + output_shape – The (cross-)covariance function(s) evaluated at (x0, x1). Since the function is vectorized over the batch shapes of the inputs, the output array contains the following entries:

k_x0_x1[batch_idx + output_idx] = k[output_idx](
    x0[batch_idx, ...],
    x1[batch_idx, ...],

where we assume that x0 and x1 have been broadcast to a common shape bcast_batch_shape + input_shape, and where output_idx and batch_idx are indices compatible with output_shape and bcast_batch_shape, respectively. By k[output_idx] we refer to the covariance function at index output_idx in the tensor of covariance functions represented by the Kernel instance.

Return type


  • ValueError – If one of the input shapes is not of the form batch_shape_{0,1} + input_shape.

  • ValueError – If the inputs can not be broadcast to a common shape.

See also


Convenience function to compute a kernel matrix, i.e. a matrix of pairwise evaluations of the kernel on two sets of points.


See documentation of class Kernel.

static half_integer_coefficients(p)[source]

Computes the rational coefficients \(c_i\) of the polynomial part of a Matérn kernel with half-integer smoothness parameter \(\nu = p + \frac{1}{2}\).

We leverage the recursion

\begin{align} c_{p - i} & := \frac{p!}{(2p)!} \frac{(p + i)!}{i!(p - i)!} 2^{p - i} \\ & = \frac{2 (i + 1)}{(p + i + 1) (p - i)} c_{p - (i + 1)}, \end{align}

where \(c_0 = c_{p - p} = 1\).


p (int) – Degree \(p\) of the polynomial part.


A tuple containing the exact rational coefficients of the polynomial part, where the entry at index \(i\) contains the coefficient corresponding to the monomial with degree \(i\).

Return type


matrix(x0, x1=None)

A convenience function for computing a kernel matrix for two sets of inputs.

This is syntactic sugar for k(x0[:, None], x1[None, :]). Hence, it computes the matrix (stack) of pairwise covariances between two sets of input points. If k represents a single covariance function, then the resulting matrix will be symmetric positive-(semi)definite for x0 == x1.

  • x0 (ArrayLike) – shape= (M,) + input_shape or input_shape – Stack of inputs for the first argument of the Kernel.

  • x1 (Optional[ArrayLike]) – shape= (N,) + input_shape or input_shape – (Optional) stack of inputs for the second argument of the Kernel. If x1 is not specified, the function behaves as if x1 = x0 (but it is implemented more efficiently).


shape= batch_shape + output_shape – The matrix / stack of matrices containing the pairwise evaluations of the (cross-)covariance function(s) on x0 and x1. Depending on the shape of the inputs, batch_shape is either (M, N), (M,), (N,), or ().

Return type



ValueError – If the shapes of the inputs don’t match the specification.

See also


Evaluate the kernel more flexibly.


See documentation of class Kernel.