
Custom type aliases.

This module defines commonly used types in the library. These are separated into two different kinds, API types and argument types.

API types (*Type) are aliases which define custom types used throughout the library. Objects of this type may be supplied as arguments or returned by a method.

Argument types (*Like) are aliases which define commonly used method arguments that are internally converted to a standardized representation. These should only ever be used in the signature of a method and then be converted internally, e.g. in a class instantiation or an interface. They enable the user to conveniently supply a variety of objects of different types for the same argument, while ensuring a unified internal representation of those same objects. As an example, take the different ways a user might specify a shape: 2, (2,), [2, 2]. These may all be acceptable arguments to a function taking a shape, but internally should always be converted to a ShapeType, i.e. a tuple of ints.



Type defining a shape of an object.


Type defining a matrix, i.e. a linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces.


Object that can be converted to an integer.


Object that can be converted to a float.


Object that can be converted to a shape.


Object that can be converted to an array dtype.


Object that can be converted to indices of an array.


Object that can be converted to a scalar value.


Object that can be converted to an array.


Object that can be converted to a LinearOperator.