Source code for probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.ivp2filter

"""Adapter methods: from initial value problems + state space model to filters.

Soon the be replaced by initialisation methods. The adapter is taken
care of elsewhere.

import numpy as np

import probnum.filtsmooth as pnfs
import probnum.random_variables as pnrv

[docs]def ivp2ekf0(ivp, prior, evlvar): """Computes measurement model and initial distribution for KF based on IVP and prior. **Initialdistribution:** Conditions the initial distribution of the Gaussian filter onto the initial values. - If preconditioning is set to ``False``, it conditions the initial distribution :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0, I)` on the initial values :math:`(x_0, f(t_0, x_0), ...)` using as many available deri vatives as possible. - If preconditioning is set to ``True``, it conditions the initial distribution :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0, P P^\\top)` on the initial values :math:`(x_0, f(t_0, x_0), ...)` using as many available derivatives as possible. Note that the projection matrices :math:`H_0` and :math:`H_1` become :math:`H_0 P^{-1}` and :math:`H_1 P^{-1}` which has to be taken into account during the preconditioning. **Measurement model:** Returns a measurement model :math:`\\mathcal{N}(g(m), R)` involving computing the discrepancy .. math:: g(m) = H_1 m(t) - f(t, H_0 m(t)). Then it returns either type of Gaussian filter, each with a different interpretation of the Jacobian :math:`J_g`: - EKF0 thinks :math:`J_g(m) = H_1` - EKF1 thinks :math:`J_g(m) = H_1 - J_f(t, H_0 m(t)) H_0^\\top` - UKF thinks: ''What is a Jacobian?'' Note that, again, in the case of a preconditioned state space model, :math:`H_0` and :math:`H_1` become :math:`H_0 P^{-1}` and :math:`H_1 P^{-1}` which has to be taken into account. In this case, - EKF0 thinks :math:`J_g(m) = H_1 P^{-1}` - EKF1 thinks :math:`J_g(m) = H_1 P^{-1} - J_f(t, H_0 P^{-1} m(t)) (H_0 P^{-1})^\\top` - UKF again thinks: ''What is a Jacobian?'' **Note:** The choice between :math:`H_i` and :math:`H_i P^{-1}` is taken care of within the Prior. Returns ExtendedKalmanFilter object that is compatible with the GaussianIVPFilter. evlvar : float, measurement variance; in the literature, this is "R" """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long ekf_mod = pnfs.DiscreteEKFComponent.from_ode(ivp, prior, evlvar, ek0_or_ek1=0) initrv = _initialdistribution(ivp, prior) return pnfs.Kalman(prior, ekf_mod, initrv)
[docs]def ivp2ekf1(ivp, prior, evlvar): """Computes measurement model and initial distribution for EKF based on IVP and prior. Returns ExtendedKalmanFilter object. evlvar : float, (this is "R") """ ekf_mod = pnfs.DiscreteEKFComponent.from_ode(ivp, prior, evlvar, ek0_or_ek1=1) initrv = _initialdistribution(ivp, prior) return pnfs.Kalman(prior, ekf_mod, initrv)
[docs]def ivp2ukf(ivp, prior, evlvar): """Computes measurement model and initial distribution for EKF based on IVP and prior. Returns ExtendedKalmanFilter object. evlvar : float, (this is "R") """ ukf_mod = pnfs.DiscreteUKFComponent.from_ode(ivp, prior, evlvar) initrv = _initialdistribution(ivp, prior) return pnfs.Kalman(prior, ukf_mod, initrv)
def _initialdistribution(ivp, prior): """Conditions initialdistribution :math:`\\mathcal{N}(0, P P^\\top)` on the initial values :math:`(x_0, f(t_0, x_0), ...)` using as many available derivatives as possible. Note that the projection matrices :math:`H_0` and :math:`H_1` become :math:`H_0 P^{-1}` and :math:`H_1 P^{-1}`. """ if not issubclass(type(ivp.initrv), pnrv.Normal): if not issubclass(type(ivp.initrv), pnrv.Constant): raise RuntimeError("Initial distribution not Normal nor Dirac") x0 = ivp.initialdistribution.mean dx0 = ivp.rhs(ivp.t0, x0) ddx0 = _ddx(ivp.t0, x0, ivp) h0 = prior.proj2coord(coord=0) h1 = prior.proj2coord(coord=1) initcov = np.eye(len(h0.T)) if prior.ordint == 1: projmat = np.hstack((h0.T, h1.T)).T data = np.hstack((x0, dx0)) else: h2 = prior.proj2coord(coord=2) projmat = np.hstack((h0.T, h1.T, h2.T)).T data = np.hstack((x0, dx0, ddx0)) s = projmat @ initcov @ projmat.T crosscov = initcov @ projmat.T # @ np.linalg.inv(s) newmean = crosscov @ np.linalg.solve(s, data) newcov = initcov - crosscov @ np.linalg.solve(s, crosscov.T) return pnrv.Normal(newmean, newcov) def _ddx(t, x, ivp): """If Jacobian is available: x''(t) = J_f(x(t)) @ f(x(t)) Else it just returns zero. """ try: jac = ivp.jacobian(t, x) except NotImplementedError: jac = np.zeros((len(x), len(x))) evl = ivp.rhs(t, x) if np.isscalar(evl) is True: evl = np.array([evl]) jac = np.array([jac]) return jac @ evl def _dddx(t, x, ivp): """x'''(t) = H_f(x) @ f(x) @ f(x) + J_f(X) @ J_f(x) @ f(x) with an approximate Hessian-vector product. """ evl = ivp.rhs(t, x) try: jac = ivp.jacobian(t, x) except NotImplementedError: jac = np.zeros((len(x), len(x))) try: hess = ivp.hessian(t, x) except NotImplementedError: hess = np.zeros((len(x), len(x), len(x))) if np.isscalar(evl): evl = np.array([evl]) jac = np.array([jac]) hess = np.array([hess]) return (hess @ evl) @ evl + jac @ (jac @ evl)