Source code for probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.odefiltsmooth

Convenience functions for Gaussian filtering and smoothing.

We support the following methods:
    - ekf0: Extended Kalman filtering based on a zero-th order Taylor
        approximation [1]_, [2]_, [3]_. Also known as "PFOS".
    - ekf1: Extended Kalman filtering [3]_.
    - ukf: Unscented Kalman filtering [3]_.
    - eks0: Extended Kalman smoothing based on a zero-th order Taylor
        approximation [4]_.
    - eks1: Extended Kalman smoothing [4]_.
    - uks: Unscented Kalman smoothing.

.. [1]
.. [2]
.. [3]
.. [4]

from probnum.diffeq import steprule
from probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth import ivp2filter, prior
from probnum.diffeq.odefiltsmooth.ivpfiltsmooth import GaussianIVPFilter

[docs]def probsolve_ivp( ivp, method="ekf0", which_prior="ibm1", tol=None, step=None, firststep=None, precond_step=None, **kwargs ): """ Solve initial value problem with Gaussian filtering and smoothing. Numerically computes a Gauss-Markov process which solves numerically the initial value problem (IVP) based on a system of first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) .. math:: \\dot x(t) = f(t, x(t)), \\quad x(t_0) = x_0, \\quad t \\in [t_0, T] by regarding it as a (nonlinear) Gaussian filtering (and smoothing) problem [3]_. For some configurations it recovers certain multistep methods [1]_. Convergence rates of filtering [2]_ and smoothing [4]_ are comparable to those of methods of Runge-Kutta type. This function turns a prior-string into an :class:`ODEPrior`, a method-string into a filter/smoother of class :class:`GaussFiltSmooth`, creates a :class:`GaussianIVPFilter` object and calls the :meth:`solve()` method. For advanced usage we recommend to do this process manually which enables advanced methods of tuning the algorithm. This function supports the methods: extended Kalman filtering based on a zero-th order Taylor approximation (EKF0), extended Kalman filtering (EKF1), unscented Kalman filtering (UKF), extended Kalman smoothing based on a zero-th order Taylor approximation (EKS0), extended Kalman smoothing (EKS1), and unscented Kalman smoothing (UKS). Arguments --------- ivp : IVP Initial value problem to be solved. step : float Step size :math:`h` of the solver. This defines the discretisation mesh as each proposed step is equal to :math:`h` and all proposed steps are accepted. Only one of out of ``step`` and ``tol`` is set. tol : float Tolerance :math:`\\varepsilon` of the adaptive step scheme. We implement the scheme proposed by Schober et al., accepting a step if the absolute as well as the relative error estimate are smaller than the tolerance, :math:`\\max\\{e, e / |y|\\} \\leq \\varepsilon`. Only one of out of ``step`` and ``tol`` is set. which_prior : str, optional Which prior is to be used. Default is an IBM(1), further support for IBM(:math:`q`), IOUP(:math:`q`), Matern(:math:`q+1/2`), :math:`q\\in\\{1, 2, 3, 4\\}` is provided. The available options are ====================== ======================================== IBM(:math:`q`) ``'ibm1'``, ``'ibm2'``, ``'ibm3'``, ``'ibm4'`` IOUP(:math:`q`) ``'ioup1'``, ``'ioup2'``, ``'ioup3'``, ``'ioup4'`` Matern(:math:`q+0.5`) ``'matern32'``, ``'matern52'``, ``'matern72'``, ``'matern92'`` ====================== ======================================== The type of prior relates to prior assumptions about the derivative of the solution. The IBM(:math:`q`) prior leads to a :math:`q`-th order method that is recommended if little to no prior information about the solution is available. On the other hand, if the :math:`q`-th derivative is expected to regress to zero, an IOUP(:math:`q`) prior might be suitable. method : str, optional Which method is to be used. Default is ``ekf0`` which is the method proposed by Schober et al.. The available options are ================================================ ============== Extended Kalman filtering/smoothing (0th order) ``'ekf0'``, ``'eks0'`` Extended Kalman filtering/smoothing (1st order) ``'ekf1'``, ``'eks1'`` Unscented Kalman filtering/smoothing ``'ukf'``, ``'uks'`` ================================================ ============== First order extended Kalman filtering and smoothing methods require Jacobians of the RHS-vector field of the IVP. The uncertainty estimates as returned by EKF1/S1 and UKF/S appear to be more reliable than those of EKF0/S0. The latter is more stable when it comes to very small steps. firststep : float, optional First suggested step :math:`h_0` for adaptive step size scheme. Default is None which lets the solver start with the suggestion :math:`h_0 = T - t_0`. For low accuracy it might be more efficient to start out with smaller :math:`h_0` so that the first acceptance occurs earlier. precond_step : float, optional Expected average step size, used for preconditioning. See :class:`ODEPrior` for details. Default is ``precond_step=1.0`` which amounts to no preconditioning. If constant step size, precond_step is overwritten with the actual step size to provide optimal preconditioning. Returns ------- solution : ODESolution Solution of the ODE problem. Contains fields: t : :obj:`np.ndarray`, shape=(N,) Mesh used by the solver to compute the solution. It includes the initial time :math:`t_0` but not necessarily the final time :math:`T`. y : :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`, length=N Discrete-time solution at times :math:`t_1, ..., t_N`, as a list of random variables. The means and covariances can be accessed with ``solution.y.mean`` and ``solution.y.cov``. See Also -------- GaussianIVPFilter : Solve IVPs with Gaussian filtering and smoothing ODESolution : Solution of ODE problems References ---------- .. [1] Schober, M., Särkkä, S. and Hennig, P.. A probabilistic model for the numerical solution of initial value problems. Statistics and Computing, 2019. .. [2] Kersting, H., Sullivan, T.J., and Hennig, P.. Convergence rates of Gaussian ODE filters. 2019. .. [3] Tronarp, F., Kersting, H., Särkkä, S., and Hennig, P.. Probabilistic solutions to ordinary differential equations as non-linear Bayesian filtering: a new perspective. Statistics and Computing, 2019. .. [4] Tronarp, F., Särkkä, S., and Hennig, P.. Bayesian ODE solvers: the maximum a posteriori estimate. 2019. Examples -------- >>> from probnum.diffeq import logistic, probsolve_ivp >>> from probnum import random_variables as rvs >>> initrv = rvs.Dirac(0.15) >>> ivp = logistic(timespan=[0., 1.5], initrv=initrv, params=(4, 1)) >>> solution = probsolve_ivp(ivp, method="ekf0", step=0.1) >>> print(solution.y.mean) [[0.15 ] [0.2076198 ] [0.27932997] [0.3649165 ] [0.46054129] [0.55945475] [0.65374523] [0.73686744] [0.8053776 ] [0.85895587] [0.89928283] [0.92882899] [0.95007559] [0.96515825] [0.97577054] [0.9831919 ]] >>> initrv = rvs.Dirac(0.15) >>> ivp = logistic(timespan=[0., 1.5], initrv=initrv, params=(4, 1)) >>> solution = probsolve_ivp(ivp, method="eks1", which_prior="ioup3", step=0.1) >>> print(solution.y.mean) [[0.15 ] [0.20795795] [0.28228416] [0.36926 ] [0.46646494] [0.5658788 ] [0.66048505] [0.74369892] [0.81237394] [0.86592791] [0.90598293] [0.9349573 ] [0.95544749] [0.96968754] [0.97947631] [0.98614541]] """ gfilt, firststep, stprl = _create_solver_inputs( ivp, method, which_prior, tol, step, firststep, precond_step, **kwargs ) with_smoothing = method[-2] == "s" or method[-1] == "s" solver = GaussianIVPFilter(ivp, gfilt, with_smoothing=with_smoothing) solution = solver.solve(firststep=firststep, steprule=stprl, **kwargs) return solution
def _create_solver_inputs( ivp, method, which_prior, tol, step, firststep, precond_step, **kwargs ): """Create the solver object that is used.""" _check_step_tol(step, tol) _check_method(method) if precond_step is None: precond_step = step or 1.0 _prior = _string2prior(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs) if tol is not None: stprl = steprule.AdaptiveSteps(tol, _prior.ordint + 1, **kwargs) if firststep is None: firststep = ivp.tmax - ivp.t0 else: stprl = steprule.ConstantSteps(step) firststep = step gfilt = _string2filter(ivp, _prior, method, **kwargs) return gfilt, firststep, stprl def _check_step_tol(step, tol): both_none = tol is None and step is None both_not_none = tol is not None and step is not None if both_none or both_not_none: errormsg = "Please specify either a tolerance or a step size." raise ValueError(errormsg) def _check_method(method): if method not in ["ekf0", "ekf1", "ukf", "eks0", "eks1", "uks"]: raise ValueError("Method not supported.") def _string2prior(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs): ibm_family = ["ibm1", "ibm2", "ibm3", "ibm4"] ioup_family = ["ioup1", "ioup2", "ioup3", "ioup4"] matern_family = ["matern32", "matern52", "matern72", "matern92"] if which_prior in ibm_family: return _string2ibm(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs) elif which_prior in ioup_family: return _string2ioup(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs) elif which_prior in matern_family: return _string2matern(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("It should have been impossible to reach this point.") def _string2ibm(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs): if "diffconst" in kwargs.keys(): diffconst = kwargs["diffconst"] else: diffconst = 1.0 if which_prior == "ibm1": return prior.IBM(1, ivp.dimension, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ibm2": return prior.IBM(2, ivp.dimension, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ibm3": return prior.IBM(3, ivp.dimension, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ibm4": return prior.IBM(4, ivp.dimension, diffconst, precond_step) else: raise RuntimeError("It should have been impossible to reach this point.") def _string2ioup(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs): if "diffconst" in kwargs.keys(): diffconst = kwargs["diffconst"] else: diffconst = 1.0 if "driftspeed" in kwargs.keys(): driftspeed = kwargs["driftspeed"] else: driftspeed = 1.0 if which_prior == "ioup1": return prior.IOUP(1, ivp.dimension, driftspeed, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ioup2": return prior.IOUP(2, ivp.dimension, driftspeed, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ioup3": return prior.IOUP(3, ivp.dimension, driftspeed, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "ioup4": return prior.IOUP(4, ivp.dimension, driftspeed, diffconst, precond_step) else: raise RuntimeError("It should have been impossible to reach this point.") def _string2matern(ivp, which_prior, precond_step, **kwargs): if "diffconst" in kwargs.keys(): diffconst = kwargs["diffconst"] else: diffconst = 1.0 if "lengthscale" in kwargs.keys(): lengthscale = kwargs["lengthscale"] else: lengthscale = 1.0 if which_prior == "matern32": return prior.Matern(1, ivp.dimension, lengthscale, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "matern52": return prior.Matern(2, ivp.dimension, lengthscale, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "matern72": return prior.Matern(3, ivp.dimension, lengthscale, diffconst, precond_step) elif which_prior == "matern92": return prior.Matern(4, ivp.dimension, lengthscale, diffconst, precond_step) else: raise RuntimeError("It should have been impossible to reach this point.") def _string2filter(_ivp, _prior, _method, **kwargs): if "evlvar" in kwargs.keys(): evlvar = kwargs["evlvar"] else: evlvar = 0.0 if _method in ("ekf0", "eks0"): return ivp2filter.ivp2ekf0(_ivp, _prior, evlvar) elif _method in ("ekf1", "eks1"): return ivp2filter.ivp2ekf1(_ivp, _prior, evlvar) elif _method in ("ukf", "uks"): return ivp2filter.ivp2ukf(_ivp, _prior, evlvar) else: raise ValueError("Type of filter not supported.")