ProbNum Quickstart

Follow the steps below to get started with ProbNum and learn about its basic functionality.

# Make inline plots vector graphics instead of raster graphics
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
set_matplotlib_formats('pdf', 'svg')

# Plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'../probnum.mplstyle')


You can install ProbNum using pip (or pip3).

pip install probnum

Alternatively, you can install the latest version from source.

pip install git+

Then in a Python session simply import ProbNum.

import probnum as pn

Using ProbNum

ProbNum implements probabilistic numerical methods in Python. PN methods solve numerical problems (e.g. solution of linear systems, quadrature, differential equations, …) by treating them as statistical inference problems instead. This allows quantification of uncertainty arising from finite computation or stochastic input.

At a basic level PN methods can serve as drop-in replacements for classic numerical routines, e.g. for the solution of linear systems \(Ax_*=b\).

import numpy as np

# Linear System Ax=b
A = np.array([[7.5, 2.0, 1.0],
              [2.0, 2.0, 0.5],
              [1.0, 0.5, 5.5]])
b = np.array([1, 2, -3])

# Solve using NumPy
x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

# Solve using ProbNum
x_rv, _, _, info = pn.linalg.problinsolve(A, b)
[-0.12366738  1.28358209 -0.63965885]
[-0.12366738  1.28358209 -0.63965885]

However, probabilistic numerical methods return random variables instead of just numbers. Their distribution models the uncertainty arising from finite computation or stochastic input.

# Solve with limited computational budget
x_rv, _, _, _ = pn.linalg.problinsolve(A, b, maxiter=2)
/home/jwenger/Documents/research/probabilistic_numerics/code/probnum/src/probnum/linalg/linearsolvers/ UserWarning: Iteration terminated. Solver reached the maximum number of iterations.
# Covariance of solution representing uncertainty
print(f"Covariance matrix: \n{x_rv.cov.todense()}")
Covariance matrix:
[[ 2.23355410e-01 -7.52102244e-01  7.23806730e-03]
 [-7.52102244e-01  2.53254571e+00 -2.43726653e-02]
 [ 7.23806730e-03 -2.43726653e-02  2.34557194e-04]]
# Sample from output random variable
n_samples = 4
x_samples = x_rv.sample(n_samples)
# Plot of true solution, mean and samples
rvdict = {"$x_*$" : x,
          "$\mathbb{E}(\mathsf{x})$" : x_rv.mean,
          "$\mathsf{x}_1$" : x_samples[0],
          "$\mathsf{x}_2$" : x_samples[1],
          "$\mathsf{x}_3$" : x_samples[2],
          "$\mathsf{x}_4$" : x_samples[3]}
vmin = np.min([np.min(mat) for mat in list(rvdict.values())])
vmax = np.max([np.max(mat) for mat in list(rvdict.values())])

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2 + n_samples, figsize=(8, 2.5), sharey=True)
for i, (title, rv) in enumerate(rvdict.items()):
    axes[i].imshow(rv[:, np.newaxis], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap="bwr")

Here, the probabilistic linear solver has identified the third component of the solution already with a high degree of confidence, while there is still some uncertainty about the first two left due to early termination.

Encoding Prior Knowledge

If we have prior knowledge about the problem setting, we can encode this into a PN method by specifying a prior distribution on the input. For this problem we observe that the matrix \(A\) is symmetric. Additionally, suppose we are given an approximate inverse of the system matrix.

# Approximate inverse of A
Ainv_approx = np.array([[ 0.2  , -0.18, -0.015],
                        [-0.18 ,  0.7 , -0.03 ],
                        [-0.015, -0.03,  0.20 ]])
print(A @ Ainv_approx)
[[1.125  0.02   0.0275]
 [0.0325 1.025  0.01  ]
 [0.0275 0.005  1.07  ]]

For this problem we encode the symmetry of the system matrix and its inverse by using symmetric matrix-variate normal distributions as priors. Realizations of these priors are symmetric matrices. Since there is no stochasticity in the problem definition we choose a highly concentrated symmetric prior over \(A\). This codifies our certainty about (multiplications with) \(A\). For the prior over the inverse we choose the approximate inverse from above as a mean.

from probnum import randvars, linops

# Prior distribution(s)
A0 = randvars.Normal(
    mean=A, cov=linops.SymmetricKronecker(10 ** -6 * linops.Identity(A.shape[0]))
Ainv0 = randvars.Normal(
    mean=Ainv_approx, cov=linops.SymmetricKronecker(0.1 * linops.Identity(A.shape[0]))

We now solve the problem again, but this time we also pass the prior distributions to the solver.

# Solve linear system with limited computational budget and prior knowledge
x_rv, _, _, info = pn.linalg.problinsolve(A, b, A0=A0, Ainv0=Ainv0, maxiter=2)
{'iter': 2, 'maxiter': 2, 'resid_l2norm': 0.00014783150371253874, 'trace_sol_cov': 0.007808118710123992, 'conv_crit': 'maxiter', 'rel_cond': None}
/home/jwenger/Documents/research/probabilistic_numerics/code/probnum/src/probnum/linalg/linearsolvers/ UserWarning: Iteration terminated. Solver reached the maximum number of iterations.

Examining the Posterior

We now take another look at the uncertainty in the solution, given prior knowledge about the inverse.

# Covariance of solution representing uncertainty
print(f"Covariance matrix: \n{x_rv.cov.todense()}")
Covariance matrix:
[[0.00037817 0.0015451  0.00064998]
 [0.0015451  0.00631279 0.00265563]
 [0.00064998 0.00265563 0.00111716]]
# Sample from output random variable
x_samples = x_rv.sample(n_samples)
# Plot of true solution, mean and samples
rvdict = {"$x_*$" : x,
          "$\mathbb{E}(\mathsf{x})$" : x_rv.mean,
          "$\mathsf{x}_1$" : x_samples[0],
          "$\mathsf{x}_2$" : x_samples[1],
          "$\mathsf{x}_3$" : x_samples[2],
          "$\mathsf{x}_4$" : x_samples[3]}

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2 + n_samples, figsize=(8, 2.5), sharey=True)
for i, (title, rv) in enumerate(rvdict.items()):
    axes[i].imshow(rv[:, np.newaxis], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap="bwr")

We observe that after the same number of steps in our algorithm all components are approximately identified and the uncertainty in the output is much lower.

Remark: The reader familiar with linear solvers might recognize that the prior on the inverse plays a similar role to the preconditioner for classic linear solvers.