Source code for probnum.problems.zoo.linalg._suitesparse_matrix

"""Sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection."""

import codecs
import csv
import io
import tarfile
from typing import Dict, Union

import numpy as np

import probnum.linops as linops

# URLs and file paths to data

[docs]def suitesparse_matrix( name: str, group: str, verbose: bool = False, ) -> "SuiteSparseMatrix": """Sparse matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. Download a sparse matrix benchmark from the `SuiteSparse Matrix Collection <>`_. [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- name : Name of the matrix. group : Group of the matrix. verbose : Print additional information. References ---------- .. [1] Davis, TA and Hu, Y. The University of Florida sparse matrix collection. *ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)* 38.1 (2011): 1-25. .. [2] Kolodziej, Scott P., et al. The SuiteSparse matrix collection website interface. *Journal of Open Source Software* 4.35 (2019): 1244. Examples -------- >>> ssmat = suitesparse_matrix(name="ash85", group="HB") >>> ssmat <SuiteSparseMatrix with shape=(85, 85) and dtype=float64> >>> ssmat.trace() 85.0 """ # Get database index try: import requests # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "Cannot query SuiteSparse Matrix collection without optional dependency ", "`requests`. Install ProbNum with optional dependencies for the problem zoo via", " `pip install probnum[zoo]` or install requests directly: `pip install requests`.", ) from err response = requests.get(SUITESPARSE_INDEX_URL, "r") line_gen = response.iter_lines() for _ in range(2): next(line_gen) # skip lines not part of the matrix table # Read index with custom header fieldnames = [ "group", "name", "nrows", "ncols", "nnz", "real", "logical", "is2d3d", "isspd", "psym", "nsym", "kind", ] databaseindex_reader = csv.DictReader( codecs.iterdecode(line_gen, "utf-8"), fieldnames=fieldnames ) # Query the SuiteSparse Matrix collection if verbose: print("Querying SuiteSparse Collection.") matrix_attr_dict = None matid = 0 for row in databaseindex_reader: matid += 1 if row["group"] == group and row["name"] == name: matrix_attr_dict = row matrix_attr_dict["matid"] = f"{matid}" if matrix_attr_dict is None: raise ValueError( f"Could not find matrix '{name}' in the SuiteSparse database index." ) # Create a SuiteSparseMatrix (and save to file) return SuiteSparseMatrix.from_database_entry(matrix_attr_dict)
class SuiteSparseMatrix(linops.Matrix): """SuiteSparse Matrix. Sparse matrix from the `SuiteSparse Matrix Collection <>`_. [1]_ [2]_ Parameters ---------- matid : Unique identifier for the matrix in the database. group : Group this matrix belongs to. name : Name of this matrix. nnz : Number of non-zero elements. is2d3d: Does this matrix come from a 2D or 3D discretization? isspd : Is this matrix symmetric, positive definite? psym : Degree of symmetry of the matrix pattern. nsym : Degree of numerical symmetry of the matrix. kind : Information of the problem domain this matrix arises from. References ---------- .. [1] Davis, TA and Hu, Y. The University of Florida sparse matrix collection. *ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS)* 38.1 ( 2011): 1-25. .. [2] Kolodziej, Scott P., et al. The SuiteSparse matrix collection website interface. *Journal of Open Source Software* 4.35 (2019): 1244. """ # pylint: disable="too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-arguments,abstract-method" def __init__( self, matid: str, group: str, name: str, nnz: int, is2d3d: bool, isspd: bool, psym: float, nsym: float, kind: str, ): self.matid = matid = group = name self.nnz = nnz self.is2d3d = is2d3d self.isspd = isspd self.psym = psym self.nsym = nsym self.kind = kind super().__init__(A=self._download())
[docs] @classmethod def from_database_entry(cls, database_entry: Dict) -> "SuiteSparseMatrix": """Create a SuiteSparseMatrix object from an entry of the database index. Parameters ---------- database_entry : Dictionary representing one entry from the SuiteSparse database index. """ return cls( matid=database_entry["matid"], group=database_entry["group"], nnz=int(database_entry["nnz"]), is2d3d=bool(int(database_entry["is2d3d"])), isspd=bool(int(database_entry["isspd"])), psym=float(database_entry["psym"]), nsym=float(database_entry["nsym"]), name=database_entry["name"], kind=database_entry["kind"], )
def _download( self, verbose: bool = False ) -> Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix]: """Download and extract file archive containing the sparse matrix. verbose: Print additional information. """ try: import requests # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "Cannot query SuiteSparse Matrix collection without optional dependency `requests`. Install ProbNum with optional dependencies for the problem zoo via `pip install probnum[zoo]` or install requests directly: `pip install requests`." ) from err url = SUITESPARSE_ROOT_URL + f"/MM/{}/{}.tar.gz" response = requests.get(url, stream=True) # Write archive to temporary file if verbose: print("Downloading compressed matrix.") chunk_size = 4096 chunk_iter = response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size) buffer = io.BytesIO() try: from import tqdm # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel with tqdm( total=int(response.headers["content-length"]),, unit="B", unit_scale=True, ) as pbar: for chunk in chunk_iter: buffer.write(chunk) pbar.update(chunk_size) except ImportError: for chunk in chunk_iter: buffer.write(chunk) if verbose: print("Extracting file archive.") tar =, mode="r:gz") return[0])) @staticmethod def _html_header() -> str: """Header of the HTML representation of a SuiteSparseMatrix.""" return ( "<thead>" + "".join( f"<th>{attr}</th>" for attr in [ "ID", "Group", "Name", "Rows", "Cols", "Nonzeros", "DType", "2D/3D Discretization", "SPD", "Pattern Symmetry", "Numerical Symmetry", "Domain", "Preview", ] ) + "</thead>" ) def _to_html_row(self) -> str: return ( "<tr>" + "".join( f"<td>{str(table_item)}</td>" for table_item in [ self.matid, ( f'<a href="{SUITESPARSE_ROOT_URL + "/" +}"' f' target="_blank">{}</a>' ), ( f'<a href="' f'{SUITESPARSE_ROOT_URL + "/" + + "/" +}" ' f'target="_blank">{}</a>' ), self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.nnz, self.dtype, self.is2d3d, self.isspd, f"{self.psym:.2}", f"{self.nsym:.2}", self.kind, f'<img src="{SUITESPARSE_ROOT_URL}/files/{}/{}.png">', ] ) + "</tr>" ) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """HTML representation.""" return ( f"<table>{self._html_header()}" + f"<tbody>{self._to_html_row()}</tbody></table>" )