- class probnum.linalg.solvers.beliefs.LinearSystemBelief(x=None, Ainv=None, A=None, b=None, hyperparams=None)¶
Belief about quantities of interest of a linear system.
Random variables \((\mathsf{x}, \mathsf{A}, \mathsf{H}, \mathsf{b})\) modelling the solution \(x\), the system matrix \(A\), its (pseudo-)inverse \(H=A^{\dagger}\) and the right hand side \(b\) of a linear system \(Ax=b\), as well as any associated hyperparameters.
For instantiation either a belief about the solution or the inverse and right hand side must be provided. Note that if both are specified, their consistency is not checked and depending on the algorithm either may be used.
- Parameters
x (Optional[RandomVariable]) – Belief about the solution.
Ainv (Optional[RandomVariable]) – Belief about the (pseudo-)inverse of the system matrix.
A (Optional[RandomVariable]) – Belief about the system matrix.
b (Optional[RandomVariable]) – Belief about the right hand side.
hyperparams (Optional[Mapping[str, RandomVariable]]) – Hyperparameters of the belief.
Attributes Summary
Belief about the system matrix.
Belief about the (pseudo-)inverse of the system matrix.
Belief about the right hand side.
Belief about the solution.
Methods Summary
(key)Hyperparameter of the linear system belief.
Attributes Documentation
- A¶
Belief about the system matrix.
- Ainv¶
Belief about the (pseudo-)inverse of the system matrix.
- b¶
Belief about the right hand side.
- x¶
Belief about the solution.
Methods Documentation