Source code for probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.ivpfiltsmooth

import numpy as np

from probnum.diffeq import odesolver
from probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.prior import ODEPrior
from probnum.diffeq.odesolution import ODESolution
from probnum.random_variables import Normal

[docs]class GaussianIVPFilter(odesolver.ODESolver): """ ODE solver that behaves like a Gaussian filter. This is based on continuous-discrete Gaussian filtering. Note: this is specific for IVPs and does not apply without further considerations to, e.g., BVPs. """ def __init__(self, ivp, gaussfilt, with_smoothing): """ gaussfilt : gaussianfilter.GaussianFilter object, e.g. the return value of ivp_to_ukf(), ivp_to_ekf1(). Notes ----- * gaussfilt.dynamicmodel contains the prior, * gaussfilt.measurementmodel contains the information about the ODE right hand side function, * gaussfilt.initialdistribution contains the information about the initial values. """ if not issubclass(type(gaussfilt.dynamicmodel), ODEPrior): raise ValueError("Please initialise a Gaussian filter with an ODEPrior") self.gfilt = gaussfilt self.sigma_squared_global = 0.0 self.sigma_squared_current = 0.0 self.with_smoothing = with_smoothing super().__init__(ivp)
[docs] def initialise(self): return self.ivp.t0, self.gfilt.initialrandomvariable
[docs] def step(self, t, t_new, current_rv, **kwargs): """Gaussian IVP filter step as nonlinear Kalman filtering with zero data.""" pred_rv, _ = self.gfilt.predict(t, t_new, current_rv, **kwargs) zero_data = 0.0 filt_rv, meas_cov, crosscov, meas_mean = self.gfilt.update( t_new, pred_rv, zero_data, **kwargs ) errorest, self.sigma_squared_current = self._estimate_error( filt_rv.mean, crosscov, meas_cov, meas_mean ) return filt_rv, errorest
[docs] def method_callback(self, time, current_guess, current_error): """Update the sigma-squared (ssq) estimate.""" self.sigma_squared_global = ( self.sigma_squared_global + (self.sigma_squared_current - self.sigma_squared_global) / self.num_steps )
[docs] def postprocess(self, times, rvs): """ Rescale covariances with sigma square estimate, (if specified) smooth the estimate, return ODESolution. """ rvs = self._rescale(rvs) odesol = super().postprocess(times, rvs) if self.with_smoothing is True: odesol = self._odesmooth(ode_solution=odesol) return odesol
def _rescale(self, rvs): """Rescales covariances according to estimate sigma squared value.""" rvs = [Normal(rv.mean, self.sigma_squared_global * rv.cov) for rv in rvs] return rvs def _odesmooth(self, ode_solution, **kwargs): """ Smooth out the ODE-Filter output. Be careful about the preconditioning: the GaussFiltSmooth object only knows the state space with changed coordinates! Parameters ---------- filter_solution: ODESolution Returns ------- smoothed_solution: ODESolution """ ivp_filter_posterior = ode_solution._kalman_posterior ivp_smoother_posterior = self.gfilt.smooth(ivp_filter_posterior, **kwargs) smoothed_solution = ODESolution( times=ivp_smoother_posterior.locations, rvs=ivp_smoother_posterior.state_rvs, solver=ode_solution._solver, ) return smoothed_solution
[docs] def undo_preconditioning(self, rv): ipre = self.gfilt.dynamicmodel.invprecond newmean = ipre @ rv.mean newcov = ipre @ rv.cov @ ipre.T newrv = Normal(newmean, newcov) return newrv
def _estimate_error(self, currmn, ccest, covest, mnest): """ Error estimate. Estimates error as whitened residual using the residual as weight vector. THIS IS NOT A PERFECT ERROR ESTIMATE, but this is a question of research, not a question of implementation as of now. """ std_like = np.linalg.cholesky(covest) whitened_res = np.linalg.solve(std_like, mnest) ssq = whitened_res @ whitened_res / mnest.size abserrors = np.abs(whitened_res) errorest = self._rel_and_abs_error(abserrors, currmn) return errorest, ssq def _rel_and_abs_error(self, abserrors, currmn): """ Returns maximum of absolute and relative error. This way, both are guaranteed to be satisfied. """ ordint, spatialdim = self.gfilt.dynamicmodel.ordint, self.ivp.dimension h0_1d = np.eye(ordint + 1)[:, 0].reshape((1, ordint + 1)) projmat = np.kron(np.eye(spatialdim), h0_1d) weights = np.ones(len(abserrors)) rel_error = ( (abserrors / np.abs(projmat @ currmn)) @ weights / np.linalg.norm(weights) ) abs_error = abserrors @ weights / np.linalg.norm(weights) return np.maximum(rel_error, abs_error) @property def prior(self): return self.gfilt.dynamicmodel