Source code for probnum.diffeq.odesolution

ODESolution object, returned by `probsolve_ivp`

Contains the discrete time and function outputs.
Provides dense output by being callable.
Can function values can also be accessed by indexing.
import numpy as np

from probnum import utils
from probnum._randomvariablelist import _RandomVariableList
from probnum.filtsmooth import KalmanPosterior
from probnum.filtsmooth.filtsmoothposterior import FiltSmoothPosterior
from probnum.random_variables import Normal

[docs]class ODESolution(FiltSmoothPosterior): """ Gaussian IVP filtering solution of an ODE problem Parameters ---------- times : `array_like` Times of the discrete-time solution. rvs : :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable` Estimated states (in the state-space model view) of the discrete-time solution. solver : :obj:`GaussianIVPFilter` Solver used to compute the discrete-time solution. See Also -------- GaussianIVPFilter : ODE solver that behaves like a Gaussian filter. KalmanPosterior : Posterior over states after Gaussian filtering/smoothing. Examples -------- >>> from probnum.diffeq import logistic, probsolve_ivp >>> from probnum import random_variables as rvs >>> initrv = rvs.Dirac(0.15) >>> ivp = logistic(timespan=[0., 1.5], initrv=initrv, params=(4, 1)) >>> solution = probsolve_ivp(ivp, method="ekf0", step=0.1) >>> # Mean of the discrete-time solution >>> print(solution.y.mean) [[0.15 ] [0.2076198 ] [0.27932997] [0.3649165 ] [0.46054129] [0.55945475] [0.65374523] [0.73686744] [0.8053776 ] [0.85895587] [0.89928283] [0.92882899] [0.95007559] [0.96515825] [0.97577054] [0.9831919 ]] >>> # Times of the discrete-time solution >>> print(solution.t) [0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5] >>> # Individual entries of the discrete-time solution can be accessed with >>> print(solution[5]) <(1,) Normal with dtype=float64> >>> print(solution[5].mean) [0.55945475] >>> # Evaluate the continuous-time solution at a new time point t=0.65 >>> print(solution(0.65).mean) [0.69875089] """ def __init__(self, times, rvs, solver): # try-except is a hotfix for now: # future PR is to move KalmanPosterior-info out of here, into GaussianIVPFilter try: self._kalman_posterior = KalmanPosterior( times, rvs, solver.gfilt, solver.with_smoothing ) self._t = None self._y = None except AttributeError: self._kalman_posterior = None self._t = times self._y = _RandomVariableList(rvs) self._solver = solver def _proj_normal_rv(self, rv, coord): """Projection of a normal RV, e.g. to map 'states' to 'function values'.""" q = self._solver.prior.ordint new_mean = rv.mean[coord :: (q + 1)] new_cov = rv.cov[coord :: (q + 1), coord :: (q + 1)] return Normal(new_mean, new_cov) @property def t(self): """:obj:`np.ndarray`: Times of the discrete-time solution""" if self._t: # hotfix return self._t else: return self._kalman_posterior.locations @property def y(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Probabilistic discrete-time solution Probabilistic discrete-time solution at times :math:`t_1, ..., t_N`, as a list of random variables. To return means and covariances use ``y.mean`` and ``y.cov``. """ if self._y: # hotfix return self._y else: function_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) for rv in self._state_rvs] return _RandomVariableList(function_rvs) @property def dy(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Derivatives of the discrete-time solution """ dy_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 1) for rv in self._state_rvs] return _RandomVariableList(dy_rvs) @property def _state_rvs(self): """ :obj:`list` of :obj:`RandomVariable`: Time-discrete posterior estimates over states, without preconditioning. Note that this does not correspond to ``self._kalman_posterior.state_rvs``: Here we undo the preconditioning to make the "states" interpretable. """ state_rvs = _RandomVariableList( [self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) for rv in self._kalman_posterior] ) return state_rvs
[docs] def __call__(self, t): """ Evaluate the time-continuous solution at time t. `KalmanPosterior.__call__` does the main algorithmic work to return the posterior for a given location. All that is left to do here is to (1) undo the preconditioning, and (2) to slice the state_rv in order to return only the rv for the function value. Parameters ---------- t : float Location / time at which to evaluate the continuous ODE solution. Returns ------- :obj:`RandomVariable` Probabilistic estimate of the continuous-time solution at time ``t``. """ out_rv = self._kalman_posterior(t) if np.isscalar(t): out_rv = self._solver.undo_preconditioning(out_rv) return self._proj_normal_rv(out_rv, 0) return _RandomVariableList(self._project_rv_list(out_rv))
def __len__(self): """Number of points in the discrete-time solution.""" return len(self._kalman_posterior) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Access the discrete-time solution through indexing and slicing.""" if isinstance(idx, int): rv = self._kalman_posterior[idx] rv = self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) rv = self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) return rv elif isinstance(idx, slice): rvs = self._kalman_posterior[idx] rvs = [self._solver.undo_preconditioning(rv) for rv in rvs] f_rvs = [self._proj_normal_rv(rv, 0) for rv in rvs] return _RandomVariableList(f_rvs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid index")
[docs] def sample(self, t=None, size=()): # this has its own recursion because of the tedious undoing of preconditioning.... size = utils.as_shape(size) # implement only single samples, rest via recursion if size != (): return np.array([self.sample(t=t, size=size[1:]) for _ in range(size[0])]) samples = self._kalman_posterior.sample(locations=t, size=size) return np.array(self._project_rv_list(samples))
def _project_rv_list(self, rv_list): """Undo preconditioning and project to first coordinate.""" projmat = self._solver.prior.proj2coord(coord=0) # precond-aware projection return [projmat @ rv for rv in rv_list]