Source code for probnum.quad.bayesian.bayesquadrature

Bayesian Quadrature.

This module provides routines to integrate functions through Bayesian quadrature,
meaning a model over the integrand is constructed in order to actively select evaluation
points of the integrand to estimate the value of the integral. Bayesian quadrature
methods return a random variable with a distribution, specifying the belief about the
true value of the integral.

from probnum.quad.quadrature import Quadrature

[docs]def bayesquad(fun, fun0, bounds, nevals=None, type="vanilla", **kwargs): """ One-dimensional Bayesian quadrature. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to be integrated. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling the function to be integrated. bounds : ndarray, shape=(2,) Lower and upper limit of integration. nevals : int Number of function evaluations. type : str Type of Bayesian quadrature to use. The available options are ==================== =========== vanilla ``vanilla`` WSABI ``wsabi`` ==================== =========== kwargs : optional Keyword arguments passed on. Returns ------- F : RandomVariable The integral of ``func`` from ``a`` to ``b``. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling the function to be integrated after ``neval`` observations. info : dict Information on the performance of the method. References ---------- See Also -------- nbayesquad : N-dimensional Bayesian quadrature. """ # Choose Method bqmethod = None if type == "vanilla": bqmethod = VanillaBayesianQuadrature() elif type == "wsabi": bqmethod = WSABIBayesianQuadrature() # Integrate F, fun0, info = bqmethod.integrate( fun=fun, fun0=fun0, nevals=nevals, domain=bounds, **kwargs ) return F, fun0, info
[docs]def nbayesquad(fun, fun0, domain, nevals=None, type=None, **kwargs): """ N-dimensional Bayesian quadrature. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to be integrated. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling the function to be integrated. domain : ndarray Domain of integration. nevals : int Number of function evaluations. type : str Type of Bayesian quadrature to use. The available options are ==================== =========== vanilla ``vanilla`` WASABI ``wasabi`` ==================== =========== kwargs : optional Keyword arguments passed on. Returns ------- F : RandomVariable The integral of ``func`` on the domain. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling the function to be integrated after ``neval`` observations. info : dict Information on the performance of the method. References ---------- See Also -------- bayesquad : 1-dimensional Bayesian quadrature. """ raise NotImplementedError
class BayesianQuadrature(Quadrature): """ An abstract base class for Bayesian quadrature methods. This class is designed to be subclassed by implementations of Bayesian quadrature with an :meth:`integrate` method. """
[docs] def integrate(self, fun, fun0, domain, nevals, **kwargs): """ Integrate the function ``fun``. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to be integrated. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling function to be integrated. domain : ndarray, shape=() Domain to integrate over. nevals : int Number of function evaluations. kwargs Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class VanillaBayesianQuadrature(BayesianQuadrature): """ Vanilla Bayesian quadrature in 1D. """
[docs] def integrate(self, fun, fun0, domain, nevals, **kwargs): """ Integrate the function ``fun``. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to be integrated. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling function to be integrated. domain : ndarray, shape=() Domain to integrate over. nevals : int Number of function evaluations. Returns ------- """ # Initialization F = None # Iteration for _ in range(nevals): # Predictive Distribution # fun_pred = None # Observation # Update Distribution self.fun0 = None # Information on result info = {"model_fit_diagnostic": None} return F, self.fun0, info
[docs]class WSABIBayesianQuadrature(BayesianQuadrature): """ Warped Sequential Active Bayesian Integration (WSABI). """
[docs] def integrate(self, fun, fun0, domain, nevals, **kwargs): """ Integrate the function ``fun``. Parameters ---------- fun : function Function to be integrated. fun0 : RandomProcess Stochastic process modelling function to be integrated. domain : ndarray, shape=() Domain to integrate over. nevals : int Number of function evaluations. Returns ------- """ raise NotImplementedError