ODE-Solvers from Scratch

All the other tutorials show how to use the ODE-solver with the probsolve_ivp function. This is great, though probnum has more customisation to offer.

from probnum import diffeq, filtsmooth, statespace, randvars, randprocs, problems
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


First we define the ODE problem. As always, we use Lotka-Volterra. Once the ODE functions are defined, they are gathered in an IVP object.

def f(t, y):
    y1, y2 = y
    return np.array([0.5 * y1 - 0.05 * y1 * y2, -0.5 * y2 + 0.05 * y1 * y2])

def df(t, y):
    y1, y2 = y
    return np.array([[0.5 - 0.05 * y2, -0.05 * y1], [0.05 * y2, -0.5 + 0.05 * y1]])

t0 = 0.0
tmax = 20.0
y0 = np.array([20, 20])

ivp = problems.InitialValueProblem(t0=t0, tmax=tmax, y0=y0, f=f, df=df)

Next, we define a prior distribution and a measurement model. The former can be any Integrator, which currently restricts the choice to IBM, IOUP, and Matern. We usually recommend IBM. The measurement model requires a choice between EK0, EK1 (extended Kalman filters of order 0 or 1, respectively) and perhaps UK (unscented Kalman filter). The use of the latter is discouraged, because the square-root implementation is not available currently.

The measurement model can either be constructed with DiscreteEKFComponent.from_ode or, perhaps more conveniently, with GaussianIVPFilter.string_to_measurement_model.

prior = statespace.IBM(
initrv = randvars.Normal(mean=np.zeros(prior.dimension), cov=np.eye(prior.dimension))
prior_process = randprocs.MarkovProcess(transition=prior, initrv=initrv, initarg=ivp.t0)
ekf = diffeq.GaussianIVPFilter.string_to_measurement_model(
    "EK1", ivp=ivp, prior_process=prior_process

Next, we construct the ODE filter. One choice that has not been made yet is the initialiation strategy. The current default choice is to initialise by fitting the prior to a few steps of a Runge-Kutta solution. An alternative is to use automatic differentiation, which is currently in development. An easy-access version of those initialisation strategies is to use the constructor GaussianIVPFilter.construct_with_rk_init.

diffmodel =statespace.PiecewiseConstantDiffusion(t0=t0)
solver = diffeq.GaussianIVPFilter.construct_with_rk_init(ivp, prior_process=prior_process, measurement_model=ekf, diffusion_model=diffmodel, with_smoothing=True)

Now we can solve the ODE. To this end, define a StepRule, e.g. ConstantSteps or AdaptiveSteps. If you don’t know which firststep to use, the function propose_firststep makes an educated guess for you.

firststep = diffeq.propose_firststep(ivp)
steprule = diffeq.AdaptiveSteps(firststep=firststep, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-5)
# steprule = diffeq.ConstantSteps(0.1)
odesol = solver.solve(steprule=steprule)

GaussianIVPFilter.solve returns an ODESolution object, which is sliceable and callable. The latter can be used to plot the solution on a uniform grid, even though the solution was computed on an adaptive grid. Be careful: the return values of __call__, etc., are always random variable-like objects. We decide to plot the mean.

evalgrid = np.arange(ivp.t0, ivp.tmax, step=0.1)

Done! This is the solution to the Lotka-Volterra model.

sol = odesol(evalgrid)

plt.plot(evalgrid, sol.mean, "o-", linewidth=1)
plt.ylim((0, 30))
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