Source code for probnum.quad.solvers.policies._van_der_corput_policy

"""Van der Corput points for integration on 1D intervals."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from probnum.quad.integration_measures import IntegrationMeasure
from probnum.quad.solvers._bq_state import BQState
from probnum.typing import IntLike

from ._policy import Policy

class VanDerCorputPolicy(Policy):
    r"""Pick nodes from the van der Corput sequence.

    The van der Corput sequence [1]_ is

    .. math:: 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.125, 0.625, \ldots

    If the integration domain is not [0, 1], the van der Corput sequence is linearly
    mapped to the domain. The domain must be finite.

        Size of batch of nodes when calling the policy once.
        The integration measure with finite domain.

        If input dimension is not 1.
        If measure domain is not bounded.

    .. [1]

    def __init__(self, batch_size: IntLike, measure: IntegrationMeasure) -> None:

        if int(measure.input_dim) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Policy 'vdc' works only when the input dimension is one.")

        domain_a = measure.domain[0]
        domain_b = measure.domain[1]
        if np.Inf in np.hstack([abs(domain_a), abs(domain_b)]):
            raise ValueError("Policy 'vdc' works only for bounded domains.")

        self.domain_a = domain_a
        self.domain_b = domain_b

    def requires_rng(self) -> bool:
        return False

[docs] def __call__( self, bq_state: BQState, rng: Optional[np.random.Generator] ) -> np.ndarray: n_nodes = bq_state.nodes.shape[0] vdc_seq = VanDerCorputPolicy.van_der_corput_sequence( n_nodes + 1, n_nodes + 1 + self.batch_size ) transformed_vdc_seq = vdc_seq * (self.domain_b - self.domain_a) + self.domain_a return transformed_vdc_seq.reshape((self.batch_size, 1))
[docs] @staticmethod def van_der_corput_sequence( n_start: int, n_end: Optional[int] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Returns elements ``n_start``, ``n_start + 1``, ..., ``n_end - 1`` in the van der Corput sequence. .. math:: 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.125, 0.625, \ldots If no ``n_end`` is given, only a single element in the sequence is returned. Parameters ---------- n_start First element of the van der Corput to be included (inclusive). n_end Last element of the van der Corput to be included (exclusive). If not given, only the ``n_start`` element is returned. Returns ------- vdc_seq Array containing elements from ``n_start`` to ``n_end - 1`` of the van der Corput sequence. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name if n_end is None: n_end = n_start + 1 vdc_seq = np.zeros((n_end - n_start,)) ind = 0 for m in range(n_start, n_end): q = 0.0 base_inv = 0.5 n = m while n != 0: q = q + (n % 2) * base_inv n = n // 2 base_inv = base_inv / 2.0 vdc_seq[ind] = q ind += 1 return vdc_seq